При попытке скомпилировать scene-rendering в VS2013:
1>------ Build started: Project: windows, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1> appevironment.cpp
1> application.cpp
1> backgroundthread.cpp
1> events.cpp
1> invocation.cpp
1> pathresolver.cpp
1> runloop.cpp
1> camera.cpp
1> frustum.cpp
1> collision.cpp
1> base64.cpp
1> conversion.cpp
1> dictionary.cpp
1> et.cpp
1> memoryallocator.cpp
1> objectscache.cpp
1> stream.cpp
1> tools.cpp
1> transformable.cpp
1> geometry.cpp
1> Compiling...
1> rectplacer.cpp
1> terrain.cpp
1> terraindata.cpp
1> ddsloader.cpp
1> hdrloader.cpp
1> imageoperations.cpp
1> imagewriter.cpp
1> jpegloader.cpp
1> pngloader.cpp
1> pvrdecompressor.cpp
1> pvrloader.cpp
1> textureloader.cpp
1> tgaloader.cpp
1> gestures.cpp
1> input.cpp
1> json.cpp
1> locale.cpp
1> fbxloader.cpp
1> Define ET_HAVE_FBX_SDK to compile FBXLoader
1> objLoader.cpp
1> capabilities.cpp
1> Compiling...
1> framebuffer.cpp
1> indexbuffer.cpp
1> opengl.cpp
1> program.cpp
1> programfactory.cpp
1> renderer.cpp
1> renderstate.cpp
1> texture.cpp
1> vertexarrayobject.cpp
1> vertexbuffer.cpp
1> application.win.cpp
1> atomiccounter.win.cpp
1> criticalsection.win.cpp
1> input.win.cpp
1> locale.win.cpp
1> location.win.cpp
1> log.win.cpp
1> memory.win.cpp
1> mutex.win.cpp
1> opengl.win.cpp
1> Compiling...
1> orientation.win.cpp
1> platformtools.win.cpp
1> rendercontext.win-opengl.cpp
1> thread.win.cpp
1> threading.win.cpp
1> tools.win.cpp
1> primitives.cpp
1> framebufferfactory.cpp
1> rendercontext.cpp
1> rendering.cpp
1> texturefactory.cpp
1> textureloadingthread.cpp
1> vertexbufferfactory.cpp
1> animation.cpp
1> baseelement.cpp
1> cameraelement.cpp
1> lightelement.cpp
1> material.cpp
1> mesh.cpp
1> particlesystem.cpp
1> Compiling...
1> scene3d.cpp
1> serialization.cpp
1> storage.cpp
1> supportmesh.cpp
1> taskpool.cpp
1> notifytimer.cpp
1> sequence.cpp
1> timedobject.cpp
1> timerpool.cpp
1> indexarray.cpp
1> vertexarray.cpp
1> vertexdatachunk.cpp
1> vertexdeclaration.cpp
1> main.cpp
1> MainController.cpp
1> DemoCameraController.cpp
1> DemoSceneLoader.cpp
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(38): error C2660: 'et::s3d::BaseElement::deserialize' : function does not take 4 arguments
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C3083: 'Scene3dStorage': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2039: 'Pointer' : is not a member of 'et::s3d'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2065: 'Pointer' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'storage'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ':'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before ':'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(49): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(50): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(50): error C2227: left of '->vertexArrays' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(52): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(52): error C2227: left of '->decl' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(54): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(54): error C2228: left of '.has' must have class/struct/union
1> type is 'int'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(56): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(56): error C2228: left of '.push_back' must have class/struct/union
1> type is 'int'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C2227: left of '->size' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(60): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(60): error C2227: left of '->chunks' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2227: left of '->copyTo' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2227: left of '->usage' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2228: left of '.reference' must have class/struct/union
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(63): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(63): error C2227: left of '->indexArray' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2227: left of '->indexArray' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2227: left of '->primitivesCount' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2661: 'et::primitives::calculateTangents' : no overloaded function takes 2 arguments
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(68): error C2039: 'vaoWithIdentifiers' : is not a member of 'et::s3d::Scene'
1> D:\aGIT\GameEngines\et-engine\include\et/scene3d/scene3d.h(24) : see declaration of 'et::s3d::Scene'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(70): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(70): error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union
1> type is 'int'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(72): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2227: left of '->setVertexBuffer' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'int'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2227: left of '->name' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(77): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(77): error C2228: left of '.reset' must have class/struct/union
1> type is 'unknown-type'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(100): error C2039: 'StorageFormat_HumanReadableMaterials' : is not a member of 'et::s3d'
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(100): error C2065: 'StorageFormat_HumanReadableMaterials' : undeclared identifier
1> DemoSceneRenderer.cpp
1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneRenderer.cpp(194): error C2039: 'aabb' : is not a member of 'et::s3d::SupportMesh'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
При попытке скомпилировать scene-rendering в VS2013: 1>------ Build started: Project: windows, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> appevironment.cpp 1> application.cpp 1> backgroundthread.cpp 1> events.cpp 1> invocation.cpp 1> pathresolver.cpp 1> runloop.cpp 1> camera.cpp 1> frustum.cpp 1> collision.cpp 1> base64.cpp 1> conversion.cpp 1> dictionary.cpp 1> et.cpp 1> memoryallocator.cpp 1> objectscache.cpp 1> stream.cpp 1> tools.cpp 1> transformable.cpp 1> geometry.cpp 1> Compiling... 1> rectplacer.cpp 1> terrain.cpp 1> terraindata.cpp 1> ddsloader.cpp 1> hdrloader.cpp 1> imageoperations.cpp 1> imagewriter.cpp 1> jpegloader.cpp 1> pngloader.cpp 1> pvrdecompressor.cpp 1> pvrloader.cpp 1> textureloader.cpp 1> tgaloader.cpp 1> gestures.cpp 1> input.cpp 1> json.cpp 1> locale.cpp 1> fbxloader.cpp 1> Define ET_HAVE_FBX_SDK to compile FBXLoader 1> objLoader.cpp 1> capabilities.cpp 1> Compiling... 1> framebuffer.cpp 1> indexbuffer.cpp 1> opengl.cpp 1> program.cpp 1> programfactory.cpp 1> renderer.cpp 1> renderstate.cpp 1> texture.cpp 1> vertexarrayobject.cpp 1> vertexbuffer.cpp 1> application.win.cpp 1> atomiccounter.win.cpp 1> criticalsection.win.cpp 1> input.win.cpp 1> locale.win.cpp 1> location.win.cpp 1> log.win.cpp 1> memory.win.cpp 1> mutex.win.cpp 1> opengl.win.cpp 1> Compiling... 1> orientation.win.cpp 1> platformtools.win.cpp 1> rendercontext.win-opengl.cpp 1> thread.win.cpp 1> threading.win.cpp 1> tools.win.cpp 1> primitives.cpp 1> framebufferfactory.cpp 1> rendercontext.cpp 1> rendering.cpp 1> texturefactory.cpp 1> textureloadingthread.cpp 1> vertexbufferfactory.cpp 1> animation.cpp 1> baseelement.cpp 1> cameraelement.cpp 1> lightelement.cpp 1> material.cpp 1> mesh.cpp 1> particlesystem.cpp 1> Compiling... 1> scene3d.cpp 1> serialization.cpp 1> storage.cpp 1> supportmesh.cpp 1> taskpool.cpp 1> notifytimer.cpp 1> sequence.cpp 1> timedobject.cpp 1> timerpool.cpp 1> indexarray.cpp 1> vertexarray.cpp 1> vertexdatachunk.cpp 1> vertexdeclaration.cpp 1> main.cpp 1> MainController.cpp 1> DemoCameraController.cpp 1> DemoSceneLoader.cpp 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(38): error C2660: 'et::s3d::BaseElement::deserialize' : function does not take 4 arguments 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C3083: 'Scene3dStorage': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2039: 'Pointer' : is not a member of 'et::s3d' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2065: 'Pointer' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'storage' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before ':' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before ':' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(48): error C2059: syntax error : ')' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(49): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(50): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(50): error C2227: left of '->vertexArrays' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(52): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(52): error C2227: left of '->decl' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(54): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(54): error C2228: left of '.has' must have class/struct/union 1> type is 'int' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(56): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(56): error C2228: left of '.push_back' must have class/struct/union 1> type is 'int' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C3536: 'decl': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(58): error C2227: left of '->size' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(60): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(60): error C2227: left of '->chunks' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2227: left of '->copyTo' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2227: left of '->usage' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(61): error C2228: left of '.reference' must have class/struct/union 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(63): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(63): error C2227: left of '->indexArray' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2065: 'storage' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2227: left of '->indexArray' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2227: left of '->primitivesCount' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(64): error C2661: 'et::primitives::calculateTangents' : no overloaded function takes 2 arguments 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(68): error C2039: 'vaoWithIdentifiers' : is not a member of 'et::s3d::Scene' 1> D:\aGIT\GameEngines\et-engine\include\et/scene3d/scene3d.h(24) : see declaration of 'et::s3d::Scene' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(70): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(70): error C2228: left of '.valid' must have class/struct/union 1> type is 'int' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(72): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C3536: 'vao': cannot be used before it is initialized 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2227: left of '->setVertexBuffer' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'int' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(73): error C2227: left of '->name' must point to class/struct/union/generic type 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(77): error C2065: 'va' : undeclared identifier 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(77): error C2228: left of '.reset' must have class/struct/union 1> type is 'unknown-type' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(100): error C2039: 'StorageFormat_HumanReadableMaterials' : is not a member of 'et::s3d' 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneLoader.cpp(100): error C2065: 'StorageFormat_HumanReadableMaterials' : undeclared identifier 1> DemoSceneRenderer.cpp 1>..\source\renderer\DemoSceneRenderer.cpp(194): error C2039: 'aabb' : is not a member of 'et::s3d::SupportMesh' ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Time Elapsed 00:01:12.81