serhiyivanochko / nshs10-101

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3. Create feature for mario (emotions) #4

Open serhiyivanochko opened 4 years ago

NV2240 commented 3 years ago

from tkinter import Tk, Canvas import random


WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 600 SEG_SIZE = 20 IN_GAME = True

Helper functions

def create_block(): """ Creates an apple to be eaten """ global BLOCK posx = SEG_SIZE random.randint(1, (WIDTH-SEG_SIZE) / SEG_SIZE) posy = SEG_SIZE random.randint(1, (HEIGHT-SEG_SIZE) / SEG_SIZE) BLOCK = c.create_oval(posx, posy, posx+SEG_SIZE, posy+SEG_SIZE, fill="red")

def main(): """ Handles game process """ global IN_GAME if IN_GAME: s.move() head_coords = c.coords(s.segments[-1].instance) x1, y1, x2, y2 = head_coords

Check for collision with gamefield edges

    if x2 > WIDTH or x1 < 0 or y1 < 0 or y2 > HEIGHT:
        IN_GAME = False
    # Eating apples
    elif head_coords == c.coords(BLOCK):
    # Self-eating
        for index in range(len(s.segments)-1):
            if head_coords == c.coords(s.segments[index].instance):
                IN_GAME = False
    root.after(100, main)
# Not IN_GAME -> stop game and print message
    set_state(restart_text, 'normal')
    set_state(game_over_text, 'normal')

class Segment(object): """ Single snake segment """ def init(self, x, y): self.instance = c.create_rectangle(x, y, x+SEG_SIZE, y+SEG_SIZE, fill="white")

class Snake(object): """ Simple Snake class """ def init(self, segments): self.segments = segments

possible moves

    self.mapping = {"Down": (0, 1), "Right": (1, 0),
                    "Up": (0, -1), "Left": (-1, 0)}
    # initial movement direction
    self.vector = self.mapping["Right"]

def move(self):
    """ Moves the snake with the specified vector"""
    for index in range(len(self.segments)-1):
        segment = self.segments[index].instance
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = c.coords(self.segments[index+1].instance)
        c.coords(segment, x1, y1, x2, y2)

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = c.coords(self.segments[-2].instance)
             x1+self.vector[0]*SEG_SIZE, y1+self.vector[1]*SEG_SIZE,
             x2+self.vector[0]*SEG_SIZE, y2+self.vector[1]*SEG_SIZE)

def add_segment(self):
    """ Adds segment to the snake """
    last_seg = c.coords(self.segments[0].instance)
    x = last_seg[2] - SEG_SIZE
    y = last_seg[3] - SEG_SIZE
    self.segments.insert(0, Segment(x, y))

def change_direction(self, event):
    """ Changes direction of snake """
    if event.keysym in self.mapping:
        self.vector = self.mapping[event.keysym]

def reset_snake(self):
    for segment in self.segments:

def set_state(item, state): c.itemconfigure(item, state=state)

def clicked(event): global IN_GAME s.reset_snake() IN_GAME = True c.delete(BLOCK) c.itemconfigure(restart_text, state='hidden') c.itemconfigure(game_over_text, state='hidden') start_game()

def start_game(): global s create_block() s = create_snake()

Reaction on keypress

c.bind("<KeyPress>", s.change_direction)

def create_snake():

creating segments and snake

segments = [Segment(SEG_SIZE, SEG_SIZE),
            Segment(SEG_SIZE*2, SEG_SIZE),
            Segment(SEG_SIZE*3, SEG_SIZE)]
return Snake(segments)

Setting up window

root = Tk() root.title("PythonicWay Snake")

c = Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg="#003300") c.grid()

catch keypressing

c.focus_set() game_over_text = c.create_text(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, text="GAME OVER!", font='Arial 20', fill='red', state='hidden') restart_text = c.create_text(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT-HEIGHT/3, font='Arial 30', fill='white', text="Click here to restart", state='hidden') c.tag_bind(restart_text, "", clicked) start_game() root.mainloop()