I have issue right now when I write data to cosmos DB using serilog, the timestamp is saved in UTC format "Timestamp": "2022-03-22 01:47:39.102+00:00",. Cosmos DB recommended ISO 8601 UTC standard using this string format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ.
Hi guys,
I have issue right now when I write data to cosmos DB using serilog, the timestamp is saved in UTC format "Timestamp": "2022-03-22 01:47:39.102+00:00",. Cosmos DB recommended ISO 8601 UTC standard using this string format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ.
I wrote question in stackoverflow for more descriptive info and configuration: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71580138/serilog-to-cosmos-db-not-saving-timestamp-to-iso-8601-utc-standard
Hope to hear from you on this issue.
kudos to everyone in here!