serilog-contrib / SerilogSinksInMemory

In-memory sink for Serilog to use for testing
MIT License
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Make InMemorySink disposable to clear log events #4

Closed sandermvanvliet closed 4 years ago

sandermvanvliet commented 4 years ago

This PR addresses issue #3 to allow disposing the logger to clear out all the log events that were previously sent to the sink.

Depending on your test framework and test setup this feature may come in handy when you want to reset the log events.

Consider for example MSTest:

public class WhenDemonstratingDisposableFeature
    private Logger _logger;

    public void Initialize()

        _logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

    public void GivenAFoo_BarIsBlah()


    public void GivenABar_BazIsQuux()


this approach ensures that the GivenABar_BazIsQuux does not see any messages logged in a previous test.