Using Azure Application Insights we have a feature called User Flows.
This one uses event Name combined with Session_id from Event root and nothing from custom properties. Name is overridden with MessageTemplate and renderes the whole Azure feature useless. This is a shame.
Do not confuse with Operation_name - this is a different property and not the one used in User Flows.
Supposedly overriding ForwardPropertiesToTelemetryProperties and set includeMessageTemplate to false could/should/would/hopefully do this, but thats just me hoping. Template is still inserted in EventName.
A way to control what is written to Name would be greatly appreciated, so I wont have to build my own User Flow application; especially because Microsoft already did this for me :)
Using Azure Application Insights we have a feature called User Flows. This one uses event Name combined with Session_id from Event root and nothing from custom properties. Name is overridden with MessageTemplate and renderes the whole Azure feature useless. This is a shame. Do not confuse with Operation_name - this is a different property and not the one used in User Flows.
Supposedly overriding ForwardPropertiesToTelemetryProperties and set includeMessageTemplate to false could/should/would/hopefully do this, but thats just me hoping. Template is still inserted in EventName.
A way to control what is written to Name would be greatly appreciated, so I wont have to build my own User Flow application; especially because Microsoft already did this for me :)
Existing functionality is documented here: