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Serilog integration for ASP.NET Core
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How to remove ActionId and ActionName from log messages in core controllers (removes noise/bloat) #354

Closed kjpgit closed 7 months ago

kjpgit commented 7 months ago

I only want ActionName logged once, in the request logging middleware. Not in 10 other log messages that are generated if I turn on tracing for SQL commands.

I found a good blog post on how to add it to the request logging middleware.

But I couldn't find how to remove it from all the other messages, so I wanted to share this solution. Not sure if it is the ideal solution, but it does work, in .Net 8 final. Feel free to add it to the docs, or just leave this ticket for web searchers to find.

Ideally would just stop injecting these.

    // Remove ASP injected log properties that are either completely useless,
    // or should only be logged once, in the request completion message.
    // Usage: .Enrich.With(new RemoveMVCPropertiesEnricher())
    public class RemoveMVCPropertiesEnricher : ILogEventEnricher
        public void Enrich(LogEvent le, ILogEventPropertyFactory lepf)
            string? sourceContext = GetPropertyStringValue(le, "SourceContext");
            if (sourceContext != "Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware") {
            le.RemovePropertyIfPresent("ConnectionId"); // Is already part of RequestId

        private string? GetPropertyStringValue(LogEvent le, string propertyName) {
            object? val = GetPropertyScalarValue(le, propertyName);
            if (val is string s) {
                return s;
            return null;

        private object? GetPropertyScalarValue(LogEvent le, string propertyName) {
            LogEventPropertyValue? val;
            if (le.Properties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out val)) {
                if (val is ScalarValue scalar) {
                    return scalar.Value;
            return null;
nblumhardt commented 7 months ago

Thanks @kjpgit 👍