serkri / SmartEVSE-3

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
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Master/Slave WebUI modifications #152

Closed jaroslawp closed 1 year ago

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

This PR makes webui changes for master/slave(s) setups:

in a master/slave(s) setup charging mode / amperage / etc modifications should be done only on master which propagates changes to slave(s) via modbus: current web interface allows to perform changes also on slaves .. which results in non-working and/or inconsistent setup of the system (communication errors/slave not charging connected EV .. etc)

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Interesting PR, looks good!

But wouldn't it be a better idea to shut off the webserver on the slave devices? I can imagine the /update endpoint makes sense for updating the software, and the telnet debugging might make sense, but all other stuff doesn't? Why would you look at the webserver of the slave device anyways?

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

Yes /update is definitely needed but also the / and /settings endpoints are still quite useful: these allow to visually (or in home assistant integration) to check the status of the slave (car connected / charging stopped / waiting for solar .. etc). Master does not report slave status, so no other practical way of accessing this information other than looking at the display. [ On the other hand disabling part of the writeable /settings api on slave would make sense I think, but in order to do so it would be probably better to first have a method allowing to change the master/slave mode remotely ? ]

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

I make it a point to have installation dependent parameters only modifiable at the LCD display; like MaxMains, MaxCircuit etc. So the SmartEVSE that is the Master, and which ones are the Slaves belongs to that IMHO. I can see no reason to swap Master and Slave dynamically?

Agree on keeping /settings, although a lot of them would be irrelevant...

From the webserver EVSE window I only see "Connected" and "State" as useful info. I think "OverrideCurrent" would not be valid for a Slave, perhaps StartTime/StopTime/Repeat although this should be tested on a slave...

Am I missing something?

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

For "dynamically" read "remotely" .

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

Fair enough, then in that case master/slave mode switch indeed shall be treated the same. No , no real reason to swap master/slaves remotely (except for some testing when I'm not in the garage .. but that is not really relevant)

I think displaying on the slave the current charging mode - even if disabled is still useful , the contactor 2 status too ? 'current details' and 'phase details' are showing same as on master. This is how it look with this MR now: Slave (the Current dropdown is also deactivated but this does not show in firefox): slave-smart-nocharging Master: master-smart-charging

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Ok could you please adapt your PR so that it still exports loadbl to the REST API, and if loadbl >=2 then the webserver will only show a) the EVSE box, with data: Mode Load Balance Connected State Temp StartTime StopTime Repeat (Contactor2 setting is not allowed when loadbalance is enabled).

b) the Control box , with Actions reboot/update/raw data.

I think that is what we agree on, right?

djoenez commented 1 year ago

This looks promising! I do have a question: Does it have the function to switch off one or the other? For instance:

We have 2 electric cars which are both completely drained and both hooked up to their EVSEs. The car on EVSE2 needs charging for the next day, so I would like to set SMART on and disable EVSE1 (so that EVSE1 can charge the next day on sun power).

Is above function possible? Or is it with this PR that both EVSES will be in the same mode, so that both cars are charging (which results in lower charge rate, since i'm fuse limited).

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

All EVSE's are always in the same mode (Normal, Smart, Solar), but I think it is possible to put a EVSE "OFF" (=access denied) while the other is charging.

You would have to test this yourself!

djoenez commented 1 year ago

Will do! Thanks for your reply, i'll see what i can make in HA to do some "smart" selecting.

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

@jaroslawp This would mean we need an on/off button in the webinterface of the slave...

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

Let me check this - it should work (I can switch master to normal/off while slave stays what master told it to be - solar/smart .. but not sure if this really works as expected for charging .. need to test that - and other way around too)

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

Ok could you please adapt your PR so that it still exports loadbl to the REST API, and if loadbl >=2 then the webserver will [...]

Sure, will have a look at this, additional question: conntactor 2 should be visible on master or there too it cannot be used in master/slave config ?

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

No, Contactor2 cannot be used when loadbl != 0 (so master/slave config)

jaroslawp commented 1 year ago

OK, so here is an updated version (please dont mind commented out lines in index.html .. to be removed before finalizing) master: Screenshot from 2023-06-21 07-20-46 slave: Screenshot from 2023-06-21 07-20-53