serkri / SmartEVSE-3

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
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Enable to put system in OFF mode or otherwise force disconnect from buttons on front panel #179

Closed Ivesvdf closed 12 months ago

Ivesvdf commented 1 year ago

In SERKRI-1.7.0 it seems impossible to force ongoing charging to stop using the front-panel SmartEVSE integrated buttons. Previously I think it was possible to set the mode to OFF which would force a disconnect however now changing mode to OFF while connected and charging does not seem possible. In my setup only NORMAL mode can be selected in the menu while charging.

This would be useful when wifi isn't working and if a disconnect switch has not been fitted. Currently in this scenario you have to rely on the vehicle to disconnect.

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

I am unaware of this "feature" (bug?).

How in the past did you interrupt charging with the LCD screen/buttons? What version firmware did you use? Do you have RFID reader and/or switches installed?

Ivesvdf commented 1 year ago

I don't have an RFID reader or button installed.

Looking into it more I guess it was never possible to do this cleanly - I think I probably changed the mode to SOLAR which causes a fault because I don't have a mainsmeter which in turn stops charging. So definitely not ideal.

Perhaps I should phrase it as a feature request more than a bug in that case. For example. while in non-settings mode the rightmost button or leftmost could be used identical to how the SmartEVSE Power toggle in the Home Assistant add-in functions (ie switch between off and normal if no mainsmeter). Probably also with a 2 second delay like for opening the menu.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a useful feature to have. E.g. toggle access by long-pressing a certain button or both arrow buttons at the same time.

EDIT: I thought "let's wing this in, hold my coffee!" but it was a bit more complicated than that.. :)

dingo35 commented 12 months ago Please test:

Improved starting/stopping through the LCD screen

Ivesvdf commented 12 months ago

Looks great, I have today off so I was able to test "09:48:35 Jul 27 2023" pretty much immediately.

So yeah no remarks at all, looks good!

dingo35 commented 12 months ago

Commit 4ac5bfb7