serkri / SmartEVSE-3

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
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add basic MQTT read and write support, add /evmeter endpoint to API #69

Closed arpiecodes closed 1 year ago

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Hello there!

An electric car is almost delivered to my doorstep, so I thought I'd share some of my hacked additions* to your code.

Note that I am by no means a C++ developer, so please forgive my code standards. It 'works on my machine' and that is about all the guarantees you will get, but I guess it is good enough to share so others could possibly improve on it and I can learn. :-)

Here is a screenshot of the values published into MQTT and the available things to set from MQTT;

Screenshot 2022-10-09 at 21 10 40

As you can see, you can also publish/set some of the values. The values accepted are the same values as published on the MQTT topics (Yes/No, Allow/Deny, Smart/Normal/Solar, etc). The MainsMeter and EVMeter Set topics are a bit special. For MainsMeter all phase currents (don't forget to multiply these by 10) should be sent in one message with a : as delimiter, like phase1:phase2:phase3. For EVMeter all phase currents, total live power consumed (in watts) and total energy consumed (in wh) should be sent in one message with a : as delimiter, like phase1:phase2:phase3:power:wh.

All of the MQTT topics are published on a ~5 second interval.

I also added a check for value timeout when using MainsMeter API (very much like the modbus logic does). It should trigger a NO COMM error if the value has not been updated for 10 seconds straight. This should prevent overload situations to occur when API suddenly stops receiving values.

I also enabled 3-phase contactor to enable in Smart mode as the load balancing logic should deal with this already.

Last but not least I've added a new setting in the menu that allows you to set the default access upon a fresh start of SmartEVSE. In my case, I do not have a physical switch attached to the EVSE but I control everything from Home Assistant. I only want charging to be allowed when Home Assistant thinks this should be the case. Another example; if SmartEVSE reboots, I do not want to allow charging as a default but rather deny it. I know I could have just pretended I had a switch, but I think this solution is more elegant with the new API ways of control.

Let me know your feedback/comments and I will see what I can do to improve further.

New Swagger schema that incorporates the changes and elaborates on the MQTT settings;

openapi: 3.0.3
  title: Smart-EVSE V3A - Custom Firmware
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: 'http://localhost'
    description: 'Example Server'
      operationId: getSettings
        - Operations
          description: Operation OK
                type: object
                    description: |-
                      <b>0_OFF <br />
                      <b>1_NORMAL <br />
                      <b>2_SOLAR <br />
                    type: string
                    example: "2_SOLAR"
                    type: integer
                    type: integer
                    minimum: 0
                    maximum: 1
                    type: integer
                    type: object
                        type: boolean
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: string
                        type: integer
                        type: string
                        type: integer
                    type: object
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: boolean
                        type: string
                    type: object
                        type: string
                        enum: ["Not Configured", "Disconnected", "Connected"]
                    type: object
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        example: 1647798299
                    type: object
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: integer
                        type: object
                            type: integer
                            type: integer
                            type: integer
                            type: integer
      operationId: updateSettings
        - Operations
        - in: query
          name: backlight
          description: |-
           Turns backlight on (1) or off (0)
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: mode
          description: |-
            Only following values are permitted: <br />
              <b>0</b>: OFF <br />
              <b>1</b>: NORMAL <br />
              <b>2</b>: SOLAR <br />
              <b>3</b>: SMART
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: stop_timer
          description: |-
            Set the stop timer to be used when there isn't sufficient solar power. Value must be >=0 and <= 60. Using 0 will disable the stop timer.
          required: false
          allowEmptyValue: true
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: disable_override_current
          description: |-
            If this parameter is passed the override current will be reset (value doesn't matter)
          required: false
          allowEmptyValue: true
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: override_current
          description: |-
            Works only when using <b>NORMAL</b> mode <br />
            Desired current multiplied by 10 <br />
            <br />
            Examples: <br />
            If the desired current is <b>8.3A</b> the value to be send is <b>83</b> <br />
            If the desired current is <b>6A</b> the value to be send is <b>60</b>
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: enable_3phases
          description: |-
            Enables 3 phase mode by controlling a 2nd contactor (C2 port) <br /> <br />
            Note 1: The 2nd contactor will only be turned <b>ON</b> when using the <b>NORMAL</b> mode and when state chages to 2 (Charging) <br />
            Note 2: This is just changing the config setting, the contactor will not be controlled immedialty but only when there is a state change. <br />
            <br />
            If car is charging and you want to change from 1F to 3F:  <br />
            - Change mode to OFF <br />
            - Enable 3 phases <br />
            - Change mode to NORMAL <br />
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: mqtt_broker_ip
          description: |-
            Sets the MQTT broker IP address to use (only IPv4 for now)
            Use an empty value to unconfigure/disable MQTT client
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: mqtt_broker_port
          description: |-
            Sets the MQTT broker port to use
            Use an empty value to reset t the default of 1883
          required: false
          example: 1883
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: mqtt_user
          description: |-
            Sets the MQTT broker username
            Use an empty value to not use authentication
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: mqtt_password
          description: |-
            Sets the MQTT broker password
            Use an empty value to not use authentication
          required: false
            type: string
        - in: query
          name: mqtt_topic_prefix
          description: |-
            Sets the MQTT topic prefix to use for subscribing and publishing
            Use an empty value to reset to the default, which is the AP hostname
          required: false
            type: string
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Nullable'
          description: Operation OK
                type: object
                    type: string
      operationId: updateCurrentsData
        - Operations
        - in: query
          name: battery_current
          description: |-
            Actual home battery current multiplied by 10 <br />
            A <b>positive</b> number means the home battery is <b>charging</b> <br />
            A <b>negative</b> number means the home battery is<b> discharging</b> <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: L1
          description: |-
            Note: Only works when MainsMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2 and L3 must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: L2
          description: |-
            Note: Only works when MainsMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2 and L3 must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: L3
          description: |-
            Note: Only works when MainsMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2 and L3 must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Nullable'
          description: Operation OK
                type: object
                    type: string
      operationId: updateEvMeterData
        - Operations
        - in: query
          name: L1
          description: |-
            Measured charge current on L1
            Note: Only works when EVMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2, L3, W and KWH must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: L2
          description: |-
            Measured charge current on L2
            Note: Only works when EVMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2, L3, W and KWH must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: L3
          description: |-
            Measured charge current on L3
            Note: Only works when EVMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2, L3, W and KWH must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
            Ampere must be multiplied by 10 <br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: W
          description: |-
            Measured charge power, in Watts
            Note: Only works when EVMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2, L3, W and KWH must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
          required: false
            type: integer
        - in: query
          name: WH
          description: |-
            Total WH meter value, should only increase
            Used to calculate the charged WHs for the current charge session
            Note: Only works when EVMeter == API <br />
            L1, L2, L3, W and WH must be send all together otherwise the data won't be registered.<br />
          required: false
            type: integer
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Nullable'
          description: Operation OK
                type: object
                    type: string
      operationId: rebootEvse
        - Operations
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/Nullable'
          description: Operation OK
                type: object
                    type: string
      type: object
      nullable: true
sandervandegeijn commented 1 year ago

Cool way to go! I'll try to review later (also not an C developer by any means ;) ). Switchable Home Assistant auto discovery would be cool :)

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Electric car is charging just fine with these additions to the code. No problems whatsoever and has been stable for over three days now while sending new MainsMeter and EVMeter updates from HA via MQTT to the SmartEVSE. So far so good.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Updated pull request description with latest changes.

Note that I did not take into consideration the battery current updating with the 'No Comm' error trigger once values were not updated for some time. I do not fully understand the battery logic nor the need for it if you already set the mains meter values through API, so I have not touched it.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Also added some configuration examples of how to integrate into Home Assistant. It's not complete, but with a little effort everything is possible. Setting values from automations should be very easy by using the mqtt.publish service.

For my current use case the committed config is enough.

Screenshot 2022-10-09 at 16 39 22
daninden commented 1 year ago

i like your updates.. but maybe for integration purposes it would be easier to have different functionality in different PR's? so one for mqtt support, one for charging failsafe, one for evmeter API, etc? That would probably make the small ones push through faster.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

@daninden Yeah, that's probably best moving forward. First would like to hear from the maintainers if they're even interested in merging (one or more of) these additions before I spend time on that, though.

k-janssens commented 1 year ago

It's of course great if new functionality is added! The only problem is the project as a whole lacks any testing suites so it is a bit tricky of course as it could break someone else his installation. Smaller things we can easily merge in the master branch, bigger changes it depends of course how high the risk is and how easy we can find the time to properly review/test at our site if everything is still working.

If you have a lot of stuff in your mind of adding, we could go for a separate release branch in which multiple PR's can be merged and everything can be tested in a more controlled way before we merge it with the master.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Totally agree with that regard; we have to keep it maintainable/testable. This pull has totally blown out of proportions as I simply keep on adding changes/refactoring the code in the branch this pull is connected to for my own use-cases and testing/improvements.

I aim for stability with my mqtt branch right now. Let's re-visit the changes I've made with separate pull requests as soon as I think everything looks stable.

In the meantime if anyone wants to try out the code, be my guest but do know it can also contain some unstable elements.

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arpiecodes how the stability testing going? Do you still using yours mqtt version? Are there some botlenecks? I woul love to use and help with this mqtt feature, plese contact me (contacts are in my profile) if you have time to discuss.

Thank you.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Hi @arpiecodes how the stability testing going? Do you still using yours mqtt version? Are there some botlenecks? I woul love to use and help with this mqtt feature, plese contact me (contacts are in my profile) if you have time to discuss.

Thank you.

Actually, I've been using it since october as my 'daily driver' and have had many stable charging sessions with it already. There's the occasional communications error, but it's very rare. It may also have something to do with my ported Sensorbox ESPHome firmware rather than the SmartEVSE itself.

As far as I'm concerned, the branch 'mqtt' on my fork works stable enough to use. The only problem I seem to have with the SmartEVSE in general is that the leds do not work properly. E.g. it always has the green coloured led on, even when access is denied/car is charging, etc. Not sure if you can help with that though. It also seems to happen with the original firmware on it.

I am actually contemplating forking the original SmartEVSE from @mstegen and re-writing the MQTT support into there, as I do not have a need for the REST API endpoints as long as MQTT works and I believe less is more with regards to code complexity on the controller itself. So I'm not entirely sure if the general heading of Serkri matches with that. I suppose merging it into Serkri also would mean a lot of updating/patching/checking any changes made. there, some that would possibly break things (I myself do not use) and I'm not sure if I have time for such undertaking myself. But maybe with some extra help and alignment, we could get it merged in Serkri and maybe also fix some other stuff in the meantime so we end up with one fork to rule them all.

What would you think of that plan?

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

Oh thats amazing news :-)

Basically, I own only smartevse, without the box, since my home has already smartmeter for FVE installed ( data are in HA, therfore I love idea API and more MQTT).

I would maybe suggest diferrent path. Create simple interface between evse code and "external custom network meter" -> API or MQTT. So the will be only one "code base" with same functionality web, rfid cards, buttons/leds, etc. Only diferrentiate will API/MQTT part. I think it will be beneficial to all, bugs/features in code will be fixed on one place there will be concetrated support an so on. The API and MQTT will have own files/classes to nicely diferentiate and maintain their needs. Maybe for quicker communication contact me :-)

I would love to help, Im good with programming, but I dont have many experience in C++.

@k-janssens or @dingo35 what do you think about one "interface" for "network meter" API or MQTT?

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

I would prefer to integrate the MQTT code into main base, as long as we don't run out of resources (cpu or memory), and even then we could make it configurable (REST or MQTT).

This would need to cleanup the @apriecodes codebase, there is some stuff in there that is not mqtt related (e.g. default access mode), when you rip that out only evse.cpp, evse.h and index.html are affected. Not sure what the "mqtt-edit-mode" code in index.html is supposed to do?

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

O and before I forget, I would require exporting / importing ALL variables that are also supported by the REST API, so that users don't get confused on what is / is not interfaced.

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

I would prefer to integrate the MQTT code into main base, as long as we don't run out of resources (cpu or memory), and even then we could make it configurable (REST or MQTT).

This would need to cleanup the @apriecodes codebase, there is some stuff in there that is not mqtt related (e.g. default access mode), when you rip that out only evse.cpp, evse.h and index.html are affected. Not sure what the "mqtt-edit-mode" code in index.html is supposed to do?

Thats totaly fine it can and it should be a part of codebase, but maybe some abstraction like common variables/function should be generalized and they will dont care, if data comes from API or MQTT :-)

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

I like the code being pretty compact, any reason not to use arduino mqtt library like or would that cause too much overhead?

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

I would prefer to integrate the MQTT code into main base, as long as we don't run out of resources (cpu or memory), and even then we could make it configurable (REST or MQTT). This would need to cleanup the @apriecodes codebase, there is some stuff in there that is not mqtt related (e.g. default access mode), when you rip that out only evse.cpp, evse.h and index.html are affected. Not sure what the "mqtt-edit-mode" code in index.html is supposed to do?

Thats totaly fine it can and it should be a part of codebase, but maybe some abstraction like common variables/function should be generalized and they will dont care, if data comes from API or MQTT :-)

Definitely. Last time I checked there were a lot of single-purpose functions in the codebase that could use some good old DRY applied to them.

I do agree that any solution exposed through MQTT would have to be on feature parity with the REST variant. Having said that, my OCD totally disagrees with some of the variable names used currently, but I can ignore that. :-)

If there's also some willingness to accept some further additions that would enable some extra use-cases (like the deny access on startup, which is absolutely mandatory for my case) as well as some refactoring of existing code, I suppose I can definitely partake in that. Of course, I'd open separate pull requests for those so we can discuss those individually.

This pull would have to be severely refactored to only include the MQTT stuff. But as @stevoh6 said it'd be nice if we can also refactor/DRY the functional code shared with the REST API as well.

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

No problem with accepting your default access code, as long as the default setting for simple users stays compatible with the old behaviour. Perhaps its time to introduce an "advanced settings" menu ....

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

I like the code being pretty compact, any reason not to use arduino mqtt library like or would that cause too much overhead?

I considered using that lib, but I continued searching for something more compact. Eventually came across which seemed to do everything that's required and with three times less code doing so. I also liked the multi-platform compatibility, just keeping it simple. If we ever switch from Arduino to IDF, it would still remain compatible.

But I suppose the actual library used can be anything and is easily changed out.

Not sure what the "mqtt-edit-mode" code in index.html is supposed to do?

Basically it was my solution to facilitate doing updates to the MQTT settings without interfering with other forms/buttons. Also because the standard AJAX updating would continually update values even when they were edited in the form itself. So had to work around that. :-)

Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 14 20 59

Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 14 20 55

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Ok looks good. Talking about DRY: I have been trying to get rid of this line 3009 in evse.cpp DynamicJsonDocument doc(1200); //

It takes up 1200 bytes just to call serializeJson, and every time we add a variable to the API we have to check if enough memory is allocated.

The shortcut would be something like this: printf(R"DELIM({ "version":"v3serkri-%i", "mode":"NORMAL", "mode_id":1, "car_connected":true, "wifi":{"status":"WL_CONNECTED","ssid":"WiFi2020","rssi":-70,"bssid":"78:8A:20:5A:41:76","auto_connect":false,"auto_reconnect":true},"evse":{"temp":21,"temp_max":65,"connected":true,"access":true,"mode":0,"solar_stop_timer":0,"state":"Charging Stopped","state_id":9,"error":"Communication Error","error_id":2,"rfid":"Not Installed"},"settings":{"charge_current":0,"override_current":0,"current_min":6,"current_max":32,"current_main":32,"solar_max_import":0,"solar_start_current":4,"solar_stop_time":10,"enable_C2":"Always Off","mains_meter":"Sensorbox"},"home_battery":{"current":0,"last_update":0},"ev_meter":{"description":"Disabled","address":12,"import_active_energy":0,"total_kwh":0,"charged_kwh":0},"mains_meter":{"import_active_energy":0,"export_active_energy":0},"phase_currents":{"TOTAL":0,"L1":0,"L2":0,"L3":0,"last_data_update":0,"charging_L1":false,"charging_L2":false,"charging_L3":false,"original_data":{"TOTAL":0}}})DELIM",i); where all the values should be replaced by %i and %s 's.

But the code would become totally unreadable. If we would have some struct that replaces all those variables, and would be easy to serialize, and would be comfortable for the MQTT code... any thoughts?

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Ok looks good. Talking about DRY: I have been trying to get rid of this line 3009 in evse.cpp DynamicJsonDocument doc(1200); //

It takes up 1200 bytes just to call serializeJson, and every time we add a variable to the API we have to check if enough memory is allocated. [...] But the code would become totally unreadable. If we would have some struct that replaces all those variables, and would be easy to serialize, and would be comfortable for the MQTT code... any thoughts?

Maybe replacing the Arduino JSON library with something like cJSON would improve the heap usage? Like you already stated; replacing it with a big printf would become unreadable/unmaintainable and it would also use quite the heap memory.

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

Hi, maybe we dont need to use json in mqtt. There are different formats, or just pass every value to its own topic as raw value - which is common in many mqtt integrations. (HA addon can easily handle adding autodiscovery or parsing data on his own)

Or maybe this library can help

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

Hi, maybe we dont need to use json in mqtt. There are different formats, or just pass every value to its own topic as raw value - which is common in many mqtt integrations. (HA addon can easily handle adding autodiscovery or parsing data on his own)

Or maybe this library can help

For the MQTT messages; this is true to a certain extend and simply pushing out values to topics is generally the way to go there. But if we'd like to implement HA AutoDiscovery, JSON is kinda required. Also, I suppose it would not do any harm if we could refactor the JSON encoder for the REST API part so we can 'free up' some heap size. The added MQTT configuration adds quite some vars to it, so I suppose @dingo35's point is we have to be careful with the current implementation.

I suppose we could also make two endpoints; one with the status and one with settings, instead of one big JSON document. But that'd kinda break backwards compatibility. Maybe we can do both but keep the old format in as well for some releases so people can migrate. Then it will only use the heap size when the legacy endpoint is requested.

Expanding on this, we can also make the inclusion of said 'legacy endpoint' an optional build constant so the user can choose whether to include the legacy endpoint or not. Going the new endpoints way would open up the possibility to adjust/reorder/improve the API/variables as well without breaking current implementations, following REST principles a bit better.

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

HA autodiscovery should be and can be done in HA integration plugin ( We shoulnd tight this project to HA (there is lot of other great projects like Domovitz, Mqtt dashboard, ....)

So json isnt requirement for mqtt from my point of view.

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if MQTT would need a separate autodiscovery, but the SmartEVSE device is already autodiscovered by the ha-smartevse integration, by using zeroconf.

So are you talking autodiscovering the SmartEVSE device/entities by the MQTT server, or autodiscovering the SmartEVSE MQTT entities by HA? Wouldn't that be handled automatically by the MQTT-ha integration?

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if MQTT would need a separate autodiscovery, but the SmartEVSE device is already autodiscovered by the ha-smartevse integration, by using zeroconf.

So are you talking autodiscovering the SmartEVSE device/entities by the MQTT server, or autodiscovering the SmartEVSE MQTT entities by HA? Wouldn't that be handled automatically by the MQTT-ha integration?

If you want to HA to autodiscover MQTT entities, you need to push JSON "config" message to specific topic, so HA mqtt audodiscoery can find and setup entities. And this can done by ha integration after some development. I created bunch of them. And I still think, that this should by done by integration :) It will free some space in evse controller.

arpiecodes commented 1 year ago

It was just an example and the only reason I could think of needing JSON for MQTT, as with MQTT usually the values are directly published 1:1 by topic. Sorry for the confusion.

HA MQTT auto-discovery is a feature of MQTT inside HA ( that can automatically set up devices/entities through MQTT without needing any integration. But yeah, you can also go the YAML sharing route. I don't think the logic/use-case of interfacing with/through HA is complex enough to warrant a custom HA integration for the smartevse as most can simply be done with some config effort.

EDIT: but I can certainly imagine that when you are going the REST API route a custom integration is preferred, as I see has already been done with ha-SmartEVSEv3. Custom REST APIs are a little bit more complicated to integrate well within the HA ecosystem without going through YAML hell.

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

It was just an example and the only reason I could think of needing JSON for MQTT, as with MQTT usually the values are directly published 1:1 by topic. Sorry for the confusion.

HA MQTT auto-discovery is a feature of MQTT inside HA ( that can automatically set up devices/entities through MQTT without needing any integration. But yeah, you can also go the YAML sharing route. I don't think the logic/use-case of interfacing with/through HA is complex enough to warrant a custom HA integration for the smartevse as most can simply be done with some config effort.

Np at all :) If there is enough compute power in evse its fine ;)

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Well let's try to get all on the same page here: There IS already a HomeAssistant - SmartEVSE integration (written by me) that does autodiscovery. That integration is for users that don't want the hassle of running an additional MQTT server. However, if any additional MQTT logic would be needed we could add it to this integration; preferably the MQTT stuff should run without an integration, and without yaml-configuration; the autodiscovery facilities of HA sounds to me as the best way to go. If that means JSON stuff is needed in the firmware, so be it; it is already there, I just wanted to touch on the subject to see if we can streamline that piece of code to both MQTT and the REST API.

I think we should avoid building a second HA-SmartEVSE-MQTT integration, and that we should also avoid manual-yaml-configuration: the syntax of that stuff keeps changing as ninja2 keeps evolving, and thus is not very robust....

dingo35 commented 1 year ago

Ok this is the second time that the MQTT discussion comes to an agreement, but nobody adapts the PR. Is there any initiative going on to insert MQTT into an atomic PR or shall I close this subject?

stevoh6 commented 1 year ago

Up to you :) I dont have enought time to fully adopt this right now, maybe little bit later, but definitely I would love to do it :)