sermonindex / audio_api

All sermons in static JSON files sorted per scripture, preacher and topic
GNU General Public License v2.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

The Converter Script #4

Open Llewellynvdm opened 5 years ago

Llewellynvdm commented 5 years ago

Here is the script I use to convert the Sermon Index database into this repo(API) there are some helper static methods used, and the code for them can be found in the JCB helper class. There are also some Joomla API static helper classes.... but yea any contribution to improve this is welcome. I honestly just took the easies path to crank out the API :) I am very sure there are smarter ways.

We start with checking if we have all the sermons in memory... and then:

if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($items))
    // repo path
    $repo_path = '/projects/sermonindex_api/';
    // remove all the old files
    ComponentbuilderHelper::removeFolder($repo_path, array('', 'LICENSE.txt', '.git', 'images'));
    // create the core folders again
    JFolder::create($repo_path . 'scripture');
    JFolder::create($repo_path . 'speaker');
    JFolder::create($repo_path . 'topic');
    // Get a db connection.
    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    // function to get all scriptural keys
    $getAllScripture = function ($id) use($db) {
        // Create a new query object.
        $query = $db->getQuery(true);
        // Get from #__sermonindex_scripture_to_sermon as a
        $query->from($db->quoteName('#__sermonindex_scripture_to_sermon', 'a'));
        // Get where bid is equal to
        $query->where('a.sermonId = ' . (int) $id);
        // check if there was data returned
        if ($db->getNumRows())
            return $db->loadColumn();
        return false;
    // function to get scriptural keys
    $getScripture = function ($id) use($db) {
        // Create a new query object.
        $query = $db->getQuery(true);
        // Get from #__sermonindex_scripture as a
        $query->from($db->quoteName('#__sermonindex_scripture', 'a'));
        // Get where bid is equal to
        $query->where(' = ' . (int) $id);
        // check if there was data returned
        if ($db->getNumRows())
            return $db->loadObject();
        return false;
    // speaker list
    $per_speaker = array();
    // topic bucket
    $per_topic = array();
    $index_topic = array();
    $topic_name = array();
    // scripture buckets
    $per_book = array();
    $per_beok = array();
    $per_chapter = array();
    foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
        // prep name
        $item->name = trim($item->name);
        // set the speaker safe name
        $name = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($item->name);
        // do we have an image path
        if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($item->image) && strpos($item->image, 'http') !== false)
            // get image extension
            $ext = pathinfo($item->image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            // set the preacher image name
            $image_name = $name . '.' . $ext;
            // check if the image exist
            if (!file_exists($repo_path . 'images/' . $image_name))
                // get the preacher image
                if (($image = ComponentbuilderHelper::getFileContents($item->image, false)) !== false)
                    // store the speaker image to folder
                    ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'images/' . $image_name, $image);
                    // update with full path
                    $item->image = '/images/' . $image_name;
                    $item->image = '';
                // update with full path
                $item->image = '/images/' . $image_name;
            $item->image = '';
        $item->description = trim(strip_tags($item->description));
        if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($item->audio_sermons))
            usort($item->audio_sermons, function ($a, $b) {
                return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
            foreach ($item->audio_sermons as $i => $sermon)
                if (($text = ComponentbuilderHelper::getVar('text', $sermon->id, 'id', 'description', '=', 'sermonindex')) !== false && $text !== 'nil')
                    $sermon->description = trim($text);
                    $sermon->description = '';
                // set the sermon ID
                $sermonID = $sermon->id;
                // remove some stuff
                // set the short URL
                $sermon->url = '' . $sermon->short_url;
                $sermon->download = '' . $sermon->short_url . '-download';
                // prep sermon in temp bucket
                $tmp = $sermon;
                $tmp->preacher_name = $item->name;
                $tmp->preacher_image = $item->image;
                $tmp->preacher_description = $item->description;
                // this sermons scripture bucket
                $scripture = array();
                $tmp_per_scripture = array();
                // now sort by scripture
                if (($scriptureIDs = $getAllScripture($sermonID)) !== false)
                    foreach ($scriptureIDs as $scriptureID)
                        if (($keys = $getScripture($scriptureID)) !== false)
                            if (isset($keys->book) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($keys->book))
                                if (!isset($tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book]))
                                    $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book] = array();
                                    $scripture[$keys->book] = array();
                                // load the chapter
                                if (isset($keys->chapter) && ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($keys->chapter))
                                    $cnr = trim(str_replace($keys->book, '', $keys->chapter));
                                    // check if verse is added
                                    if (strpos($cnr, ':') !== false)
                                        $cnr = explode(':', $cnr)[0];
                                    // check if verse is added
                                    if (strpos($cnr, '-') !== false)
                                        $cnr = explode('-', $cnr);
                                    // continue only if we have a number
                                    if (is_numeric($cnr) && $cnr > 0)
                                        $cnr = array($cnr);
                                    // load chapters
                                    if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($cnr))
                                        foreach ($cnr as $chnr)
                                            if (!isset($tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr]))
                                                $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr] = array();
                                                if (!in_array($chnr, $scripture[$keys->book]))
                                                    $scripture[$keys->book][] = $chnr;
                                            // per scripture
                                            $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr] = true;
                // build scripture object
                if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($scripture))
                    $sermon->_scripture = array();
                    foreach ($scripture as $b => $cs)
                        foreach ($cs as $_c)
                            if (!empty($_c))
                                $sermon->_scripture[] = array('book' => $b, 'chapter' => $_c);
                    $tmp->_scripture = $sermon->_scripture;
                    // now set the scripture as an object
                    $sermon->_scripture = array();
                    $tmp->_scripture = array();
                // no load the global per scripture
                if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($tmp_per_scripture))
                    foreach ($tmp_per_scripture as $book_ => $chapters_)
                        if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($book_))
                            if (!isset($per_book[$book_]))
                                $per_book[$book_] = array();
                            // set per book
                            $per_book[$book_][] = $tmp;
                            // set per chapter
                            if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($chapters_))
                                if (!isset($per_chapter[$book_]))
                                    $per_chapter[$book_] = array();
                                foreach($chapters_ as $chapter_ => $hmm)
                                    if (!isset($per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_]))
                                        $per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_] = array();
                                    // per scripture
                                    $per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_][] = $tmp;
                // build the topic array
                $key = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($tmp->topic);
                if (!isset($per_topic[$key]))
                    $per_topic[$key] = array();
                    $topic_name[$key] = $tmp->topic;
                $per_topic[$key][] = $tmp;
            // store the preacher 
            ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speaker/' . $name . '.json', json_encode($item, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            // set the speaker to index
            $per_speaker[$name] = '/speaker/' . $name . '.json';
        // unset the memory
    // sort the speakers
    // build the topic index
    ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speaker/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_speaker, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    // now set the topics
    foreach ($per_topic as $key => $_sermons)
        // sort sermons
        usort($_sermons, function ($a, $b) {
            return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
        // set name
        $_topic_name = trim($topic_name[$key]);
        if (!ComponentbuilderHelper::checkString($_topic_name))
            $_topic_name = 'unsorted';
            $key = $_topic_name;
        // set the topic
        $topic = new stdClass();
        $topic->name = $_topic_name;
        $topic->description = '';
        $topic->audio_sermons = $_sermons;

        // store the topic 
        ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topic/' . $key . '.json', json_encode($topic, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        // unset the memory
        // set the topic index
        $index_topic[$key] = '/topic/' . $key . '.json';
    // sort the topcis
    // build the topic index
    ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topic/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($index_topic, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    // now set the topics
    foreach ($per_book as $boek => $_chapters)
        // sort sermons
        usort($_chapters, function ($a, $b) {
            return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
        // set the book
        $book = new stdClass();
        $book->name = $boek;
        $book->audio_sermons = $_chapters;
        // get book key
        $key = ComponentbuilderHelper::safeString($boek, 'L', '_', false, false);
        // store the topic 
        ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '.json', json_encode($book, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        // unset the memory
        // set the book index
        $per_beok[$key] = '/scripture/' . $key . '.json';
        // create the folder if it does not exist
        if (!JFolder::exists($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key))
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key);
        // now set per chapter
        if (isset($per_chapter[$boek]))
            foreach ($per_chapter[$boek] as $number => $__sermons)
                // sort sermons
                    usort($__sermons, function ($a, $b) {
                    return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
                // set the book
                $chapter = new stdClass();
                $chapter->name = $boek . ' ' . $number;
                $chapter->book = $boek;
                $chapter->chapter = $number;
                $chapter->audio_sermons = $__sermons;
                // store the topic 
                ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '/' . $number . '.json', json_encode($chapter, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                // unset the memory
                // set the topic index
                $per_chapter[$key][$number] = '/scripture/' . $key . '/' . $number . '.json';
            // sort the chapters
            // build the scripture index
            ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_chapter[$key], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            // unset the memory
    if (ComponentbuilderHelper::checkArray($per_beok))
        // sort the books
        // build the scripture index
        ComponentbuilderHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_beok, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
jexit('Done!'); // we end here

So every time we change things in the DB, I just run this script, and minutes later the whole API is updated.

sermonindex-dev commented 5 years ago

Looks tremendous, great functionality!

Llewellynvdm commented 4 years ago

Here is the updated script as currently being used:

 * API Model for Sermonindex
class APIModelSermonindex extends JModelList

     * Method to build an SQL query to load the list data.
     * @return      string  An SQL query
    protected function getListQuery()
        // Get a db connection.
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        // Create a new query object.
        $query = $db->getQuery(true);

        // Get from #__si_mydownloads_cat as a
        $query->from($db->quoteName('#__si_mydownloads_cat', 'a'));

        // return the query object
        return $query;

     * Method to get an array of data items.
     * @return  mixed  An array of data items on success, false on failure.
    public function getItems()
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        // load parent items
        $items = parent::getItems();

        // Get the global params
        $globalParams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_hello_world', true);

        // Insure all item fields are adapted where needed.
        if (APIHelper::checkArray($items))
            foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
                // Always create a slug for sef URL's
                $item->slug = (isset($item->alias) && isset($item->id)) ? $item->id.':'.$item->alias : $item->id;
                // set mydownloads to the $item object.
                $item->mydownloads = $this->getMydownloads($item->id);

        if (APIHelper::checkArray($items))
            // repo path
            $repo_path = '/home/llewellyn/audio_api/';
            // remove all the old files
            APIHelper::removeFolder($repo_path, array('', 'LICENSE.txt', '.git', 'images', 'api-image.jpg', 'app-image.jpg'));
            // create the core folders again
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'scripture');
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'speaker');
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'speaker_sermons');
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'topic');
            JFolder::create($repo_path . 'topic_sermons');
            // Get a db connection.
            $db = JFactory::getDbo();
            // function to get all scriptural keys
            $getAllScripture = function ($id) use($db) {
                // Create a new query object.
                $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                // Get from #__si_mydownloads_scripture_to_sermon as a
                $query->from($db->quoteName('#__si_mydownloads_scripture_to_sermon', 'a'));
                // Get where bid is equal to
                $query->where('a.sermonId = ' . (int) $id);
                // check if there was data returned
                if ($db->getNumRows())
                    return $db->loadColumn();
                return false;
            // function to get scriptural keys
            $getScripture = function ($id) use($db) {
                // Create a new query object.
                $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                // Get from #__si_mydownloads_scripture as a
                $query->from($db->quoteName('#__si_mydownloads_scripture', 'a'));
                // Get where bid is equal to
                $query->where(' = ' . (int) $id);
                // check if there was data returned
                if ($db->getNumRows())
                    return $db->loadObject();
                return false;
            // speaker list
            $per_speaker = array();
            // all speakers
            $array_speakers = array();
            // topic buckets
            $per_topic = array();
            $index_topic = array();
            $array_topic = array();
            $topic_name = array();
            $topic_sermons = array();
            // scripture buckets
            $per_book = array();
            $per_beok = array();
            $per_chapter = array();
            foreach ($items as $nr => &$item)
                // prep name
                $item->name = trim(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\. ]/", '', $item->name));
                // set the speaker safe name
                $name = APIHelper::safeString($item->name);
                // do we have an image path
                if (APIHelper::checkString($item->image) && strpos($item->image, 'http') !== false)
                    // get image extension
                    $ext = pathinfo($item->image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                    // set the preacher image name
                    $image_name = $name . '.' . $ext;
                    // check if the image exist
                    if (!file_exists($repo_path . 'images/' . $image_name))
                        // get the preacher image
                        if (($image = APIHelper::getFileContents($item->image, false)) !== false)
                            // store the speaker image to folder
                            APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'images/' . $image_name, $image);
                            // update with full path
                            $item->image = '/images/' . $image_name;
                            $item->image = '';
                        // update with full path
                        $item->image = '/images/' . $image_name;
                    $item->image = '';
                $item->description = trim(strip_tags($item->description));
                $item->sermons = $item->mydownloads;
                // start sermon object
                if (APIHelper::checkArray($item->sermons))
                    usort($item->sermons, function ($a, $b) {
                        return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);

                    // sermon bucket
                    $speaker_sermons = array();

                    foreach ($item->sermons as $i => $sermon)
                        if (($text = APIHelper::getVar('mydownloads_text', $sermon->id, 'id', 'description', '=', 'si')) !== false && $text !== 'nil')
                            $sermon->description = trim($text);
                            $sermon->description = '';
                        // set the sermon ID
                        $sermonID = $sermon->id;
                        // remove some stuff
                        // set the short URL
                        $sermon->url = '' . $sermon->short_url;
                        $sermon->download = '' . $sermon->short_url . '-download';
                        // prep sermon in temp bucket
                        $tmp = $sermon;
                        $tmp->speaker_name = $item->name;
                        // removed as this adds to much bulky values
                        // $tmp->preacher_image = $item->image;
                        // $tmp->preacher_description = $item->description;
                        // fix topic string
                        $tmp->topic = trim(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\. ]/", '', $tmp->topic));
                        // this sermons scripture bucket
                        $scripture = array();
                        $tmp_per_scripture = array();
                        // now sort by scripture
                        if (($scriptureIDs = $getAllScripture($sermonID)) !== false)
                            foreach ($scriptureIDs as $scriptureID)
                                if (($keys = $getScripture($scriptureID)) !== false)
                                    if (isset($keys->book) && APIHelper::checkString($keys->book))
                                        if (!isset($tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book]))
                                            $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book] = array();
                                            $scripture[$keys->book] = array();
                                        // load the chapter
                                        if (isset($keys->chapter) && APIHelper::checkString($keys->chapter))
                                            $cnr = trim(str_replace($keys->book, '', $keys->chapter));
                                            // check if verse is added
                                            if (strpos($cnr, ':') !== false)
                                                $cnr = explode(':', $cnr)[0];
                                            // check if verse is added
                                            if (strpos($cnr, '-') !== false)
                                                $cnr = explode('-', $cnr);
                                            // continue only if we have a number
                                            if (is_numeric($cnr) && $cnr > 0)
                                                $cnr = array($cnr);
                                            // load chapters
                                            if (APIHelper::checkArray($cnr))
                                                foreach ($cnr as $chnr)
                                                    if (!isset($tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr]))
                                                        $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr] = array();
                                                        if (!in_array($chnr, $scripture[$keys->book]))
                                                            $scripture[$keys->book][] = $chnr;
                                                    // per scripture
                                                    $tmp_per_scripture[$keys->book][$chnr] = true;
                        // build scripture object
                        if (APIHelper::checkArray($scripture))
                            $sermon->_scripture = array();
                            foreach ($scripture as $b => $cs)
                                foreach ($cs as $_c)
                                    if (!empty($_c))
                                        $sermon->_scripture[] = array('book' => $b, 'chapter' => $_c);
                            $tmp->_scripture = $sermon->_scripture;
                            // now set the scripture as an object
                            $sermon->_scripture = array();
                            $tmp->_scripture = array();
                        // no load the global per scripture
                        if (APIHelper::checkArray($tmp_per_scripture))
                            foreach ($tmp_per_scripture as $book_ => $chapters_)
                                if (APIHelper::checkString($book_))
                                    if (!isset($per_book[$book_]))
                                        $per_book[$book_] = array();
                                    // set per book
                                    $per_book[$book_][] = $tmp;
                                    // set per chapter
                                    if (APIHelper::checkArray($chapters_))
                                        if (!isset($per_chapter[$book_]))
                                            $per_chapter[$book_] = array();
                                        foreach($chapters_ as $chapter_ => $hmm)
                                            if (!isset($per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_]))
                                                $per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_] = array();
                                            // per scripture
                                            $per_chapter[$book_][$chapter_][] = $tmp;
                        // build the topic array
                        $key = APIHelper::safeString($tmp->topic);
                        if (!isset($per_topic[$key]))
                            $per_topic[$key] = array();
                            $topic_name[$key] = $tmp->topic;
                        $per_topic[$key][] = $tmp;
                        // sermon details
                        $speaker_sermons[] = $tmp;
                    // store the preacher
                    APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speaker/' . $name . '.json', json_encode($item, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                    APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speaker_sermons/' . $name . '.json', json_encode(array_values($speaker_sermons), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                    // speaker details
                    $object_speaker = new stdClass();
                    $object_speaker->name = $item->name;
                    $object_speaker->code = $name;
                    $object_speaker->description = $item->description;
                    $object_speaker->file = $name . '.json';
                    $object_speaker->image = $item->image;
                    // set the speakers
                    $array_speakers[$name] = $object_speaker;
                    // set the speaker links
                    $per_speaker[$name] = '/speaker/' .$name . '.json';
                // unset the memory
            // sort the speakers
            // store the speaker index's
            APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speakers.json', json_encode(array_values($array_speakers), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'speaker/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_speaker, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            // now set the topics
            foreach ($per_topic as $key => $_sermons)
                // sort sermons
                usort($_sermons, function ($a, $b) {
                    return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
                // set name
                $_topic_name = trim($topic_name[$key]);
                if (!APIHelper::checkString($_topic_name))
                    $_topic_name = 'unsorted';
                    $key = $_topic_name;
                // set the topic
                $topic = new stdClass();
                $topic->name = $_topic_name;
                $topic->description = '';
                $topic->sermons = $_sermons;
                // store the topic
                APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topic/' . $key . '.json', json_encode($topic, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topic_sermons/' . $key . '.json', json_encode($_sermons, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                // unset the memory
                // set the topic index
                $index_topic[$key] = '/topic/' . $key . '.json';
                // set topic array
                $topic->code = $key;
                $topic->file = $key . '.json';
                $array_topic[$key] = $topic;
            // sort the topics
            // build the topic index
            APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topics.json', json_encode(array_values($array_topic), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'topic/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($index_topic, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
            // now set the topics
            foreach ($per_book as $boek => $_chapters)
                // sort sermons
                usort($_chapters, function ($a, $b) {
                    return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
                // set the book
                $book = new stdClass();
                $book->name = $boek;
                $book->sermons = $_chapters;
                // get book key
                $key = APIHelper::safeString($boek, 'L', '_', false, false);
                // store the topic
                APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '.json', json_encode($book, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                // unset the memory
                // set the book index
                $per_beok[$key] = '/scripture/' . $key . '.json';
                // create the folder if it does not exist
                if (!JFolder::exists($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key))
                    JFolder::create($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key);
                // now set per chapter
                if (isset($per_chapter[$boek]))
                    foreach ($per_chapter[$boek] as $number => $__sermons)
                        // sort sermons
                        usort($__sermons, function ($a, $b) {
                            return strcmp($a->title, $b->title);
                        // set the book
                        $chapter = new stdClass();
                        $chapter->name = $boek . ' ' . $number;
                        $chapter->book = $boek;
                        $chapter->chapter = $number;
                        $chapter->sermons = $__sermons;
                        // store the topic
                        APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '/' . $number . '.json', json_encode($chapter, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                        // unset the memory
                        // set the topic index
                        $per_chapter[$key][$number] = '/scripture/' . $key . '/' . $number . '.json';
                    // sort the chapters
                    // build the scripture index
                    APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/' . $key . '/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_chapter[$key], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
                    // unset the memory
            if (APIHelper::checkArray($per_beok))
                // sort the books
                // build the scripture index
                APIHelper::writeFile($repo_path . 'scripture/_sermonindex.json', json_encode($per_beok, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        jexit('Done!'); // we end here

     * Method to get an array of Si_mydownloads_downloads Objects.
     * @return mixed  An array of Si_mydownloads_downloads Objects on success, false on failure.
    public function getMydownloads($cid)
        // Get a db connection.
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        // Create a new query object.
        $query = $db->getQuery(true);

        // Get from #__si_mydownloads_downloads as b
        $query->from($db->quoteName('#__si_mydownloads_downloads', 'b'));
        $query->where('b.cid = ' . $db->quote($cid));
        // Get where b.status is 1
        $query->where('b.status >= 1');

        // Reset the query using our newly populated query object.

        // check if there was data returned
        if ($db->getNumRows())
            return $db->loadObjectList();
        return false;