serokell / log-warper

Logging library to provide more convenient, extremely configurable but simple monadic interface with pretty output
MIT License
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Write good readme and maybe even tutorial #21

Closed chshersh closed 6 years ago

chshersh commented 7 years ago

Current README doesn't explains how to use log-warper which is bad. This README should be written. Too much effort was put into log-warper. So we must try to make this library more production-ready.

chshersh commented 6 years ago

Now we have with example of how to configure logging system and replace your putStrLn with logInfo. But this is not the whole tutorial. Here I will outline remaining parts:


In this message I will describe in more details what should be covered in above sections. This list might not be complete though...


log-warper provides next features:

  1. Colored logging output.
  2. Hierarchical logger names.
  3. Different severity levels of messages with the ability to configure Set of severities.
  4. All* (well, almost) configuration can be described in .yaml file.
  5. Pure logging.
  6. Flexible and easy creation of LoggerConfig using monoidal builders and lenses.
  7. In-Memory logging with the ability to acquire last N megabytes of logs from in-memory cache.
  8. Monadic interface for logging.
  9. Logger rotation.


  1. How can I redirect all output to stderr?
  2. How can I disable only Error messages for my logger?
  3. How can I show ThreadId inside log message?
  4. How to easily disable terminal output?
  5. How can I enable messages with severity Info and higher?
  6. How can I log inside functions like forkIO?
  7. How can I easily log exceptions without throwing them?
  8. How should I configure logging: through code or through .yaml file?