serokell / universum

:milky_way: Prelude written in @Serokell
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Consider adding a safe version of `toEnum` for `Bounded` types. #286

Open lierdakil opened 1 year ago

lierdakil commented 1 year ago

toEnum is partial. If the type is not only Enum but also Bounded it's simple enough to implement a non-partial version, e.g.

toEnumSafe :: forall a. (Enum a, Bounded a) => Int -> Maybe a
toEnumSafe i = guard (inBounds i) $> toEnum i where
  inBounds = inRange $ join bimap (fromEnum @a) (minBound, maxBound)
{-# INLINE toEnumSafe #-} -- the hope is most of 'inBounds' can be evalueated at compile time if 'a' is known

(inRange is defined in Data.Ix)

There are versions of this in relude and safe. It's occasionally very useful.