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[Google Jobs Listing API] Results is not fully returned #1259

Closed hilmanski closed 1 day ago

hilmanski commented 7 months ago

A user reported that they got an "empty result" upon performing a request to Google Jobs Listing API:


It somehow returns a result, but only partial, as if the search still needs to be finished.

User's initial Google Jobs API call: Inspector

User's Google Jobs Listing API call: Inspector

Upon trying to test this on our playground, it returned more results (I can't recreate the issue): My Playground with same id


schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Another user with this issue:


In this case I was able to replicate it in the Playground, both with the job_id the customer shared and another example:

Inspector 1 Inspector 2 Playground

schaferyan commented 6 months ago

I'm bumping this up to prioritized, as all Google Job Listing API queries now seem to have this result, including the Playground example @hilmanski shared above that was working a few weeks ago.

hilmanski commented 6 months ago

Another customer reported this.


martin-serpapi commented 6 months ago

Another customer reported this:


AbhyCGApp commented 6 months ago

Thanks for prioritizing this. It's affecting our app in production and users are not able to apply for jobs.

kagermanov27 commented 6 months ago

This may be relevant to or I couldn't reproduce any effect of these problems on this problem though.

AbhyCGApp commented 6 months ago

@kagermanov27 try with this freshly received job id related to an amazon job posting scrapped via LinkedIn. It doesn't return any apply link. This is happening across all google listings. 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

hilmanski commented 6 months ago

Another customer reported this


hilmanski commented 6 months ago

A potential customer asking about Google Jobs listing API. We need to reach out, once we have a fix

Intercom | Intercom2

schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Another customer reporting this issue:


schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Another user with this issue. Also note thread #1303 is a duplicate opened by a customer, and commented on by a second customer.


schaferyan commented 6 months ago

A user also reported this in a commentr on #1295

schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Due to the constant inflow of reports, I'm bumping this up another level to urgent.

schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Two more customers reported this:

Intercom 1

Intercom 2

schaferyan commented 6 months ago

Another customer reported this:


hilmanski commented 6 months ago

Another customer reported this


alexbarron commented 3 days ago

I'm afraid we need to reopen this as the same issue has come up.

The linked customer below reported not being able to get apply_options like they used to. I tried with the job_id they provided and also did not get apply_options. I subsequently tried some of my own queries and could not get apply_options for any of them.

Google Job Listing Playground


Sample job_id above was pulled from this query: Google Jobs Playground


NateSkiles commented 2 days ago

Two other customers reported this.

Front Front

nadeemsupport commented 2 days ago

I am encountering same issue with the SERP job listing endpoint. When I request job listings, the apply options are not being returned. Can you please investigate whether there is an issue with the SERP endpoint?

schaferyan commented 2 days ago

Another customer affected by this issue:


hilmanski commented 2 days ago

Another customer reported this.


marm123 commented 2 days ago

Another customer reported it:


aciddjus commented 1 day ago

Thanks @Freaky 👍 Please update the status of the issue to completed.

Freaky commented 1 day ago

A fix for this has been deployed:

apply_options, ratings, salaries_comparison: [Playground]


salaries: [Playground]


I haven't been able to find any responses with similar_jobs sections, and browsing Google Jobs I suspect they've been removed.