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google sheets copy and paste formula get Oops field not found #1335

Closed pleabargain closed 6 months ago

pleabargain commented 6 months ago

Here's the formula

=SERPAPI_RESULT("engine=google&q=new flights&location=Jeddah, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia&", "suggestions.0.value")

plugin is installed API key is active


hartator commented 6 months ago

Oops field is not found: suggestions (selector: suggestions.0 value means that this search doesn't have suggestions results unfortunately.

Maybe try different search parameters?

hilmanski commented 6 months ago

Hi @pleabargain
The suggestions.0.value is just a template. You should change it to the actual value you want to retrieve. For example, based on the result here:

Here is the JSON structure result: CleanShot 2024-01-05 at 11 24 48@2x

So to get the first value, we need to replace the suggestions.0.value with

Here is a basic tutorial on using our Google Sheets extension:

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