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[Google Jobs Listing API] Inconsistent results in the response #1336

Open martin-serpapi opened 6 months ago

martin-serpapi commented 6 months ago

A user reported that they're not receiving results for some job_id's sometimes. I was able to reproduce it in the Playground. The same job_id is used in the below examples, producing different results.




Playground | Inspect


Playground | Inspect


djsegal commented 6 months ago

I've looked into the issue with inconsistent API results. It appears the variability is due to how the data is being returned from the source. This might be influenced by several factors beyond our direct control.

Addressing this inconsistency is challenging because it involves elements that are not just about coding fixes but also about how data is delivered externally. We can explore potential solutions, but it's important to note that complete consistency might not be achievable due to these external variables.

Open to suggestions or further insights on this

Dev-Net-Stack commented 4 months ago

Dear SerpApi Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out regarding an issue that I previously raised. In order to obtain the desired results, I found it necessary to include the location parameter in my request, specifying it as India. Allow me to outline the steps I took to address this matter:

Initially, I submitted a standard request containing only the job ID. Upon receiving the response, I verified whether the details were present. In instances where the information was not retrieved as expected, I subsequently made a follow-up API call, this time incorporating the additional location parameter.

In the attached image file titled "Location_Parameter_Implementation_Screenshot.png," you will find a visual representation of the process undertaken. Please review the image for a more comprehensive understanding.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and would welcome any insights or guidance you may have regarding the utilization of the location parameter for more effective results. JobId_Parameter_Implementation_Screenshot Location_Parameter_Implementation_Screenshot

djsegal commented 4 months ago

@Dev-Net-Stack can you provide the job_id you are using (i.e. q=eyJqb2JfdG...)?

The only thing I can find is the linkedin page and that says it is no longer accepting applications