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[Google Search API]Google AI Overview #1622

Open githubfan21 opened 1 month ago

githubfan21 commented 1 month ago

As Google now rolled out AI overview to all its users, and many other tools have reports like Semrush. Please start scraping the AI Overview

we need the following Ai_status: shortened/expanded/recommended/none to determine if it is shortened, expanded snippet, or Google recommended ai but no snippet, or doesn’t exist on page Ai_discription: snippet Ai_links: links in ai

zyc9012 commented 1 month ago

It's only available for signed-in accounts for now.

Example Google Search Link


aciddjus commented 1 month ago

It also seems to be available only in Chrome.

schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the issue @githubfan21 . Just in case it wasn't clear, we can't begin scraping this feature until becomes available without being logged into a private account. Since we only scrape public search results pages, we can't scrape anything that can only be accessed by logging in.

As my colleagues mentioned above, AI Overviews only seem to be available when logged into a profile in Chrome, currently.

If you have an example of a search that returns this result type in an incognito browser window, please feel free to share it.

Once this feature is fully public we can begin working on our implementation.