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[Google Jobs API] Slow response times and failed queries #1798

Open NateSkiles opened 1 month ago

NateSkiles commented 1 month ago

A customer reached out letting us know they were receiving 503 errors from the Google Jobs API.



Additionally, I'm unable to get a response in the Playground:


It looks like this started around 2024-07-23 11:58:10 UTC.


schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Another user reported this:


schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Thank you @NateSkiles, can you also add an intercom link for the customer who reported this?

NateSkiles commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


sonika-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


marm123 commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


marm123 commented 1 month ago

Another user reported this:


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another high-volume customer reported this:


stuartskelton commented 1 month ago

Ditto for me too.

martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another user reported this:


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another high-volume customer reported this:


aciddjus commented 1 month ago

Thank you, everyone, for your patience while we work on this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We have deployed a partial fix, adding support for the new Google Jobs layout, and will continue to improve our parser in the coming days.

alexbarron commented 1 month ago

We received another report of this issue:


It does appear success rates are increasing.

stuartskelton commented 1 month ago

I can confirm I am seeing an improvement, thanks for your help.

schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Another high volume customer report (from before the partial fix):


Freaky commented 1 month ago

Success rates have been stable at 100% for a few hours now:


Average response times actually look better than before:


Known issues:

schaferyan commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


NateSkiles commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this (specifically unavailable related_links):


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another user reported this:


alexbarron commented 1 month ago

Received a report specifically asking about related_links:


alexbarron commented 1 month ago

Received a request specifically for pagination:


alexbarron commented 1 month ago

Received a couple reports about apply_link missing in the encoded job_id:

Front Intercom

alexbarron commented 1 month ago

This could be a separate issue, but while helping a customer, I noticed their Google Jobs query didn't return results if it was all caps. The same query in all lower case letters returned results as expected. The query in all caps worked before the Google Jobs layout change which is why I suspect this may be related.

Playground upper case


Playground lower case


For comparison, I can run the query in all caps in actual Google Jobs and get results so it does seem related to us.

Google Jobs Query



If this is a separate issue, please let me know and I'll create a new issue.

Freaky commented 1 month ago

Thanks @alexbarron, that's an interesting example! It can be reproduced directly on Google by specifying hl and gl:


Unsetting gl appears to work in this case: Playground (note you will need to unset the field manually as Playground JavaScript automatically resets Localization fields based on Geographic Location on load - we should perhaps revisit this behaviour)


Another problematic case I've noticed is Ireland, where setting gl or hl gives empty result pages: Playground. Unsetting both is the needed workaround in this case.

I need to investigate further to see what other combinations cause problems.

sonika-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this.


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another user reported this:


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported this:


Freaky commented 1 month ago

A new update to the API has been deployed.

Remaining work:

Thanks for everyone's patience.

stuartskelton commented 1 month ago

FYI, the playground needs updating

get this error

"The `start` parameter has been removed, please use `next_page_token` for pagination."
Freaky commented 1 month ago

Thank you @stuartskelton - seems to be an issue with how we clear our Cloudflare cache after deployment. I manually cleared and now see the updated form.

I'll open an internal issue to improve this.

sonika-serpapi commented 1 month ago

One high volume customer was not sure how to use the next_page_token parameter. Can we perhaps add to the documentation on the Google Jobs API page to specify where users can get the token from to specify in the parameter? Intercom

SoulEvill commented 1 month ago

Thanks for updating the API.

I've just implemented the next_page_token for my application which usually pull 5 pages result.

The data looks odd - for example, thumbnail

after page 1 are all empty (it does have a url value but it is point to an empty gif)

Here is screenshot on playground on page 2 where you can see thumbnail are all empty.


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Another customer reported the issue with the thumbnails in the response when paginating. I was able to reproduce it in the Playground:


Playground | Inspect


martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

A customer reported that there's an issue with the formatting of the results in the Playground when paginating. I was able to reproduce it:


Playground | Inspect


Freaky commented 1 month ago

@SoulEvill @martin-serpapi Thanks for the reports - I forgot to mention thumbnails weren't being extracted from paginated pages correctly

I've opened the following new issues to track the remaining work now that the core issues of slow response times and failed queries is resolved:

ArmanNisch commented 1 month ago

@Freaky Question: If the next_page_token token is the only way to paginate, how can we call, let's say, page 20 without having to first go through all the prior 19 pages?

With the start this was obviously no issue.

martin-serpapi commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the question @ArmanNisch . Unfortunately, there's no way to skip pages when using the next_page_token for pagination. Each response from the Google Jobs API contains the next_page_token value for the next page of results.

Please note that this is a limitation from Google, and not our API. I'm sorry for any inconvenience it may cause. If you have any follow-up questions, just let me know.

hilmanski commented 1 month ago

A customer requested that we should still scrape the original image link.

Sidenote, they mentioned, that the current SerpApi link didn't last very long. AFAIK, it should be last for a month.


hilmanski commented 3 weeks ago

A customer complained about the update from start to next_page_token. Let's make this clear in the documentation, either informing about the update or clarifying where users can get the value from.

aciddjus commented 3 weeks ago

We have added a small update to our documentation regarding the next_page_token and start parameters.
