We can add an API to scrape Google Hotels Autocomplete suggestions:
An Enterprise Customer noted in https://github.com/serpapi/public-roadmap/issues/2101 that Google Hotels requires the use of autocomplete when performing searches for a specific named hotel. While this is not always the case, it is true in some cases. For example, this result can be returned when selecting from the autocomplete menu:
However, when typing the name in the search bar manually, nothing is returned:
We can add an API to scrape Google Hotels Autocomplete suggestions:
An Enterprise Customer noted in https://github.com/serpapi/public-roadmap/issues/2101 that Google Hotels requires the use of autocomplete when performing searches for a specific named hotel. While this is not always the case, it is true in some cases. For example, this result can be returned when selecting from the autocomplete menu:
However, when typing the name in the search bar manually, nothing is returned:
Public links: Playground 1 | Playground 2 | Google Hotels 1 | Google Hotels 2
Internal links: Front | Search Inspect