serpentiem / ddmk

Extensive gameplay mods and more for the Devil May Cry PC games.
zlib License
237 stars 13 forks source link

Defaults when just starting. #320

Open EnforcerRidley opened 1 year ago

EnforcerRidley commented 1 year ago

I've noticed that with this mod installed, when first starting out in the game, that Dante has his coat and all of his weapons during the very first mission.

Is it possible that Dante is coatless until the second mission and only has Rebellion and Ebony&Ivory at first and unlock the other weapons until said weapons are unlocked? What setting do I have to set make the mod work this way?

Understand, I am referring a first time playthrough.

SteveCraft1 commented 1 year ago

You gonna have to limit the amount of weapons to 1 in Actor Module and change the costume number to 1 to use Coatless,make sure to use Costume number 2 after mission 7 Unfortunately Actor Module keep the weapons unlocked all the time so you can only limit the amount of weapons that you use in playthrough

EnforcerRidley commented 1 year ago

That's what I was a afraid of…

ProjectXsent commented 1 year ago

I did some search on Steam forums since I'm only looking for a way to enable Style Switcher only and I found that we should downgrade to DDMK v2.6, though I might look for a weapon switcher without unlocking the rest of weapons.