serras / emacs-haskell-tutorial

Tutorial on setting up Emacs to do Haskell programming
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Confusing references to ```M-.``` #8

Closed dpkatz closed 9 years ago

dpkatz commented 9 years ago

In the Non interactive commands section of the tutorial, there is the following text that seems to be referring to a code sample line that no longer exists (bolding for emphasis is mine):

Then open the personal configuration file and add the following lines:

(setenv "PATH" (concat "~/.cabal/bin:" (getenv "PATH")))
(add-to-list 'exec-path "~/.cabal/bin")
(custom-set-variables '(haskell-tags-on-save t))

The first two lines are needed to tell Emacs that it should look for the hasktags program in your Cabal binaries directory, which is not a location it already knows about. The next line is the one enabling hasktags itself. Finally, we bind the M-. key combination to jump to the definition of an element when you are over it.

Note: in order to use the M-. command, your file needs to be in a Cabal project, or haskell-mode will ask to create a temporary one.

Note that there is no "final" line discussing the binding of M-. - it looks like it was removed in an earlier version of the document.

I don't really understand what the current state of the world is for M-. in haskell-mode so I don't have a patch to offer. But speaking as a total newcomer to Haskell who is otherwise finding this tutorial quite useful, this part could use some clarification.

Thanks for this tutorial - it is clearly going to be a superb resource.