sertit / eoreader

Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
Apache License 2.0
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ENH: Store more data as private members to speed up the processes #13

Closed remi-braun closed 2 years ago

remi-braun commented 2 years ago

We should store all the data that are time-consuming (at least not immediate) and lightweight (floats or even vectors) in order to speed up the recomputation. These would be computed only if needed.

Hereunder is a premilinary list (for product):

And why not:

Other product_classes could have others to add.

They could be accessed as regular members through a @property -> this will break things !

remi-braun commented 2 years ago

Need python 3.8 for @functools.cached_property and python 3.9 for @functools.cache 😰