sertit / eoreader

Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
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Coordinates doesn't match between metadata and plot #87

Closed sorny92 closed 1 year ago

sorny92 commented 1 year ago

I just started using EOReader.

I'm following this link: As I want to visualize a POLYGON over an image of sentinel-2.

The polygon I want to plot is something like this: "POLYGON ((-7.5262454743456715 39.66672692059894, -7.5238403916980525 39.66669637036892, -7.523853372713001 39.666086466637324, -7.52625843422954 39.666117016209796, -7.5262454743456715 39.66672692059894))"

The image I want plot with it has a metadata where the footprint is something like this:

                    <EXT_POS_LIST>39.744399896499196 -7.832855 39.72445184157785 -6.552124 38.73593643111066 -6.5862427 38.75519833855342 -7.849121 39.744399896499196 -7.832855 </EXT_POS_LIST>

As you can see my polygon should be contained on the image.

The problem I'm finding is that once I load the image following the code and I plot just the image I get the next coordinates. Screenshot from 2023-04-18 22-33-34

As you can see in the previous image the range of x and y coordinates is aroung 1e5-1e6.

My code looks like this:

polygon_str = "POLYGON ((-7.5262454743456715 39.66672692059894, -7.5238403916980525 39.66669637036892, -7.523853372713001 39.666086466637324, -7.52625843422954 39.666117016209796, -7.5262454743456715 39.66672692059894))"
wkt_polygon = wkt.loads(polygon_str)
polygon = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0],, geometry=[wkt_polygon])
polygon = polygon.to_crs(

# To load the image I just do this:
prod = Reader().open(filename)
bands = prod.load([GREEN])        
bands[GREEN][:, ::10, ::10].plot()

I'm assuming I'm missing some transformation somewhere as this data is just a .safe downloaded from SNAP.

remi-braun commented 1 year ago


I'm glad you want to use EOReader πŸ˜„

You maybe don't know, but EOReader is always working with projected (UTM) CRS, to allow computing areas easily. Your Sentinel-2 data is natively in UTM (even if the coordinates you are showing are in lat/lon). So your plot has UTM coordinates πŸ˜‰

This is a known limitation, and an issue has been adressed here.

Moreover, if you are not aware, you cannot use only plot to overlap geographical plots, one will only juxtapose over the other, keeping only the legend of the first graph.

A good way to do this is to use hvplot with geoviews and to do as I've done in this cell.

And don't forget to import this:

import hvplot.pandas
import hvplot.xarray

If you just want to have two plots, just add :

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# ... your code before the first plot

# ... your code before the second plot
sorny92 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast reply!

I'm just kind of confused because the tile I want to process is on the 30T tile UTM, which lat/lon coordinates match my polygon, but I don't understand what is the range of values of the plot that I attached to the issue.

How do I go around to get the coordinates in UTM once I load my plot? Or maybe what I should do is transform my polygon to the coordinates of my plot, is that something that I should do with EOReader or geopandas should be the way to go?

I assume I'm dropping really simple questions to you but I'm starting in the world of satellite imaging and I'm trying to understand where does my problem come from!

remi-braun commented 1 year ago

No problem for your questions! The coordinates you see are those in UTM which are in meters. If your not familiar with projections, you should read a bit about them and the difference between geographic (lat/lon, i.e. epsg:4326) and projected ones (UTM, i.e. epsg:32[67]\d\d).

If you really want to have lat/lon coordinates in your plot, you should reproject your raster to epsg:4326 before plotting. You can use rioxarray.reproject to achieve it.

sorny92 commented 1 year ago

If you really want to have lat/lon coordinates in your plot, you should reproject your raster to epsg:4326 before plotting. You can use rioxarray.reproject to achieve it.

I understand that reproject will actually wrap the whole image so this is not super efficient and I'm better of converting the polygon to UTM, am I right?

Nevertheless, thanks for your help!

remi-braun commented 1 year ago

I understand that reproject will actually wrap the whole image so this is not super efficient and I'm better of converting the polygon to UTM, am I right?

You are already doing it here πŸ˜‰ :

polygon = polygon.to_crs(
sorny92 commented 1 year ago

I understand that reproject will actually wrap the whole image so this is not super efficient and I'm better of converting the polygon to UTM, am I right?

You are already doing it here wink :

polygon = polygon.to_crs(

Well this is part of my confusion. As I understood, this should have work to conver py polygon to the same crs of the image but it keeps it more or less at the same.

I will play with it a bit later.

Thanks for your help!