serverless-seoul / dynamorm

AWS DynamoDB ORM in Typescript
Apache License 2.0
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Maintain class structure on stringify #43

Closed mrgatto closed 3 years ago

mrgatto commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to maintain the class structure on stringify an object ?

export class Entity extends Table {
    @Decorator.Attribute({ name: "MY_ID" })
    code: number

const entity = new Entity()
entity.code = 10
json = JSON.stringify(entity)

What I expected:

 code: 10

What it actualy returns:

 attributes: {
    MY_ID: 10
  __writer: null
mooyoul commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, We don't provide a built-in json serializer.

As you may know, Attributes can be defined as private field and implement custom serde function using getter/setters. For example:

class Room extends Table {
  // ... truncated

  // Date serde
  private createdAtTimestamp: number;

  public get createAt(): Date {
    return new Date(this.createdAtTimestamp);

  public set createdAt(date: Date) {
    this.createdAtTimestamp = date.getTime();

  // Binary encoded value serde
  // CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE | 0x01 (1 << 0) | Allows creation of instant invites
  // EMBED_LINKS                     | 0x02 (1 << 1) | Links sent by users with this permission will be auto-embedded
  // ATTACH_FILES                    | 0x04 (1 << 2) | Allows creation of instant invites
  public encodedPermissions: number;

  public get inviteAllowed(): boolean {
    return Boolean(this.encodedPermissions & 0x01);
  public set inviteAllowed(allow: boolean) {
    this.encodedPermissions = allow 
     ? this.encodedPermissions | 0x01
     : this.encodedPermissions & ~0x01

Dynamorm know which class properties are DynamoDB Attribute, but there's no way to figure out whether given property is public or not. These limitations make it hard to make decisions - That's why we don't provide a built-in json serializer. you must implement your own toJSON method to convert given Entity instance to plain object.

For example:

export class Entity extends Table {
    @Decorator.Attribute({ name: "MY_ID" })
    code: number

  public toJSON() {
    return { 
      code: this.code,

const entity = new Entity()
entity.code = 10
const json = JSON.stringify(entity) // will be `{"code": 10}`. toJSON method will be automatically called by JSON.stringify.

const obj = entity.toJSON(); // of course you can use serialized object if needed
mrgatto commented 3 years ago

Ok, I ended up with a generic implementation.

public toJSON(): T {
    const tableClass = (this as any).writer.tableClass

    const model = {}
    tableClass.metadata.attributes.forEach(atr => {
         model[atr.propertyName] = this.getAttribute(

     return <T>model

And to not expose internal attributes of the lastEvaluatedKey:

const result = new APIQueryResponse()
result.content = ... // toJSON of records
result.count = queryResult.count

const lastKeys = queryResult.lastEvaluatedKey || {}
for (const key of Object.keys(lastKeys)) {
  const tableClass = (records[0] as any).writer.tableClass
  const property = tableClass.metadata.attributes.find(atr => == key)

  result.lastEvaluatedKey[property.propertyName] = lastKeys[key]