serverless / plugins

Serverless Plugins – Extend the Serverless Framework with these community driven plugins –
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Serverless v4 CLI monetization and community support #426

Open claygregory opened 5 months ago

claygregory commented 5 months ago

With the recent announcement to begin monetizing the Serverless CLI later this year, I'm wondering if there are any plans to give back to the community that has contributed to the growth of what the Serverless Framework is today?

I work at a company with hundreds of Serverless CLI projects and know first hand that it's incredibly uncommon to find a project that doesn't depend on at least a handful of community plugins. Certainly the plugin list is often dominated by the same few plugins—functionality that could just as easily be rolled into the Framework directly. But there is also significant value being realized through the long tail of plugins as well; exactly the flexibility that pulled many of us into the Framework to begin with.

As a software professional, a Serverless CLI user, and a plugin contributor, I understand the need to work out a monetization strategy for the continued sustainability of the product. I only hope that consideration extends to the plugin community, as many contributors—self included—may no longer feel open to contributing to the exclusive financial benefit of others.


karmaniverous commented 2 months ago
