Open JonasLaux opened 3 years ago
@JonasLaux vpc property does work for me, but I referenced different test
feels like when full path is provided _'projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/connectors/CONNECTORNAME' - google handles it as "custom" connector and with only _CONNECTORNAME - it acts as "select existing one"
we're currently trying to attach onto our Cloud Functions our Memorystore. Therefor we need a VPC-Connector. In the plain gcloud CLI this would look something like this:
gcloud functions deploy myFunction --vpc-connector myVPCConnector
To accomplish this, we could not find anything in the documentation, though found some tests here that had this functionality. So we added our vpc connector in our yaml file to our function, but we only get the following error during "sls deploy":
{ "ResourceType":"gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:projects.locations.functions", "ResourceErrorCode":"400", "ResourceErrorMessage":{ "code":400, "message":"The request has errors", "status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT", "details":[ { "@type":"", "fieldViolations":[ { "field":"vpc_connector", "description":"A Cloud Function and a Serverless VPC Access connector must be located in the same region." } ] } ], "statusMessage":"Bad Request", "requestPath":"", "httpMethod":"PATCH" } }
Though the VPC connector and the function are in the same region. Also, if i add it manually via the Cloud Console web interface it works (but ofc after redeployment, this change is gone)