serverless / serverless-plugin-typescript

Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support
MIT License
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"serverless-plugin-typescript" not found #269

Open alanwilter opened 2 years ago

alanwilter commented 2 years ago

My project is set as yarn zero install so I thought this plugin was about it.

I did the steps in README:

yarn add --dev serverless-plugin-typescript typescript

# Add the following plugin to your serverless.yml:
  - serverless-plugin-typescript

But when I try sls deploy -s test it throws:

Serverless plugin "serverless-plugin-typescript" not found. Make sure it's installed and listed in the "plugins" section of your serverless config file. Run "serverless plugin install -n serverless-plugin-typescript" to install it.

Well, I know if I do that above it will install in node_modules but this conflicts with yarn zero install and the folder is automatically removed if I issue e.g. yarn.

So, what am I missing?

1ABo commented 2 years ago

same problem here. I have installed "serverless": "^2.72.3" and "serverless-plugin-typescript": "^2.1.2", and I don't get why I get this error message while deyploying via Github workflow to AWS.

Edit: Adding run: npm ci to the yml for my github workflow did the trick