serverless / serverless-plugin-typescript

Serverless plugin for zero-config Typescript support
MIT License
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Using multiple runtimes and explicit artifact, receive Cannot access package artifact error #281

Open vectorjohn opened 1 year ago

vectorjohn commented 1 year ago

Hard to describe, but this is when using multiple runtimes, and the other runtime has manual packaging. So we use the package.artifact configuration in serverless.yml, e.g.:

    handler: com.serverless.Handler
      artifact: target/hello-dev.jar

When I try to package or deploy (e.g. sls deploy), after compiling the typescript it fails with this error:

Cannot access package artifact at "target/hello-dev.jar" (for "hello"): ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '[REDACTED]/serverless-packaging-bug/.build/target/hello-dev.jar'

This seems to be caused by the code in index.ts in the compileTs function, with this line: this.serverless.config.servicePath = path.join(this.originalServicePath, BUILD_FOLDER)

Since this doesn't get cleaned up until the very end, it messes with other parts of the serverless build process. That path seems to be where serverless looks for my artifact.

For reference: Environment: linux, node 14.19.3, framework 3.22.0 (local) 3.22.0v (global), plugin 6.2.2, SDK 4.3.2

This exact serverless.yml used to work in Serverless v2 so perhaps they changed something, but from what I can tell the bug still lies in this plugin.

Here is a full serverless.yml for testing:

service: serverless-packaging-bug

  - serverless-plugin-typescript

frameworkVersion: '3'

  name: aws
  runtime: java8

  individually: true

    handler: com.serverless.Handler
      artifact: target/hello-dev.jar

    runtime: nodejs16.x
    handler: js/cool.handler
      - http:
          path: cool
          method: get
vectorjohn commented 1 year ago

I found the real problem, Serverless changed the Serverless.config.servicePath to Serverless.config.serviceDir in version 3. So all the servicePath mangling amounts to naught.

MatejBalantic commented 1 year ago

+1 experiencing this exact problem with mixed project (golang + typescript). @vectorjohn do you recommend any workaround for this problem ?

dotdave00 commented 1 year ago

Has there been any movement or workarounds on this? I've got a project that is traditional java that I'm migrating to nodejs. I'll have both a java artifact and using serverless-plugin-typescript and am experiencing the exact same issue mentioned above.

Rather not hack the code myself unless I need to. Any help is appreciated!

julbrs commented 1 year ago


We have experienced the exact same issue on our Serverless Framework project. We ended by migrated our stack to SST ( ; because now it support correctly an API with both Java and TS endpoints... And this is only the top of the iceberg. It's easy to deploy your web app in SST too 🤓