serverless / serverless-python-requirements

⚡️🐍📦 Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages
MIT License
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Issue with serverless deploy, requirements.txt not found #106

Open manav95 opened 6 years ago

manav95 commented 6 years ago

I have the following serverless.yml:

# Welcome to Serverless!
# This file is the main config file for your service.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# We've included some commented out config examples here.
# Just uncomment any of them to get that config option.
# For full config options, check the docs:
# Happy Coding!

service: awsTest

# You can pin your service to only deploy with a specific Serverless version
# Check out our docs for more details
# frameworkVersion: "=X.X.X"
  - serverless-python-requirements
      invalidateCaches: true
      dockerizePip: true  
      dockerImage: lambda-python3.6-with-mysql-build-deps        

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.6
  role: arn:aws:iam::443746630310:role/EMR_DefaultRole

# you can overwrite defaults here
#  stage: dev
#  region: us-east-1

# you can add statements to the Lambda function's IAM Role here
#  iamRoleStatements:
#    - Effect: "Allow"
#      Action:
#        - "s3:ListBucket"
#      Resource: { "Fn::Join" : ["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref" : "ServerlessDeploymentBucket" } ] ]  }
#    - Effect: "Allow"
#      Action:
#        - "s3:PutObject"
#      Resource:
#        Fn::Join:
#          - ""
#          - - "arn:aws:s3:::"
#            - "Ref" : "ServerlessDeploymentBucket"
#            - "/*"

# you can define service wide environment variables here
#  environment:
#    variable1: value1

# you can add packaging information here
#  include:
#    -
#    - include-me-dir/**
#  exclude:
#    -
#    - exclude-me-dir/**

    handler: handler.emotionAnalysis
       - http:
            path: emotionAnalysis
            method: post

    handler: handler.audioAnalysis
       - http:
            path: vokaturiAnalysis
            method: post

#    The following are a few example events you can configure
#    NOTE: Please make sure to change your handler code to work with those events
#    Check the event documentation for details
#    events:
#      - http:
#          path: users/create
#          method: get
#      - s3: ${env:BUCKET}
#      - schedule: rate(10 minutes)
#      - sns: greeter-topic
#      - stream: arn:aws:dynamodb:region:XXXXXX:table/foo/stream/1970-01-01T00:00:00.000
#      - alexaSkill
#      - iot:
#          sql: "SELECT * FROM 'some_topic'"
#      - cloudwatchEvent:
#          event:
#            source:
#              - "aws.ec2"
#            detail-type:
#              - "EC2 Instance State-change Notification"
#            detail:
#              state:
#                - pending
#      - cloudwatchLog: '/aws/lambda/hello'
#      - cognitoUserPool:
#          pool: MyUserPool
#          trigger: PreSignUp

#    Define function environment variables here
#    environment:
#      variable2: value2

# you can add CloudFormation resource templates here
#  Resources:
#    NewResource:
#      Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
#      Properties:
#        BucketName: my-new-bucket
#  Outputs:
#     NewOutput:
#       Description: "Description for the output"
#       Value: "Some output value"

and the requirements.txt:


I am using this Dockerfile to compile dlib and boost:

FROM amazonlinux:latest

RUN touch /var/lib/rpm/* 
RUN yum install -y yum-plugin-ovl && cd /usr/src
#RUN  yum check-update
#RUN rpm --rebuilddb
RUN yum history sync 
RUN yum install -y wget 
RUN yum install -y sudo
RUN yum install -y sudo && sudo yum install -y yum-utils && sudo yum groupinstall -y development
RUN sudo yum install -y && sudo yum install -y python36u && yum install -y python36u-pip && yum install -y python36u-devel
#RUN yum install -y grub2

RUN ln -s /usr/include/python3.6m /usr/include/python3.6

RUN wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp 
RUN    tar xvf /tmp/patchelf-0.8.tar.gz -C /tmp 
RUN    cd /tmp/patchelf-0.8 && ./configure && make && sudo make install 

RUN  yum install -y blas-devel boost-devel lapack-devel gcc-c++ cmake git 
RUN     git clone 
RUN     cd dlib/python_examples/ 
RUN     mkdir build && cd build 
RUN     cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python3.6 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())") -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python3.6 -c "import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR'))") -DUSE_SSE4_INSTRUCTIONS:BOOL=ON dlib/tools/python
RUN     sed -i 's/\/\/all/all/' Makefile && sed -i 's/\/\/preinstall/preinstall/' Makefile
RUN     cmake --build . --config Release --target install   
RUN     cd .. 

RUN    mkdir ~/dlib  
RUN    cp ~/dlib/ 
RUN    cp /usr/lib64/ ~/dlib/  
RUN    touch ~/dlib/ 
RUN    patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' ~/dlib/ 

When I run serverless deploy, I get the following error:

Error --------------------------------------------------

Error: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.serverless/requirements.txt'

    at ServerlessPythonRequirements.installRequirements (/Users/manavdutta1/Downloads/awsTest/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/lib/pip.js:80:11)
From previous event:
    at PluginManager.invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:366:22)
    at PluginManager.spawn (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:384:17)
    at Deploy.BbPromise.bind.then.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/deploy/deploy.js:120:50)
From previous event:
    at Object.before:deploy:deploy [as hook] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/deploy/deploy.js:110:10)
    at BbPromise.reduce (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:366:55)
From previous event:
    at PluginManager.invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:366:22)
    at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:397:17)
    at variables.populateService.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/Serverless.js:104:33)
    at runCallback (timers.js:785:20)
    at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:747:5)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:718:5)
From previous event:
    at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/Serverless.js:91:74)
    at serverless.init.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/bin/serverless:42:50)
    at <anonymous>

I have no idea why this is happening. I have the requirements.txt under .serverless in my local directory and it looks fine. Does anyone know why this is happening?

dschep commented 6 years ago

You should keep your requirements.txt in the root of your service, the plugin creates the file at .serverless/requirements.txt.

heri16 commented 6 years ago

Are you running on windows @manav95? I noticed you enabled dockerizePip. See Issue #105

manav95 commented 6 years ago

im using mac os x

heri16 commented 6 years ago

Check your shared drives in the docker for Mac settings.

JFox commented 6 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue as @manav95. I'm using default docker image on debian jeesie

dschep commented 6 years ago

Just thought of something it might be.. Add this to your Dockerfile:

RUN mkdir /var/task
WORKDIR /var/task
thesmith commented 6 years ago

I'm hitting this too. Runs perfectly locally (OSX) but when using Codeship and the following Dockerfile:

FROM docker:dind

RUN apk add --update \
    nodejs \
    python3 \
    py-pip \
    build-base \
  && pip install virtualenv \
  && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

RUN mkdir /var/task
WORKDIR /var/task

COPY . /var/task

RUN npm install -g serverless
RUN sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements

Then when I run serverless deploy I get the same error.

Sitin commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem.

Also when I am trying to pull image inside the dicker:dindimage:

I got:

(image: codeship_smr-chatbot) (service: smr-chatbot) Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

(image: codeship_smr-chatbot) (service: smr-chatbot) Removing intermediate container 0f5038935f88
(step: deploy to dev) error ✗
(step: deploy to dev) error loading services during run step: failure to build Image{ name: "smr-chatbot", branch: "dev", dockerfile: "/Users/sitin/Documents/Workspace/Chimplie/smr-chatbot/Dockerfile", cache: true }: The command '/bin/sh -c docker pull lambci/lambda:build-python3.6' returned a non-zero code: 1

I am running via jet and have add_docker: true.

avli commented 6 years ago

I get this error too when I try using the plugin on CircleCI to automate deployment. I don't use any custom Docker images but circleci/python:3.6.4. The plugin configuration I use is as follows:

  - serverless-python-requirements

    dockerizePip: true

And yes, everything runs perfectly on my local machine which runs macOS.

thesmith commented 6 years ago

I've been playing with this a bit more and there's definitely something about running the pip install through docker, from within another docker.

I guess one way to get around this would be to run the pip install command without docker, given we're already within a docker container - as long as the host docker is the right kind to build the package for lambda.

If there was an extended version of that we could use to run serverless deploy from then we could set dockerizePip: false.

avli commented 6 years ago

@thesmith Yes, this is the current workaround I use. Thank you for posting it – can be useful for other users who are hitting this issue.

thesmith commented 6 years ago

So this Dockerfile seems to be working, obviously dockerizePip has to be false:

FROM lambci/lambda:build-nodejs6.10

    PYTHONPATH=/var/runtime \

RUN curl | tar -xz -C / && \
    sed -i '/^prefix=/c\prefix=/var/lang' /var/lang/lib/pkgconfig/python-3.6.pc && \
    curl | tar -xJ && \
    cd Python-3.6.1 && \
    LIBS="$LIBS -lutil -lrt" ./configure --prefix=/var/lang && \
    make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) libinstall inclinstall && \
    cd .. && \
    rm -rf Python-3.6.1 && \
    pip3 install awscli virtualenv --no-cache-dir

RUN npm install -g serverless

COPY . .

RUN npm install

Annoyingly this means you have to flip dockerizePip between deploying via CI and locally.

dschep commented 6 years ago

Ah. yeah I'll ahve to check docker-in-docker out at some point.

Re this @thesmith:

Annoyingly this means you have to flip dockerizePip between deploying via CI and locally.

You an do something like:

    dockerizePip: ${self:custom.isCI.${env:CI}, self:custom.isCI.false}
    true: true
    false: non-linux

(this assumes you have a CI env var set to true in CI (CircleCI does this automatically, not sure how standard it is, but it'd be easy to add the var or adapt this technique to your CI provider)

tgensol commented 6 years ago

@thesmith How do you use this Dockerfile in order to have circleci working ? I am a bit lost... thanks !

thesmith commented 6 years ago

@tgensol FWIW it's Codeship, not CircleCI.

On Codeship Pro, the install / deploy process is itself run in a docker image built using that Dockerfile (with dockerizePip set to false).

mehdisadeghi commented 6 years ago

We have the same problem. I can package and deploy from Mac but the build fails on AWS.

custom section of our serverless.yml:

    buildDir: _build
    requirementsFile: requirements.txt
    cleanup: true
    useDocker: false

Error log on AWS:

  Error --------------------------------------------------

  ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'requirements.txt'

     For debugging logs, run again after setting the "SLS_DEBUG=*" environment variable.

  Stack Trace --------------------------------------------

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'requirements.txt'
    at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:667:18)
    at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:572:33)
    at generateRequirementsFile (/codebuild/output/src659347776/src/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/lib/pip.js:163:6)
    at installRequirements (/codebuild/output/src659347776/src/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/lib/pip.js:34:5)
    at (/codebuild/output/src659347776/src/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/lib/pip.js:215:11)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ServerlessPythonRequirements.installAllRequirements (/codebuild/output/src659347776/src/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/lib/pip.js:210:8)
From previous event:
    at PluginManager.invoke (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:372:22)
    at PluginManager.spawn (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:390:17)
    at Deploy.BbPromise.bind.then.then (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/deploy/deploy.js:123:50)
From previous event:
    at Object.before:deploy:deploy [as hook] (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/deploy/deploy.js:113:10)
    at BbPromise.reduce (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:372:55)
From previous event:
    at PluginManager.invoke (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:372:22)
    at (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:403:17)
    at variables.populateService.then (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/Serverless.js:102:33)
    at runCallback (timers.js:763:18)
    at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:734:5)
    at processImmediate (timers.js:716:5)
    at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:101:23)
From previous event:
    at (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/Serverless.js:89:74)
    at serverless.init.then (/usr/lib/node_modules/serverless/bin/serverless:42:50)
    at <anonymous>

  Get Support --------------------------------------------

  Your Environment Information -----------------------------
     OS:                     linux
     Node Version:           9.9.0
     Serverless Version:     1.27.2

[Container] 2018/05/14 09:56:20 Command did not exit successfully SLS_DEBUG=* sls deploy --stage $STAGE exit status 1
[Container] 2018/05/14 09:56:20 Phase complete: BUILD Success: false
[Container] 2018/05/14 09:56:20 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: SLS_DEBUG=* sls deploy --stage $STAGE. Reason: exit status 1

Our buildspec.yml:

    DOCKER_VERSION: "17.09.1"
    STAGE: "dev"

      - pip install pip --upgrade
      - npm install -g serverless
      - npm install
      - npm -v
      - sls -v
      - SLS_DEBUG=* sls deploy --stage $STAGE

And our dependencies defined in package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "serverless": "^1.27.2",
    "serverless-package-python-functions": "^0.2.5",
    "serverless-pseudo-parameters": "^1.6.0",
    "serverless-python-requirements": "^4.0.3",
    "serverless-step-functions": "^1.4.1"

I also tried appending the following config to the custom entry in the serverless.yml which didn't help:

    dockerizePip: false


Adding a Pipfile and Pipfile.lock to the root of my repository along with installation of pipenv solved my problem (which consequently creates the desired requirements.txt). I guess adding an empty requirements.txt would also do.

dschep commented 6 years ago

@mehdisadeghi no clue. but to be honest I wouldn't expect serverless-package-python-functions & serverless-python-requirements to work together. I don't think serverless-package-python-functions is necessary since this plugin gained the same functionality.

mehdisadeghi commented 6 years ago

@dschep thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try and if it works without serverless-package-python-functions I'll happily remove it! Less clutter is better.

brettdh commented 5 years ago

I had this issue as well - or a similar one, anyway - running inside Gitlab CI (docker-in-docker) with dockerizePip: true:

Serverless: Invoke deploy
Serverless: Invoke package
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:cleanupTempDir
Serverless: Generated requirements from /builds/group/project/requirements.txt in /builds/group/project/.serverless/requirements.txt...
Serverless: Installing requirements from /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/03e86de11d16dfbe8247f02d3d303294_slspyc/requirements.txt ...
Serverless: Docker Image: lambci/lambda:build-python3.6
Serverless: Using download cache directory /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/downloadCacheslspyc
Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/task/requirements.txt'

and I accidentally stumbled upon a workaround.

I was already going to start using download and static caching, and I wanted the cache dir to be inside my .serverless directory, so that it would be saved and restored between jobs. So, I ended up with these settings:

    dockerizePip: true
    useDownloadCache: true
    useStaticCache: true
    cacheLocation: ./.serverless/.requirements_cache

And, lo and behold, that also fixed the packaging issue.

If you notice above, the plugin is trying to map a requirements.txt file into the container in /var/task/:

Serverless: Installing requirements from /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/03e86de11d16dfbe8247f02d3d303294_slspyc/requirements.txt ...

My guess is that the Gitlab CI runner disallows this or interferes with it somehow, because when I set cacheLocation as above, I get this instead:

Serverless: Installing requirements from /builds/group/project/.serverless/.requirements_cache/c1982a9b5b5e665faaa0cd35390c1b60_slspyc/requirements.txt ...

which works perfectly.

This could also be because the /builds/group/project directory is already being mapped into the container as a volume, allowing pip in the container to find the path to requirements.txt. Either way, hopefully this helps someone else with a similar dockerish problem.

AndrewFarley commented 5 years ago

@brettdh the cache location shouldn’t be inside of the .serverless folder as that folder is temporary in nature and nothing would ever cache there. It might work I’ve never actually tested in there but that’s my first gut instinct. Can you maybe pastebin more of your full serverless config and your gitlabci file and I’ll take a look?

brettdh commented 5 years ago

that folder is temporary in nature and nothing would ever cache there.

What does this mean? Is the folder cleared out before every deploy?

I can just as easily (I think) put it in my project's root dir alongside .serverless/ instead, but I'm not sure I understand what you think will happen if I put it inside .serverless/ as I've done.

It might work

So far so good :) But like I said, I'm curious as to what the danger might be.

I'll try to put together a minimal repro project on when I get a chance.

AndrewFarley commented 5 years ago

The serverless framework deletes that folder and recreates it every time you deploy, defeating the purpose of cache completely is what I mean.

brettdh commented 5 years ago

Yep, that'd be a good reason to move it out 😅 Thanks for the tip!

namank5x commented 5 years ago

I had this issue as well - or a similar one, anyway - running inside Gitlab CI (docker-in-docker) with dockerizePip: true:

Serverless: Invoke deploy
Serverless: Invoke package
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:validate
Serverless: Invoke aws:common:cleanupTempDir
Serverless: Generated requirements from /builds/group/project/requirements.txt in /builds/group/project/.serverless/requirements.txt...
Serverless: Installing requirements from /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/03e86de11d16dfbe8247f02d3d303294_slspyc/requirements.txt ...
Serverless: Docker Image: lambci/lambda:build-python3.6
Serverless: Using download cache directory /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/downloadCacheslspyc
Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/task/requirements.txt'

and I accidentally stumbled upon a workaround.

I was already going to start using download and static caching, and I wanted the cache dir to be inside my .serverless directory, so that it would be saved and restored between jobs. So, I ended up with these settings:

    dockerizePip: true
    useDownloadCache: true
    useStaticCache: true
    cacheLocation: ./.serverless/.requirements_cache

And, lo and behold, that also fixed the packaging issue.

If you notice above, the plugin is trying to map a requirements.txt file into the container in /var/task/:

Serverless: Installing requirements from /root/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/03e86de11d16dfbe8247f02d3d303294_slspyc/requirements.txt ...

My guess is that the Gitlab CI runner disallows this or interferes with it somehow, because when I set cacheLocation as above, I get this instead:

Serverless: Installing requirements from /builds/group/project/.serverless/.requirements_cache/c1982a9b5b5e665faaa0cd35390c1b60_slspyc/requirements.txt ...

which works perfectly.

This could also be because the /builds/group/project directory is already being mapped into the container as a volume, allowing pip in the container to find the path to requirements.txt. Either way, hopefully this helps someone else with a similar dockerish problem.

Update: I've tried to use this method on gitlab ci while deploying. it works when it tries to use the cache directory but many times it doesn't use the cache directory in which case it fails. maybe if we could add a parameter to always use cache directory it could work ?

JustinTArthur commented 5 years ago

I think the fix would be an option to use docker cp instead of volumes or binds for dockerizePip. These CI systems generally employ a remote docker daemon as far as the main build can see.

chubzor commented 4 years ago

@thesmith or @avli I've got the /var/task problem for a project I'm working on right now. I'm trying to use circleCI and serverless-python-requirements. Are you setting dockerizePip to false when deploying from the CI or are you using dockerizePip true? If you are using dockerizePip true did you place in your own docker image for it and then added /var/task folder?

When I try dockerizePip false I run into the lambda limit error, which is not good. Even when I use slimming.

Any clarification would be great here.

alexcallow commented 4 years ago

Getting the same issue to @chubzor, any news on a fix.

chubzor commented 4 years ago

@alexcallow I ended up using this: custom: pythonRequirements: layer: true slim: true slimPatterns:

We abandoned deploying via local dev machines, and this worked for us when deploying with circleCI. Mind you we have numpy, pandas, scikit-learn in requirements.

I think we are hanging by inside of some size limit so this is not sustainable, but could be helpful for you.

adam0x01 commented 4 years ago

If you have pyproject.toml in your project but you don't use poetry, please remember to set usePoetry: false. The config will be

    dockerizePip: true
    usePoetry: false

Related code:



bxm156 commented 4 years ago

I'm encounter this as well when trying to use CircleCi, my executor is

  name: node/default
  tag: '10.4'`

which I belive means im doing docker-in-docker.

It seems this command Running docker run --rm -v /home/circleci/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/2b94ea26f9dceaadc347670525eaa71ffd73487d3460b8428f6a406f834f65af_slspyc\:/var/task\:z -v /home/circleci/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/downloadCacheslspyc\:/var/useDownloadCache\:z sls-py-reqs-custom /bin/sh -c 'chown -R 0\\:0 /var/useDownloadCache && python3.6 -m pip install -t /var/task/ -r /var/task/requirements.txt --cache-dir /var/useDownloadCache && chown -R 3434\\:3434 /var/task && cp /usr/lib64/ /var/task/ && chown -R 3434\\:3434 /var/useDownloadCache'..

is mounting /home/circleci/.cache/serverless-python-requirements/2b94ea26f9dceaadc347670525eaa71ffd73487d3460b8428f6a406f834f65af_slspyc\ to /var/task\: but I found this in the CircleCI documentation:

"It's not possible to use volume mounting with the docker executor, but using the machine executor it's possible to mount local directories to your running Docker containers. "

I switched from docker-in-docker:

       name: node/default
       tag: '10.4'
        - checkout
        - node/with-cache:
              - run: npm install
        - setup_remote_docker
        - run: npx sls package -p ./artifacts/

to Machine:

     machine: true
        - checkout
        - node/install-node:
            version: 10.16.3
        - node/install-npm:
            version: 6.12.1
        - node/with-cache:
              - run: npm install
        - run: npx sls package -p ./artifacts/

And it ran successfully.

Note: CircleCi warns that machine executors may become a premium feature in the future.

AndrewFarley commented 4 years ago

@bxm156 please try my docker in docker support and report back. See:

scarfaace commented 3 years ago

If you have pyproject.toml in your project but you don't use poetry, please remember to set usePoetry: false. The config will be

    dockerizePip: true
    usePoetry: false

Related code:


This thing! pyproject.toml...

santtul commented 2 years ago

I bumped to this issue as well with macOS and minikube as docker platform. The problem was that the docker run command executed by the plugin includes volume mounts like mentioned in other comments (those -v switches) and volume mounts don't work out-of-the-box with minikube. I had to run minikube mount command for the folder like this (leave the command running):

minikube mount /path/to/your-lib-folder/Library/Caches/serverless-python-requirements:/path/to/your-lib-folder/Library/Caches/serverless-python-requirements

And after that the plugin was able to generate the requirements and the build worked.