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Serverless Workflow Website
Apache License 2.0
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Refactor website to use Hugo and Docsy; Add a blog #202

Closed ricardozanini closed 1 day ago

ricardozanini commented 3 weeks ago

Many thanks for submitting your Pull Request :heart:!

What this PR does / why we need it:

Special notes for reviewers: Still, work todo:

Additional information (if needed):

cdavernas commented 3 weeks ago

LGTM! Many thanks man ❤️

ricardozanini commented 1 week ago

@cdavernas can you take another review?

ricardozanini commented 1 week ago

Looks great to me, many thanks! Do you think you could display the other key features on the index, and provide small code snippets, like now?

I would need help with HTML + js to be able to use this:

It appears, but breaks the page. I think it's not meant to be used on the landing page. So maybe @JBBianchi could help in a future PR? I will take a lot of time to do it, which I don't have atm.

What other key features you mean?

JBBianchi commented 1 week ago

Looks great to me, many thanks! Do you think you could display the other key features on the index, and provide small code snippets, like now?

I would need help with HTML + js to be able to use this:

It appears, but breaks the page. I think it's not meant to be used on the landing page. So maybe @JBBianchi could help in a future PR? I will take a lot of time to do it, which I don't have atm.

What other key features you mean?

Sure, we can have a look together.

cdavernas commented 1 week ago

What other key features you mean?


We have a lot more of those in the Readme:

  • Easy to Use: Designed for universal understanding, Serverless Workflow DSL enables users to quickly grasp workflow concepts and create complex workflows effortlessly.
  • Event Driven: Seamlessly integrate events into workflows with support for various formats, including CloudEvents, allowing for event-driven workflow architectures.
  • Service Oriented: The Serverless Workflow DSL empowers developers to seamlessly integrate with service-oriented architectures, allowing them to define workflows that interact with various services over standard application protocols like HTTP, GRPC, OpenAPI, AxsyncAPI, and more.
  • FaaS Centric: Seamlessly invoke functions hosted on various platforms within workflows, promoting a function-as-a-service (FaaS) paradigm and enabling microservices architectures.
  • Timely: Define timeouts for workflows and tasks to manage execution duration effectively.
  • Fault Tolerant: Easily define error handling strategies to manage and recover from errors that may occur during workflow execution, ensuring robustness and reliability.
  • Schedulable: Schedule workflows using CRON expressions or trigger them based on events, providing control over workflow execution timing.
  • Interoperable: Integrates seamlessly with different services and resources.
  • Robust: Offers features such as conditional branching, event handling, and looping constructs.
  • Scalable: Promotes code reusability, maintainability, and scalability across different environments.

And possibly even others worth mentioning...

ricardozanini commented 1 week ago

@cdavernas sure we can add them all, but don't you think it will get cluttered? Maybe 3 more to have an additional line?

cdavernas commented 1 week ago

@ricardozanini Yeah, you are right. Maybe 3 more indeed

ricardozanini commented 1 week ago

@cdavernas I'll let you pick the other 3. 😛

cdavernas commented 4 days ago

Let's pick the 6 first, no? They feel like the most compelling to me.

ricardozanini commented 4 days ago

@cdavernas if you're happy with the content now, feel free to merge :)

ricardozanini commented 4 days ago

@JBBianchi @cdavernas btw I created an issue to track the code section:

ricardozanini commented 4 days ago

@cdavernas one last thing: I've added the schema to the schemas section with both YAML and JSON versions. 👍