Auto code formatting/auto copyright headers were introdueced previously, but due to various problem it was disabled entirely. Now it's time to reintroduce it properly
After several discussions about how formatting workflow should look like, we've come to an agreement that resulted with undermentioned resolutions:
code formatting must be triggered only after merge to master. This is considered basically the last step
code formatting must be triggered only once for each merge to master
post-merge actions have to be executed by technical user account
technical user mentioned above is the only user that has permission to make changes on master branch without need of conducting PR flow
Acceptance criteria
[x] code formatting mechanism is reenabled
[x] code formatting process is triggered only once and only after merge to master
[x] code formatter causes the code to be formatted with Google Java Formatting style
[x] code formatter causes missing copyright headers to be automatically prepended
[x] code formatter uses technical user to commit changes to the master branch
Summary Auto code formatting/auto copyright headers were introdueced previously, but due to various problem it was disabled entirely. Now it's time to reintroduce it properly
Details After several discussions about how formatting workflow should look like, we've come to an agreement that resulted with undermentioned resolutions:
Acceptance criteria
Additional context