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/docs/concepts/traffic-management/ #1088

Closed SataQiu closed 4 years ago

SataQiu commented 4 years ago

Source File: /docs/concepts/traffic-management/ Diff:

 diff --git a/content/en/docs/concepts/traffic-management/ b/content/en/docs/concepts/traffic-management/
index 55594196..6870ec8c 100644
--- a/content/en/docs/concepts/traffic-management/
+++ b/content/en/docs/concepts/traffic-management/
@@ -13,142 +13,237 @@ aliases:
     - /docs/concepts/traffic-management/pilot.html

-Istio’s traffic routing rules let you easily control the flow
-of traffic and API calls between services. Istio simplifies configuration of
-service-level properties like circuit breakers, timeouts, and retries, and makes
-it easy to set up important tasks like A/B testing, canary rollouts, and staged
-rollouts with percentage-based traffic splits. It also provides out-of-box
-failure recovery features that help make your application
-more robust against failures of dependent services or the network.
-Istio’s traffic management model relies on the {{< gloss >}}Envoy{{</ gloss >}}
-proxies that are deployed along with your services. All traffic that your mesh
-services send and receive ({{< gloss >}}data plane{{</ gloss >}} traffic) is proxied through Envoy, making
-it easy to direct and control traffic around your mesh without making any
-changes to your services.
-If you’re interested in the details of how the features described in this guide
-work, you can find out more about Istio’s traffic management implementation in the
-[architecture overview]/docs/ops/architecture/). The rest of
-this guide introduces Istio’s traffic management features.
-## Introducing Istio Traffic Management
-In order to direct traffic within your mesh, Istio needs to know where all your
-endpoints are, and which services they belong to. To populate its own
-{{< gloss >}}service registry{{</ gloss >}}, Istio connects to a service
-discovery system. For example, if you've installed Istio on a Kubernetes cluster,
-then Istio automatically detects the services and endpoints in that cluster.
-Using this service registry, the Envoy proxies can then direct traffic to the
-relevant services. Most microservice-based applications have multiple instances
-of each service workload to handle service traffic, sometimes referred to as a
-load balancing pool. By default, the Envoy proxies distribute traffic across
-each service’s load balancing pool using a round-robin model, where requests are
-sent to each pool member in turn, returning to the top of the pool once each
-service instance has received a request.
-While Istio's basic service discovery and load balancing gives you a working
-service mesh, it’s far from all that Istio can do. In many cases you might want
-more fine-grained control over what happens to your mesh traffic.
-You might want to direct a particular percentage of traffic to a new version of
-a service as part of A/B testing, or apply a different load balancing policy to
-traffic for a particular subset of service instances. You might also want to
-apply special rules to traffic coming into or out of your mesh, or add an
-external dependency of your mesh to the service registry. You can do all this
-and more by adding your own traffic configuration to Istio using Istio’s traffic
-management API.
-Like other Istio configuration, the API is specified using Kubernetes custom
-resource definitions ({{< gloss >}}CRDs{{</ gloss >}}), which you can configure
-using YAML, as you’ll see in the examples.
-The rest of this guide examines each of the traffic management API resources
-and what you can do with them. These resources are:
-- [Virtual services](#virtual-services)
-- [Destination rules](#destination-rules)
-- [Gateways](#gateways)
-- [Service entries](#service-entries)
-- [Sidecars](#sidecars)
-This guide also gives an overview of some of the
-[network resilience and testing features](#network-resilience-and-testing) that
-are built in to the API resources.
-## Virtual services {#virtual-services}
-[Virtual services](/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#VirtualService),
-along with [destination rules](#destination-rules), are the key building blocks of Istio’s traffic
-routing functionality. A virtual service lets you configure how requests are
-routed to a service within an Istio service mesh, building on the basic
-connectivity and discovery provided by Istio and your platform. Each virtual
-service consists of a set of routing rules that are evaluated in order, letting
-Istio match each given request to the virtual service to a specific real
-destination within the mesh. Your mesh can require multiple virtual services or
-none depending on your use case.
-### Why use virtual services? {#why-use-virtual-services}
-Virtual services play a key role in making Istio’s traffic management flexible
-and powerful. They do this by strongly decoupling where clients send their
-requests from the destination workloads that actually implement them. Virtual
-services also provide a rich way of specifying different traffic routing rules
-for sending traffic to those workloads.
-Why is this so useful? Without virtual services, Envoy distributes
-traffic using round-robin load balancing between all service instances, as
-described in the introduction. You can improve this behavior with what you know
-about the workloads. For example, some might represent a different version. This
-can be useful in A/B testing, where you might want to configure traffic routes
-based on percentages across different service versions, or to direct
-traffic from your internal users to a particular set of instances.
-With a virtual service, you can specify traffic behavior for one or more hostnames.
-You use routing rules in the virtual service that tell Envoy how to send the
-virtual service’s traffic to appropriate destinations. Route destinations can
-be versions of the same service or entirely different services.
-A typical use case is to send traffic to different versions of a service,
-specified as service subsets. Clients send requests to the virtual service host as if
-it was a single entity, and Envoy then routes the traffic to the different
-versions depending on the virtual service rules: for example, "20% of calls go to
-the new version" or "calls from these users go to version 2". This allows you to,
-for instance, create a canary rollout where you gradually increase the
-percentage of traffic that’s sent to a new service version. The traffic routing
-is completely separate from the instance deployment, meaning that the number of
-instances implementing the new service version can scale up and down based on
-traffic load without referring to traffic routing at all. By contrast, container
-orchestration platforms like Kubernetes only support traffic distribution based
-on instance scaling, which quickly becomes complex. You can read more about how
-virtual services help with canary deployments in [Canary Deployments using Istio](/blog/2017/0.1-canary/).
-Virtual services also let you:
--   Address multiple application services through a single virtual service. If
-    your mesh uses Kubernetes, for example, you can configure a virtual service
-    to handle all services in a specific namespace. Mapping a single
-    virtual service to multiple "real" services is particularly useful in
-    facilitating turning a monolithic application into a composite service built
-    out of distinct microservices without requiring the consumers of the service
-    to adapt to the transition. Your routing rules can specify "calls to these URIs of
-    `` go to `microservice A`", and so on. You can see how this works
-    in [one of our examples below](#more-about-routing-rules).
--   Configure traffic rules in combination with
-    [gateways](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#gateways) to control ingress
-    and egress traffic.
-In some cases you also need to configure destination rules to use these
-features, as these are where you specify your service subsets. Specifying
-service subsets and other destination-specific policies in a separate object
-lets you reuse these cleanly between virtual services. You can find out more
-about destination rules in the next section.
-### Virtual service example {#virtual-service-example}
-The following virtual service routes
-requests to different versions of a service depending on whether the request
-comes from a particular user.
+- [Overview and terminology](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#overview-and-terminology):
+  Learn about Pilot, Istio's core traffic management component and Envoy
+  proxies and how they enable service discovery and traffic control for services in the mesh.
+- [Traffic routing and configuration](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#traffic-routing-and-configuration):
+  Learn about the Istio features and resources needed to configure routing and
+  control the ingress and egress of traffic for the mesh.
+- [Network resilience and testing](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#network-resilience-and-testing):
+  Learn about Istio's dynamic failure recovery features that you can configure
+  to test and build tolerance for failing nodes, and to prevent cascading failures to
+  other nodes.
+## Overview and terminology
+With Istio, you can manage service discovery, traffic routing, and load balancing
+for your service mesh without having to update your services. Istio simplifies
+configuration of service-level properties like timeouts and retries, and makes
+it straightforward to set up tasks like staged rollouts with percentage-based
+traffic splits.
+Istio's traffic management model relies on the following two components:
+- {{< gloss >}}Pilot{{</ gloss >}}, the core traffic management component.
+- {{< gloss >}}Envoy{{</ gloss >}} proxies, which enforce configurations and policies set through Pilot.
+These components enable the following Istio traffic management features:
+- Service discovery
+- Load balancing
+- Traffic routing and control
+### Pilot: Core traffic management {#pilot}
+The following diagram shows the Pilot architecture:
+{{< image width="40%"
+    link="./pilot-arch.svg"
+    caption="Pilot architecture"
+    >}}
+As the diagram illustrates, Pilot maintains an **abstract model** of all the
+services in the mesh. **Platform-specific adapters** in Pilot translate the
+abstract model appropriately for your platform.
+For example, the Kubernetes adapter implements controllers to watch the
+Kubernetes API server for changes to pod registration information and service
+resources. The Kubernetes adapter translates this
+data for the abstract model.
+Pilot uses the abstract model to generate appropriate Envoy-specific configurations
+to let Envoy proxies know about one another in the mesh through the **Envoy API.**
+You can use Istio's **Traffic Management API** to instruct Pilot to refine
+the Envoy configuration to exercise more granular control
+over the traffic in your service mesh.
+### Envoy proxies
+Traffic in Istio is categorized as data plane traffic and control plane
+traffic. Data plane traffic refers to the data that the business logic of the
+workloads manipulate. Control plane traffic refers to configuration and control
+data sent between Istio components to program the behavior of the mesh. Traffic
+management in Istio refers exclusively to data plane traffic.
+Envoy proxies are the only Istio components that interact with data plane
+traffic. Envoy proxies route the data plane traffic across the mesh and enforce
+the configurations and traffic rules without the services having to be aware of
+them. Envoy proxies mediate all inbound and outbound traffic for all services
+in the mesh. Envoy proxies are deployed as sidecars to services, logically
+augmenting the services with traffic management features:
+- [service discovery and load balancing](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#discovery)
+- [traffic routing and configuration](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#traffic-routing-and-configuration)
+- [network resilience and testing](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#network-resilience-and-testing)
+Some of the features and tasks enabled by Envoy proxies include:
+- Traffic control features: enforce fine-grained traffic control with rich
+   routing rules for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, and TCP traffic.
+- Network resiliency features: setup retries, failovers, circuit breakers, and
+   fault injection.
+- Security and authentication features: enforce security policies and enforce
+   access control and rate limiting defined through the configuration API.
+#### Service discovery and load balancing {#discovery}
+Istio service discovery leverages the service discovery features provided by
+platforms like Kubernetes for container-based applications.
+Service discovery works in a similar way regardless of what platform you're
+1. The platform starts a new instance of a service which notifies its platform
+   adapter.
+1. The platform adapter registers the instance with the Pilot abstract model.
+1. **Pilot** distributes traffic rules and configurations to the Envoy proxies
+   to account for the change.
+The following diagram shows how the platform adapters and Envoy proxies
+{{< image width="40%"
+    link="./discovery.svg"
+    caption="Service discovery"
+    >}}
+Because the service discovery feature is platform-independent,
+a service mesh can include services across multiple platforms.
+Using the abstract model, Pilot configures the Envoy proxies to perform
+load balancing for service requests, replacing any underlying
+platform-specific load balancing feature.
+In the absence of more specific routing rules, Envoy will distribute the traffic
+across the instances in the calling service's load balancing pool, according to
+the Pilot abstract model and load balancer configuration.
+Istio supports the following load balancing methods:
+- Round robin: Requests are forwarded to instances in the pool in turn, and
+   the algorithm instructs the load balancer to go back to the top of the pool
+   and repeat.
+- Random: Requests are forwarded at random to instances in the pool.
+- Weighted: Requests are forwarded to instances in the pool according to a
+   specific percentage.
+- Least requests: Requests are forwarded to instances with the least number of
+   requests. See the [Envoy load balancing documentation](
+   for more information.
+You can also choose to prioritize your load balancing pools based on geographic
+location. Visit the [operations guide](/docs/ops/traffic-management/locality-load-balancing/)
+for more information on the locality load balancing feature.
+In addition to basic service discovery and load balancing, Istio provides a rich
+set of traffic routing and control features, which are described in the following sections.
+## Traffic routing and configuration
+The Istio traffic routing and configuration model relies on the following
+Istio [traffic management API](/docs/reference/config/networking/) resources:
+- **Virtual services**
+    Use a [virtual service](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#virtual-services)
+    to configure an ordered list of routing rules to control how Envoy proxies
+    route requests for a service within an Istio service mesh.
+- **Destination rules**
+    Use [destination rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules)
+    to configure the policies you want Istio to apply to a request after
+    enforcing the routing rules in your virtual service.
+- **Gateways**
+    Use [gateways](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#gateways)
+    to configure how the Envoy proxies load balance HTTP, TCP, or gRPC traffic.
+- **Service entries**
+    Use a [service entry](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-entries)
+    to add an entry to Istio's **abstract model** that configures
+    external dependencies of the mesh.
+- **Sidecars**
+    Use a [sidecar](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#sidecars)
+    to configure the scope of the Envoy proxies to enable certain features,
+    like namespace isolation.
+You can use these resources to configure
+fine-grained traffic control for a range of use cases:
+- Configure ingress traffic, enforce traffic policing, perform a traffic
+   rewrite.
+- Set up load balancers and define [service subsets](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-subsets)
+   as destinations in the mesh.
+- Set up canary rollouts, circuit breakers, timeouts, and retries to test
+   network resilience.
+- Configure TLS settings and outlier detection.
+The next section walks through some common use cases and describes how Istio
+supports them. Following sections describe each of the traffic management API resources in
+more detail.
+### Traffic routing use cases
+You might use all or only some of the Istio traffic management API resources,
+depending on your use case. Istio handles basic traffic routing by default,
+but configurations for advanced use cases might require the full range of Istio
+traffic routing features.
+#### Routing traffic to multiple versions of a service {#routing-versions}
+Typically, requests sent to services use a service's hostname or IP address,
+and clients sending requests don't distinguish between different versions of
+the service.
+With Istio, because the Envoy proxy intercepts and forwards all requests and
+responses between the clients and the services, you can use routing rules with
+[service subsets](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-subsets)
+in a virtual service to configure the [routing rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-rules)
+for multiple versions of a service.
+Service subsets are used to label all instances that correspond to a specific
+version of a service.
+Before you configure routing rules, the Envoy proxies use round-robin load
+balancing across all service instances, regardless of their subset. After you
+configure routing rules for traffic to reach specific subsets, the Envoy
+proxies route traffic to the subset according to the rule but again use
+round-robin to route traffic across the instances of each subset.
+This configuration method provides the following advantages:
+- Decouples the application code from the evolution of the application's dependent services.
+- Provides monitoring benefits.
+For details, see [Mixer policies and telemetry](/docs/reference/config/policy-and-telemetry/).
+For example, in A/B testing we often want to configure traffic routes based on
+percentages. With Istio, you can use a virtual service to specify a routing
+rule that sends 25% of requests to instances in the `v2` subset, and sends the
+remaining 75% of requests to instances in the `v1` subset. The following
+configuration accomplishes our example for the `reviews` service.

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -159,242 +254,555 @@ spec:
   - reviews
-  - match:
-    - headers:
-        end-user:
-          exact: jason
-    route:
+  - route:
+    - destination:
+        host: reviews
+        subset: v1
+      weight: 75
     - destination:
         host: reviews
         subset: v2
+      weight: 25
+{{< /text >}}
+#### Canary rollouts with autoscaling {#canary}
+Canary rollouts allow you to test a new version of a service by sending a small
+amount of traffic to the new version. If the test is successful, you can
+gradually increase the percentage of traffic sent to the new version until all
+the traffic is moved. If anything goes wrong along the way, you can abort the
+rollout and return the traffic to the old version.
+Container orchestration platforms like Docker or Kubernetes support canary
+rollouts, but they use instance scaling to manage traffic distribution, which
+quickly becomes complex, especially in a production environment that requires
+With Istio, you can configure traffic routing and instance deployment as
+independent functions. The number of instances implementing the services can
+scale up and down based on traffic load without referring to version traffic
+routing at all. This makes managing a canary version that includes autoscaling
+a much simpler problem. For details, see the [Canary Deployments](/blog/2017/0.1-canary/)
+blog post.
+## Virtual services
+A [virtual service](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/virtual-service/)
+is a resource you can use to configure how Envoy proxies route requests
+to a service within an Istio service mesh. Virtual services let you finely
+configure traffic behavior. For example, you can use virtual services to direct
+HTTP traffic to use a different version of the service for a specific user.
+Istio and your platform provide basic connectivity and discovery for your
+services. With virtual services, you can add a configuration layer to set up
+complex traffic routing. You can map user-addressable destinations to real
+workloads in the mesh, for example. Or, you can configure more advanced traffic
+routes to specific services or subsets in the mesh.
+Your mesh can require multiple virtual services or none depending on your use
+case. You can add [gateways](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#gateways)
+to route traffic in or out of your mesh, or combine virtual services with
+[destination rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules)
+to configure the behavior of the traffic. You can use a [service entry](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-entries)
+to add external dependencies to the mesh and combine them with virtual services
+to configure the traffic to these dependencies. The following diagrams
+show some example virtual service configurations:
+- 1:1 relationship: Virtual service A configures routing rules for traffic to
+   reach service X.
+   {{< image width="40%"
+    link="./virtual-services-1.svg"
+    caption="1 : 1 relationship"
+    >}}
+- 1:many relationship:
+    - Virtual service B configures routing rules for traffic to reach services
+      Y and Z.
+       {{< image width="40%"
+        link="./virtual-services-2.svg"
+        caption="1 : multiple services"
+        >}}
+    - Virtual service C configures routing rules for traffic to reach different
+      versions of service W.
+         {{< image width="40%"
+          link="./virtual-services-3.svg"
+          caption="1 : multiple versions"
+          >}}
+You can use virtual services to perform the following types of tasks:
+- Configure each application service version as a
+   [subset](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-subsets) and add
+   a corresponding [destination
+   rule](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules) to
+   determine the set of pods or VMs belonging to these subsets.
+- Configure traffic rules in combination with
+   [gateways](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#gateways)
+   to control ingress and egress traffic
+- Add [multiple match conditions](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#multi-match)
+   to a virtual service configuration to eliminate redundant rules.
+- Configure [traffic routes](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-subset)
+   to your application services using DNS names. These DNS names support
+   wildcard prefixes or CIDR prefixes to create a single rule for all matching
+   services.
+- Address one or more application services through a single virtual service.
+   If your mesh uses Kubernetes, for example, you can configure a virtual
+   service to handle all services in a specific
+   [namespace](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-namespace).
+### Route requests to a subset {#routing-subset}
+The following example configures the  `my-vtl-svc` virtual service to route
+requests to the `v1` subset of the `my-svc` service:
+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: my-vtl-svc
+  hosts:
+  - "*"
+  http:
   - route:
     - destination:
-        host: reviews
-        subset: v3
+        host: my-svc
+        subset: v1
 {{< /text >}}

-#### The hosts field {#the-hosts-field}
+In the example, under `spec`,
+`hosts` lists the virtual service's hosts. In this case, the
+hosts are `*`, where `*` is a wildcard prefix indicating that this
+virtual service handles routing for any DNS name ending with ``.
+You can specify user-addressable hosts by using any DNS name or an internal
+mesh service name as long as the name resolves, implicitly or explicitly, to
+one or more fully qualified domain names (FQDN). To specify multiple hosts, you
+can use wildcards.
+Also, note that under `route`, which specifies the routing rule's
+configuration, and `destination`, which specifies the routing rule's
+destination, `host: my-svc` specifies the destination's host. If you are
+running on Kubernetes, then `my-svc` is the name of a Kubernetes service.
+You use the destination's host to specify where you want the traffic to be
+sent. The destination's host must exist in the service registry. To use
+external services as destinations, use [service entries](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#service-entries)
+to add those services to the registry.
+{{< warning >}}
+Istio **doesn't** provide [DNS](
+resolution. Applications can try to resolve the FQDN by using the DNS service
+present in their platform of choice, for example `kube-dns`.
+{{< /warning >}}
+The following diagram shows the configured rule:
+{{< image width="40%"
+  link="./virtual-services-4.svg"
+  caption="Configurable traffic route to send traffic to a specific subset"
+    >}}
+### Route requests to services in a Kubernetes namespace {#routing-namespace}
+When you specify the `host` field for the destination of a route in a virtual service
+using a short name like `svc-1`, Istio expands the short name into a fully qualified domain name.
+To perform the expansion, Istio adds a domain suffix based on the namespace of the virtual service that
+contains the routing rule. For example, if the virtual service is defined in the `my-namespace` namespace,
+Istio adds the `my-namespace.svc.cluster.local` suffix to the abbreviated destination resulting in
+the actual destination: ``.

-The `hosts` field lists the virtual service’s hosts - in other words, the user-addressable
-destination or destinations that these routing rules apply to. This is the
-address or addresses the client uses when sending requests to the service.
+While this approach is very convenient and commonly used to simplify examples, it can
+easily lead to misconfigurations. Therefore we do
+[not recommend it for production deployments](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/virtual-service/#Destination).
+The following example shows a virtual service configuration with fully qualified traffic routes
+for two services in the `my-namespace` Kubernetes namespace.
+The configuration relies on the URI prefixes of the two services to distinguish

 {{< text yaml >}}
-- reviews
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: my-namespace
+  hosts:
+  -
+  http:
+  - match:
+    - uri:
+        prefix: /svc-1
+    route:
+    - destination:
+        host:
+  - match:
+    - uri:
+        prefix: /svc-2
+    route:
+    - destination:
+        host:
 {{< /text >}}

-The virtual service hostname can be an IP address, a DNS name, or, depending on
-the platform, a short name (such as a Kubernetes service short name) that resolves,
-implicitly or explicitly, to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). You can also
-use wildcard ("\*") prefixes, letting you create a single set of routing rules for
-all matching services. Virtual service hosts don't actually have to be part of the
-Istio service registry, they are simply virtual destinations. This lets you model
-traffic for virtual hosts that don't have routable entries inside the mesh.
-#### Routing rules {#routing-rules}
-The `http` section contains the virtual service’s routing rules, describing
-match conditions and actions for routing HTTP/1.1, HTTP2, and gRPC traffic sent
-to the destination(s) specified in the hosts field (you can also use `tcp` and
-`tls` sections to configure routing rules for
-[TCP](/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#TCPRoute) and
-traffic). A routing rule consists of the destination where you want the traffic
-to go and zero or more match conditions, depending on your use case.
-##### Match condition {#match-condition}
-The first routing rule in the example has a condition and so begins with the
-`match` field. In this case you want this routing to apply to all requests from
-the user "jason", so you use the `headers`, `end-user`, and `exact` fields to select
-the appropriate requests.
+Using fully qualified hosts in the routing rules also provides more flexibility.
+If you use short names, the destinations must be in the same namespace as the virtual service.
+If you use fully qualified domain names, the destinations can be in any namespace.
+### Routing rules
+A virtual service consists of an ordered list of routing rules to define the
+paths that requests follow within the mesh. You use virtual services to
+configure the routing rules. A routing rule consists of a destination and zero
+or more conditions, depending on your use case. You can also use routing rules
+to perform some actions on the traffic, for example:
+- Append or remove headers.
+- Rewrite the URL.
+- Set a retry policy.
+To learn more about the actions available, see the [virtual service reference documentation](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/virtual-service/#HTTPRoute).
+#### Routing rule for HTTP traffic
+The following example shows a virtual service that specifies
+two HTTP traffic routing rules. The first rule includes a `match`
+condition with a regular expression to check if the username "jason" is in the
+request's cookie. If the request matches this condition, the rule sends
+traffic to the `v2` subset of the `my-svc` service. Otherwise, the second rule
+sends traffic to the `v1` subset of the `my-svc` service.

 {{< text yaml >}}
-- match:
-   - headers:
-       end-user:
-         exact: jason
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: my-vtl-svc
+  hosts:
+  - "*"
+  http:
+  - match:
+    - headers:
+        cookie:
+          regex: "^(.*?;)?(user=jason)(;.*)?$"
+    route:
+    - destination:
+        host: my-svc
+        subset: v2
+  - route:
+    - destination:
+        host: my-svc
+        subset: v1
 {{< /text >}}

-##### Destination {#destination}
+In the preceding example, there are two routing rules in the `http` section,
+indicated by a leading `-` in front of the first field of each rule.
+The first routing rule begins with the `match` field:
+- `match` Lists the routing rule's matching conditions.
+- `headers` Specifies to look for a match in the header of the request.

-The route section’s `destination` field specifies the actual destination for
-traffic that matches this condition. Unlike the virtual service’s host(s), the
-destination’s host must be a real destination that exists in Istio’s service
-registry or Envoy won’t know where to send traffic to it. This can be a mesh
-service with proxies or a non-mesh service added using a service entry. In this
-case we’re running on Kubernetes and the host name is a Kubernetes service name:
+- `cookie` Specifies to look for a match in the header's cookie.
+- `regex` Specifies the regular expression used to determine a match.
+- `route` Specifies where to route the traffic
+   matching the condition. In this case, that traffic is HTTP traffic with the
+   username `jason` in the cookie of the request's header.
+- `destination` Specifies the route destination for the traffic matching the rule conditions.
+- `host` Specifies the destination's host, `my-svc`.
+- `subset` Specifies the destination’s subset for the traffic matching the conditions, `v2` in this case.
+The configuration of the second routing rule in the example begins with the
+`route` field with a leading `-`. This rule applies to all traffic that doesn't match the
+conditions specified in the first routing rule.
+- `route` Specifies where to route all traffic except for HTTP traffic matching the condition of the previous rule.
+- `destination` Specifies the routing rule's destination.
+- `host` Specifies the destination's host, `my-svc`.
+- `subset`  Specifies the destination’s subset, `v1` in this case.
+The following diagram shows the configured traffic routes for the matched traffic and for all other traffic:
+{{< image width="40%"
+    link="./virtual-services-6.svg"
+    caption="Configurable traffic route based on the namespace of two application services"
+    >}}
+Routing rules are evaluated in a specific order. For details, refer to
+#### Match a condition
+You can set routing rules that only apply to requests matching a specific
+condition. For example, you can restrict traffic to specific client workloads
+by using labels.
+The following rule only applies to requests coming from instances of the
+`reviews` service:

 {{< text yaml >}}
-- destination:
-    host: reviews
-    subset: v2
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
+  http:
+  - match:
+      sourceLabels:
+        app: reviews
+    route:
+    ...
 {{< /text >}}

-Note in this and the other examples on this page, we use a Kubernetes short name for the
-destination hosts for simplicity. When this rule is evaluated, Istio adds a domain suffix based
-on the namespace of the virtual service that contains the routing rule to get
-the fully qualified name for the host. Using short names in our examples
-also means that you can copy and try them in any namespace you like.
+The value of the `sourceLabels` key depends on the implementation of the
+client workload. In Kubernetes, the value typically corresponds to the same labels you use in the
+pod selector of the corresponding Kubernetes service.

-{{< warning >}}
-Using short names like this only works if the
-destination hosts and the virtual service are actually in the same Kubernetes
-namespace. Because using the Kubernetes short name can result in
-misconfigurations, we recommend that you specify fully qualified host names in
-production environments.
-{{< /warning >}}
+The following example further refines the rule to apply only to requests from
+an instance in the v2 subset:

-The destination section also specifies which subset of this Kubernetes service
-you want requests that match this rule’s conditions to go to, in this case the
-subset named v2. You’ll see how you define a service subset in the section on
-[destination rules](#destination-rules) below.
+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
+  http:
+  - match:
+    - sourceLabels:
+        app: reviews
+        version: v2
+    route:
+    ...
+{{< /text >}}

-#### Routing rule precedence {#routing-rule-precedence}
+#### Conditions based on HTTP headers

-Routing rules are **evaluated in sequential order from top to bottom**, with the
-first rule in the virtual service definition being given highest priority. In
-this case you want anything that doesn't match the first routing rule to go to a
-default destination, specified in the second rule. Because of this, the second
-rule has no match conditions and just directs traffic to the v3 subset.
+You can also base conditions on HTTP headers. The following configuration sets
+up a rule that only applies to an incoming request that includes a custom
+`end-user` header containing the exact `jason` string:

 {{< text yaml >}}
-- route:
-  - destination:
-      host: reviews
-      subset: v3
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: reviews
+  hosts:
+  - reviews
+  http:
+  - match:
+    - headers:
+        end-user:
+          exact: jason
+    route:
+    ...
 {{< /text >}}

-We recommend providing a default "no condition" or weight-based rule (described
-below) like this as the last rule in each virtual service to ensure that traffic
-to the virtual service always has at least one matching route.
+You can specify more than one header in a rule. All corresponding headers must

-### More about routing rules {#more-about-routing-rules}
+#### Match request URI

-As you saw above, routing rules are a powerful tool for routing particular
-subsets of traffic to particular destinations. You can set match conditions on
-traffic ports, header fields, URIs, and more. For example, this virtual service
-lets users send traffic to two separate services, ratings and reviews, as if
-they were part of a bigger virtual service at `` The
-virtual service rules match traffic based on request URIs and direct requests to
-the appropriate service.
+The following routing rule is based on the request's URI: it only applies to a
+request if the URI path starts with `/api/v1`:

 {{< text yaml >}}
 kind: VirtualService
-  name: bookinfo
+  name: productpage
-    -
+  - productpage
   - match:
     - uri:
-        prefix: /reviews
+        prefix: /api/v1
-    - destination:
-        host: reviews
+    ...
+{{< /text >}}
+#### Multiple match conditions {#multi-match}
+Conditions can have multiple matches simultaneously. In such cases, you use the
+nesting of the conditions in the routing rule to specify whether AND or OR
+semantics apply. To specify AND semantics, you nest multiple conditions in a
+single section of `match.`
+For example, the following rule applies only to requests that come from an
+instance of the `reviews` service in the `v2` subset AND only if the requests
+include the custom `end-user` header that contains the exact `jason` string:
+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
+  http:
   - match:
-    - uri:
-        prefix: /ratings
+    - sourceLabels:
+        app: reviews
+        version: v2
+      headers:
+        end-user:
+          exact: jason
-    - destination:
-        host: ratings
+    ...
+{{< /text >}}
+To specify OR conditions, you place multiple conditions in separate sections of
+`match.` Only one of the conditions applies. For example, the following rule
+applies to requests from instances of the `reviews` service in the `v2` subset,
+OR to requests with the custom `end-user` header containing the `jason` exact

+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
   - match:
-      sourceLabels:
+    - sourceLabels:
         app: reviews
+        version: v2
+    - headers:
+        end-user:
+          exact: jason
+    ...
 {{< /text >}}

-For some match conditions, you can also choose to select them using the exact
-value, a prefix, or a regex.
+{{< warning >}}
+In a YAML file, the difference between AND behavior and OR behavior in a
+routing rule is a single dash. The dash indicates two separate matches as
+opposed to one match with multiple conditions.
+{{< /warning >}}
+### Routing rule precedence {#precedence}
+Multiple rules for a given destination in a configuration file are evaluated in
+the order they appear. The first rule on the list has the highest priority.
+Rules with no match condition that direct all or weighted percentages of
+traffic to destination services are called **weight-based** rules to
+distinguish them from other match-based rules. When routing for a particular
+service is purely weight-based, you can specify it in a single rule.
+When you use other conditions to route traffic, such as requests from a
+specific user, you must use more than one rule to specify the routing.
+It's important to ensure that your routing rules are evaluated in the right
+A best practice pattern to specify routing rules is as follows:
+1. Provide one or more higher priority rules that match various conditions.
+1. Provide a single weight-based rule with no match condition last. This rule
+   provides the weighted distribution of traffic for all other cases.

-You can add multiple match conditions to the same `match` block to AND your
-conditions, or add multiple match blocks to the same rule to OR your conditions.
-You can also have multiple routing rules for any given virtual service. This
-lets you make your routing conditions as complex or simple as you like within a
-single virtual service. A full list of match condition fields and their possible
-values can be found in the
-[`HTTPMatchRequest` reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#HTTPMatchRequest).
+#### Precedence example with 2 rules

-In addition to using match conditions, you can distribute traffic
-by percentage "weight". This is useful for A/B testing and canary rollouts:
+The following virtual service configuration file includes two rules. The first
+rule sends all requests for the `reviews` service that include the Foo header
+with the bar value to the `v2` subset. The second rule sends all remaining
+requests to the `v1` subset:

 {{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: reviews
   - reviews
-  - route:
+  - match:
+    - headers:
+        Foo:
+          exact: bar
+    route:
     - destination:
         host: reviews
-        subset: v1
-      weight: 75
+        subset: v2
+  - route:
     - destination:
         host: reviews
-        subset: v2
-      weight: 25
+        subset: v1
 {{< /text >}}

-You can also use routing rules to perform some actions on the traffic, for
--   Append or remove headers.
--   Rewrite the URL.
--   Set a [retry policy](#retries) for calls to this destination.
-To learn more about the actions available, see the
-[`HTTPRoute` reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#HTTPRoute).
+In this example, the header-based rule has the higher priority because it comes
+first in the configuration file. If the match-based rule came second, these
+rules wouldn't work as expected. Istio would evaluate the weight-based rule
+first and route all traffic to the instances in the `v1` subset, even requests
+including the matching `Foo` header.

-## Destination rules {#destination-rules}
+## Destination rules

-Along with [virtual services](#virtual-services),
-[destination rules](/docs/reference/config/networking/destination-rule/#DestinationRule)
-are a key part of Istio’s traffic routing functionality. You can think of
-virtual services as how you route your traffic **to** a given destination, and
-then you use destination rules to configure what happens to traffic **for** that
-destination. Destination rules are applied after virtual service routing rules
-are evaluated, so they apply to the traffic’s "real" destination.
+You specify the path for traffic with routing rules, and then you use
+[destination rules](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/destination-rule/)
+to configure the set of policies that Envoy proxies apply to a request at a
+specific destination.

-In particular, you use destination rules to specify named service subsets, such
-as grouping all a given service’s instances by version. You can then use these
-service subsets in the routing rules of virtual services to control the
-traffic to different instances of your services.
+Destination rules are applied after the routing rules are evaluated.
+Therefore, destination rules are matched against the destination in the routing rules,
+not the host of the virtual service itself.
+You can use wildcard prefixes in a
+destination rule to specify a single rule for multiple services.

-Destination rules also let you customize Envoy’s traffic policies when calling
-the entire destination service or a particular service subset, such as your
-preferred load balancing model, TLS security mode, or circuit breaker settings.
-You can see a complete list of destination rule options in the
-[Destination Rule reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/destination-rule/).
+You can use destination rules to specify service subsets, that is, to group all
+the instances of your service with a particular version together. You then
+configure [routing rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-rules)
+that route traffic to your subsets to send certain traffic to particular
+service versions.

-### Load balancing options
+You specify explicit routing rules to service subsets. This model allows you

-By default, Istio uses a round-robin load balancing policy, where each service
-instance in the instance pool gets a request in turn. Istio also supports the
-following models, which you can specify in destination rules for requests to a
-particular service or service subset.
+- Cleanly refer to a specific service version across different
+    [virtual services](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#virtual-services).

--   Random: Requests are forwarded at random to instances in the pool.
--   Weighted: Requests are forwarded to instances in the pool according to a
-    specific percentage.
--   Least requests: Requests are forwarded to instances with the least number of
-    requests.
+- Simplify the stats that the Istio proxies emit.

-See the
-[Envoy load balancing documentation](
-for more information about each option.
+- Encode subsets in Server Name Indication (SNI) headers.

-### Destination rule example {#destination-rule-example}
+### Load balancing 3 subsets

-The following example destination rule configures three different subsets for
-the `my-svc` destination service, with different load balancing policies:
+The following example destination rule configures three different subsets with
+different load balancing policies for the `my-svc` destination service:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -421,53 +829,89 @@ spec:
       version: v3
 {{< /text >}}

-Each subset is defined based on one or more `labels`, which in Kubernetes are
-key/value pairs that are attached to objects such as Pods. These labels are
-applied in the Kubernetes service’s deployment as `metadata` to identify
-different versions.
-As well as defining subsets, this destination rule has both a default traffic
-policy for all subsets in this destination and a subset-specific policy that
-overrides it for just that subset. The default policy, defined above the `subsets`
-field, sets a simple random load balancer for the `v1` and `v3` subsets. In the
-`v2` policy, a round-robin load balancer is specified in the corresponding
-subset’s field.
-## Gateways {#gateways}
-You use a [gateway](/docs/reference/config/networking/gateway/#Gateway) to
-manage inbound and outbound traffic for your mesh, letting you specify which
-traffic you want to enter or leave the mesh. Gateway configurations are applied
-to standalone Envoy proxies that are running at the edge of the mesh, rather
-than sidecar Envoy proxies running alongside your service workloads.
-Unlike other mechanisms for controlling traffic entering your systems, such as
-the Kubernetes Ingress APIs, Istio gateways let you use the full power and
-flexibility of Istio’s traffic routing. You can do this because Istio’s Gateway
-resource just lets you configure layer 4-6 load balancing properties such as
-ports to expose, TLS settings, and so on. Then instead of adding
-application-layer traffic routing (L7) to the same API resource, you bind a
-regular Istio [virtual service](#virtual-services) to the gateway. This lets you
-basically manage gateway traffic like any other data plane traffic in an Istio
-Gateways are primarily used to manage ingress traffic, but you can also
-configure egress gateways. An egress gateway lets you configure a dedicated exit
-node for the traffic leaving the mesh, letting you limit which services can or
-should access external networks, or to enable
-[secure control of egress traffic](/blog/2019/egress-traffic-control-in-istio-part-1/)
-to add security to your mesh, for example. You can also use a gateway to
-configure a purely internal proxy.
-Istio provides some preconfigured gateway proxy deployments
-(`istio-ingressgateway` and `istio-egressgateway`) that you can use - both are
-deployed if you use our [demo installation](/docs/setup/install/kubernetes/),
-while just the ingress gateway is deployed with our
-[default or sds profiles.](/docs/setup/additional-setup/config-profiles/) You
-can apply your own gateway configurations to these deployments or deploy and
-configure your own gateway proxies.
-### Gateway example {#gateway-example}
+As shown above, you can specify multiple policies in a single destination rule.
+In this example, the default policy, defined above the subsets field,
+sets a simple random load balancer for the `v1` and `v3` subsets. A `v2`
+specific policy, a round robin load balancer, is defined in the corresponding subset's field.
+See our [destination rules reference documentation](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/destination-rule/)
+to review all the enabled keys and values.
+### Service subsets
+Service subsets subdivide and label the instances of a service. To define the
+divisions and labels, use the `subsets` section in [destination rules](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/destination-rule/).
+For example, you can use subsets to configure the following traffic routing
+- Use subsets to route traffic to different versions of a service.
+- Use subsets to route traffic to the same service in different environments.
+You use service subsets in the routing rules of [virtual services](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#virtual-services)
+to control the traffic to your services.
+You can also use subsets to customize Envoy's traffic policies when calling particular versions of a service.
+Understanding service subsets in Istio allows you to configure the
+communication to services with multiple versions within your mesh and configure
+the following common use cases:
+- [Splitting traffic between versions for A/B testing](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-subset)
+- [Canary rollout](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#canary)
+To learn how you can use service subsets to configure failure handling use
+cases, visit our [Network resilience and testing concept](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#network-resilience-and-testing).
+## Gateways
+You use a [gateway](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/gateway/) to
+manage inbound and outbound traffic for your mesh. You can manage
+[multiple types of traffic](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/gateway/#Port)
+with a gateway.
+Gateway configurations apply to Envoy proxies that are running at the edge
+of the mesh, which means that the Envoy proxies are not running as service sidecars.
+To configure a gateway means configuring an Envoy
+proxy to allow or block certain traffic from entering or leaving the mesh.
+Your mesh can have any number of gateway configurations, and multiple gateway
+workload implementations can co-exist within your mesh. You might use multiple
+gateways to have one gateway for private traffic and another for public
+traffic, so you can keep all private traffic inside a firewall, for example.
+You can use a gateway to configure workload labels for your existing network
+tasks, including:
+- Firewall functions
+- Caching
+- Authentication
+- Network address translation
+- IP address management
+Gateways are primarily used to manage ingress traffic, but you can also use a
+gateway to configure an egress gateway. You can use egress gateways to
+configure a dedicated exit node for the traffic leaving the mesh and configure
+each egress gateway to use its own policies and telemetry.
+You can use egress gateways to limit which services can or should access
+external networks, or to enable [secure control of egress
+traffic](/blog/2019/egress-traffic-control-in-istio-part-1/) to add security to
+your mesh, for example. The following diagram shows the basic model of a
+request flowing through a service mesh with an ingress gateway and an egress
+{{< image width="70%"
+    link="./gateways-1.svg"
+    caption="Request flow"
+    >}}
+All traffic enters the mesh through an ingress gateway workload. To configure
+the traffic, use an Istio gateway and a virtual service. You bind the virtual
+service to the gateway to use standard Istio [routing rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-rules)
+to control HTTP requests and TCP traffic entering the mesh.
+### Configure a gateway for external HTTPS traffic

 The following example shows a possible gateway configuration for external HTTPS
 ingress traffic:
@@ -486,18 +930,20 @@ spec:
       name: https
       protocol: HTTPS
-    -
+    - ext-host
       mode: SIMPLE
       serverCertificate: /tmp/tls.crt
       privateKey: /tmp/tls.key
 {{< /text >}}

-This gateway configuration lets HTTPS traffic from `` into the mesh on
-port 443, but doesn’t specify any routing for the traffic.
+This gateway configuration lets HTTPS traffic from `ext-host` into the mesh on
+port 443, but doesn't specify any routing for the traffic.
+#### Bind a gateway to a virtual service

 To specify routing and for the gateway to work as intended, you must also bind
-the gateway to a virtual service. You do this using the virtual service’s
+the gateway to a virtual service. You do this using the virtual service's
 `gateways` field, as shown in the following example:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -507,7 +953,7 @@ metadata:
   name: virtual-svc
-  -
+  - ext-svc
     - ext-host-gwy
 {{< /text >}}
@@ -515,34 +961,60 @@ spec:
 You can then configure the virtual service with routing rules for the external

-## Service entries {#service-entries}
+For more information:
+- Refer to the [gateways reference documentation](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/gateway/)
+   to review all the enabled keys and values.
+- Refer to the [Ingress task topic](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/) for instructions on how to configure
+   an Istio gateway for ingress traffic.
+- Refer to the [Egress gateway task](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress/egress-gateway/) to learn how to configure egress traffic
+   using a gateway resource.
+## Service entries
+A [service entry](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/service-entry)
+is used to add an entry to Istio's abstract model, or
+service registry, that Istio maintains internally. After you add the service
+entry, the Envoy proxies can send traffic to the service as if it was
+a service in your mesh.
+Configuring service entries allows you to manage traffic for services running
+outside of the mesh:
+- Redirect and forward traffic for external destinations, such as APIs
+   consumed from the web, or traffic to services in legacy infrastructure.
+- Define
+   [retry](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#timeouts-and-retries),
+   [timeout](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#timeouts-and-retries),
+   and [fault injection](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#fault-injection)
+   policies for external destinations.

-You use a
-[service entry](/docs/reference/config/networking/service-entry/#ServiceEntry) to add
-an entry to the service registry that Istio maintains internally. After you add
-the service entry, the Envoy proxies can send traffic to the service as if it
-was a service in your mesh. Configuring service entries allows you to manage
-traffic for services running outside of the mesh, including the following tasks:
+- Add a service running in a Virtual Machine (VM) to the mesh to [expand your mesh](/docs/examples/mesh-expansion/).

--   Redirect and forward traffic for external destinations, such as APIs
-    consumed from the web, or traffic to services in legacy infrastructure.
--   Define [retry](#retries), [timeout](#timeouts), and
-    [fault injection](#fault-injection) policies for external destinations.
--   Add a service running in a Virtual Machine (VM) to the mesh to
-    [expand your mesh](/docs/examples/mesh-expansion/single-network/#running-services-on-a-mesh-expansion-machine).
--   Logically add services from a different cluster to the mesh to configure a
-    [multicluster Istio mesh](/docs/setup/install/multicluster/gateways/#configure-the-example-services)
-    on Kubernetes.
+- Logically add services from a different cluster to the mesh to configure a
+  [multicluster Istio mesh](/docs/setup/kubernetes/install/multicluster/gateways/#configure-the-example-services)
+  on Kubernetes.

-You don’t need to add a service entry for every external service that you want
-your mesh services to use. By default, Istio configures the Envoy proxies to
-passthrough requests to unknown services. However, you can’t use Istio features
-to control the traffic to destinations that aren't registered in the mesh.
+You don’t need to add a service entry for every external service that you
+want your mesh services to use. By default, Istio configures the Envoy proxies
+to passthrough requests to unknown services, although you can't use Istio features
+to control the traffic to destinations that are not registered in the mesh.

-### Service entry example {#service-entry-example}
+You can use service entries to perform the following configurations:
+- Access secure external services over plain text ports,
+  to configure Envoy to perform {{< gloss >}}TLS Origination{{</ gloss >}}.
+- Ensure, together with an egress gateway, that all external services are
+  accessed through a single exit point.
+Refer to the [Egress task topic](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/egress/) for details.
+## Add an external dependency securely

 The following example mesh-external service entry adds the `ext-resource`
-external dependency to Istio’s service registry:
+external dependency to Istio's service registry:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -551,7 +1023,7 @@ metadata:
   name: svc-entry
-  -
+  -
   - number: 443
     name: https
@@ -560,14 +1032,20 @@ spec:
   resolution: DNS
 {{< /text >}}

-You specify the external resource using the `hosts` field. You can qualify it
-fully or use a wildcard prefixed domain name.
+You must specify the external resource using the `hosts` key. You can qualify
+it fully or use a wildcard domain name. The value represents the set of one or
+more services outside the mesh that services in the mesh can access.

-You can configure virtual services and destination rules to control traffic to a
-service entry in a more granular way, in the same way you configure traffic for
-any other service in the mesh. For example, the following destination rule
-configures the traffic route to use mutual TLS to secure the connection to the
-`` external service that we configured using the service entry:
+Configuring a service entry can be enough to call an external service, but
+typically you configure either, or both, a virtual service or destination rule
+to control traffic in a more granular way. You can configure traffic for a
+service entry in the same way you configure traffic for a service in the mesh.
+### Secure the connection with mutual TLS
+The following destination rule configures the traffic route to use mutual TLS
+to secure the connection to the `ext-resource` external service we
+configured using the service entry:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -575,7 +1053,7 @@ kind: DestinationRule
   name: ext-res-dr
-  host:
+  host:
       mode: MUTUAL
@@ -584,29 +1062,36 @@ spec:
       caCertificates: /etc/certs/rootcacerts.pem
 {{< /text >}}

-See the
-[Service Entry reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/service-entry)
-for more possible configuration options.
+Together, the `svc-entry` service entry and the `ext-res-dr` destination rule
+configure a connection for traffic to the `ext-resource` external
+dependency using port 443 and mutual TLS.
+See the [service entries reference documentation](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/service-entry)
+to review all the enabled keys and values.

-## Sidecars {#sidecars}
+## Sidecars

 By default, Istio configures every Envoy proxy to accept traffic on all the
 ports of its associated workload, and to reach every workload in the mesh when
-forwarding traffic. You can use a [sidecar](/docs/reference/config/networking/sidecar/#Sidecar) configuration to do the following:
+forwarding traffic. You can use a sidecar configuration to do the following:

--   Fine-tune the set of ports and protocols that an Envoy proxy accepts.
--   Limit the set of services that the Envoy proxy can reach.
+- Fine-tune the set of ports and protocols that an Envoy proxy accepts.

-You might want to limit sidecar reachability like this in larger applications,
-where having every proxy configured to reach every other service in the mesh can
-potentially affect mesh performance due to high memory usage.
+- Limit the set of services that the Envoy proxy can reach.

-You can specify that you want a sidecar configuration to apply to all workloads
-in a particular namespace, or choose specific workloads using a
-`workloadSelector`. For example, the following sidecar configuration configures
-all services in the `bookinfo` namespace to only reach services running in the
-same namespace and the Istio control plane (currently needed to use Istio’s
-policy and telemetry features):
+Limiting sidecar reachability reduces memory usage, which can become a problem
+for large applications in which every sidecar is configured to reach every
+other service in the mesh.
+A [Sidecar](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/sidecar/) resource can be used to configure one or more sidecar proxies
+selected using workload labels, or to configure all sidecars in a particular
+### Enable namespace isolation
+For example, the following `Sidecar` configures all services in the `bookinfo`
+namespace to only reach services running in the same namespace thanks to the
+`./*` value of the `hosts:` field:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -618,37 +1103,62 @@ spec:
   - hosts:
     - "./*"
-    - "istio-system/*"
 {{< /text >}}

-See the [Sidecar reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/sidecar/)
-for more details.
+Sidecars have many uses. Refer to the [sidecar reference](/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/sidecar/)
+for details.
+## Network resilience and testing
+Istio provides opt-in failure recovery features that you can configure
+dynamically at runtime through the [Istio traffic management rules](/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#routing-rules).
+With these features, the service mesh can tolerate failing nodes and Istio can
+prevent localized failures from cascading to other nodes:

-## Network resilience and testing {#network-resilience-and-testing}
+- **Timeouts and retries**

-As well as helping you direct traffic around your mesh, Istio provides opt-in
-failure recovery and fault injection features that you can configure dynamically
-at runtime. Using these features helps your applications operate reliably,
-ensuring that the service mesh can tolerate failing nodes and preventing
-localized failures from cascading to other nodes.
+    A timeout is the amount of time that Istio waits for a response to a
+    request. A retry is an attempt to complete an operation multiple times if
+    it fails. You can set defaults and specify request-level overrides for both
+    timeouts and retries or for one or the other.

-### Timeouts {#timeouts}
+- **Circuit breakers**

-A timeout is the amount of time that an Envoy proxy should wait for replies from
-a given service, ensuring that services don’t hang around waiting for replies
-indefinitely and that calls succeed or fail within a predictable timeframe. The
-default timeout for HTTP requests is 15 seconds, which means that if the service
-doesn’t respond within 15 seconds, the call fails.
+    Circuit breakers prevent your application from stalling as it waits for an
+    upstream service to respond. You can configure a circuit breaker based on a
+    number of conditions, such as connection and request limits.

-For some applications and services, Istio’s default timeout might not be
-appropriate. For example, a timeout that is too long could result in excessive
-latency from waiting for replies from failing services, while a timeout that is
-too short could result in calls failing unnecessarily while waiting for an
-operation involving multiple services to return. To find and use your optimal timeout
-settings, Istio lets you easily adjust timeouts dynamically on a per-service
-basis using [virtual services](#virtual-services) without having to edit your
-service code. Here’s a virtual service that specifies a 10 second timeout for
-calls to the v1 subset of the ratings service:
+- **Fault injection**
+    Fault injection is a testing method that introduces errors into a system to
+    ensure that it can withstand and recover from error conditions. You can
+    inject faults at the application layer, rather than the network layer, to
+    get more relevant results.
+- **Fault tolerance**
+    You can use Istio failure recovery features to complement application-level
+    fault tolerance libraries in situations where their behaviors don’t
+    conflict.
+{{< warning >}}
+While Istio failure recovery features improve the reliability and availability
+of services in the mesh, applications must handle the failure or errors and
+take appropriate fallback actions. For example, when all instances in a load
+balancing pool have failed, Envoy returns an `HTTP 503` code. The application
+must implement any fallback logic needed to handle the `HTTP 503` error code
+from an upstream service.
+{{< /warning >}}
+## Timeouts and retries
+You can use Istio's traffic management resources to set defaults for timeouts
+and retries per service and subset that apply to all callers.
+### Override default timeout setting
+The default timeout for HTTP requests is 15 seconds. You can configure a
+virtual service with a routing rule to override the default, for example:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -666,26 +1176,18 @@ spec:
     timeout: 10s
 {{< /text >}}

-### Retries {#retries}
-A retry setting specifies the maximum number of times an Envoy proxy attempts to
-connect to a service if the initial call fails. Retries can enhance service
-availability and application performance by making sure that calls don’t fail
-permanently because of transient problems such as a temporarily overloaded
-service or network. The interval between retries (25ms+) is variable and
-determined automatically by Istio, preventing the called service from being
-overwhelmed with requests. By default, the Envoy proxy doesn’t attempt to
-reconnect to services after a first failure.
-Like timeouts, Istio’s default retry behavior might not suit your application
-needs in terms of latency (too many retries to a failed service can slow things
-down) or availability. Also like timeouts, you can adjust your retry settings on
-a per-service basis in [virtual services](#virtual-services) without having to
-touch your service code. You can also further refine your retry behavior by
-adding per-retry timeouts, specifying the amount of time you want to wait for
-each retry attempt to successfully connect to the service. The following example
-configures a maximum of 3 retries to connect to this service subset after an
-initial call failure, each with a 2 second timeout.
+### Set number and timeouts for retries
+You can specify the maximum number of retries for an HTTP request in a virtual
+service, and you can provide specific timeouts for the retries to ensure that
+the calling service gets a response, either success or failure, within a
+predictable time frame.
+Envoy proxies automatically add variable jitter between your retries to
+minimize the potential impact of retries on an overloaded upstream service.
+The following virtual service configures three attempts with a 2-second

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -705,22 +1207,29 @@ spec:
       perTryTimeout: 2s
 {{< /text >}}

-### Circuit breakers {#circuit-breakers}
+Consumers of a service can also override timeout and retry defaults with
+request-level overrides through special HTTP headers. The Envoy proxy
+implementation makes the following headers available:
+- Timeouts: `x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-ms`
+- Retries: `X-envoy-max-retries`

-Circuit breakers are another useful mechanism Istio provides for creating
-resilient microservice-based applications. In a circuit breaker, you set limits
-for calls to individual hosts within a service, such as the number of concurrent
-connections or how many times calls to this host have failed. Once that limit
-has been reached the circuit breaker "trips" and stops further connections to
-that host. Using a circuit breaker pattern enables fast failure rather than
-clients trying to connect to an overloaded or failing host.
+## Circuit breakers

-As circuit breaking applies to "real" mesh destinations in a load balancing
-pool, you configure circuit breaker thresholds in
-[destination rules](#destination-rules), with the settings applying to each
-individual host in the service. The following example limits the number of
-concurrent connections for the `reviews` service workloads of the v1 subset to
+As with timeouts and retries, you can configure a circuit breaker pattern
+without changing your services. While retries let your application recover from
+transient errors, a circuit breaker pattern prevents your application from
+stalling as it waits for an upstream service to respond. By configuring a
+circuit breaker pattern, you allow your application to fail fast and handle the
+error appropriately, for example, by triggering an alert. You can configure a
+simple circuit breaker pattern based on a number of conditions such as
+connection and request limits.
+### Limit connections to 100
+The following destination rule sets a limit of 100 connections for the
+`reviews` service workloads of the v1 subset:

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -739,35 +1248,42 @@ spec:
           maxConnections: 100
 {{< /text >}}

-You can find out more about creating circuit breakers in
-[Circuit Breaking](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/circuit-breaking/).
+See the [circuit-breaking task](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/circuit-breaking/)
+for detailed instructions on how to configure a circuit breaker pattern.
+## Fault injection

-### Fault injection {#fault-injection}
+You can use fault injection to test the end-to-end failure recovery capability
+of the application as a whole. An incorrect configuration of the failure
+recovery policies could result in unavailability of critical services. Examples
+of incorrect configurations include incompatible or restrictive timeouts across
+service calls.

-After you’ve configured your network, including failure recovery policies, you
-can use Istio’s fault injection mechanisms to test the failure recovery capacity
-of your application as a whole. Fault injection is a testing method that
-introduces errors into a system to ensure that it can withstand and recover from
-error conditions. Using fault injection can be particularly useful to ensure
-that your failure recovery policies aren’t incompatible or too restrictive,
-potentially resulting in critical services being unavailable.
+With Istio, you can use application-layer fault injection instead of killing
+pods, delaying packets, or corrupting packets at the TCP layer. You can inject
+more relevant failures at the application layer, such as HTTP error codes, to
+test the resilience of an application.

-Unlike other mechanisms for introducing errors such as delaying packets or
-killing pods at the network layer, Istio’ lets you inject faults at the
-application layer. This lets you inject more relevant failures, such as HTTP
-error codes, to get more relevant results.
+You can inject faults into requests that match specific conditions, and you can
+restrict the percentage of requests Istio subjects to faults.

-You can inject two types of faults, both configured using a
-[virtual service](#virtual-services):
+You can inject two types of faults:

--   Delays: Delays are timing failures. They mimic increased network latency or
-    an overloaded upstream service.
--   Aborts: Aborts are crash failures. They mimic failures in upstream services.
-    Aborts usually manifest in the form of HTTP error codes or TCP connection
-    failures.
+- **Delays:** Delays are timing failures. They mimic increased network latency
+   or an overloaded upstream service.

-For example, this virtual service introduces a 5 second delay for 1 out of every 1000
-requests to the `ratings` service.
+- **Aborts:** Aborts are crash failures. They mimic failures in upstream
+   services. Aborts usually manifest in the form of HTTP error codes or TCP
+   connection failures.
+You can configure a virtual service to inject one or more faults while
+forwarding HTTP requests to the rule's corresponding request destination. The
+faults can be either delays or aborts.
+### Introduce a 5 second delay in 10% of requests
+You can configure a virtual service to introduce a 5 second delay for 10% of
+the requests to the `ratings` service.

 {{< text yaml >}}
@@ -789,26 +1305,80 @@ spec:
         subset: v1
 {{< /text >}}

-For detailed instructions on how to configure delays and aborts, see
-[Fault Injection](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/fault-injection/).
-### Working with your applications {#working-with-your-applications}
-Istio failure recovery features are completely transparent to the
-application. Applications don’t know if an Envoy sidecar proxy is handling
-failures for a called service before returning a response. This means that
-if you are also setting failure recovery policies in your application code
-you need to keep in mind that both work independently, and therefore might
-conflict. For example, suppose you can have two timeouts, one configured in
-a virtual service and another in the application. The application sets a 2
-second timeout for an API call to a service. However, you configured a 3
-second timeout with 1 retry in your virtual service. In this case, the
-application’s timeout kicks in first, so your Envoy timeout and retry
-attempt has no effect.
-While Istio failure recovery features improve the reliability and
-availability of services in the mesh, applications must handle the failure
-or errors and take appropriate fallback actions. For example, when all
-instances in a load balancing pool have failed, Envoy returns an `HTTP 503`
-code. The application must implement any fallback logic needed to handle the
-`HTTP 503` error code..
+### Return an HTTP 400 error code for 10% of requests
+You can configure an abort instead to terminate a request and simulate a
+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
+  http:
+  - fault:
+      abort:
+        percentage:
+          value: 0.1
+        httpStatus: 400
+    route:
+    - destination:
+        host: ratings
+        subset: v1
+{{< /text >}}
+### Combine delay and abort faults
+You can use delay and abort faults together. The following configuration
+introduces a delay of 5 seconds for all requests from the `v2` subset of the
+`ratings` service to the `v1` subset of the `ratings` service and an abort for
+10% of them:
+{{< text yaml >}}
+kind: VirtualService
+  name: ratings
+  hosts:
+  - ratings
+  http:
+  - match:
+    - sourceLabels:
+        app: reviews
+        version: v2
+    fault:
+      delay:
+        fixedDelay: 5s
+      abort:
+        percentage:
+          value: 0.1
+        httpStatus: 400
+    route:
+    - destination:
+        host: ratings
+        subset: v1
+{{< /text >}}
+For detailed instructions on how to configure delays and aborts, visit our
+[fault injection task](/docs/tasks/traffic-management/fault-injection/).
+## Compatibility with application-level fault handling
+Istio failure recovery features are completely transparent to the application.
+Applications don't know if an Envoy sidecar proxy is handling
+failures for a called upstream service, before returning a response.
+When you use application-level fault tolerance libraries and Envoy proxy
+failure recovery policies at the same time, you need to keep in mind that
+both work independently, and therefore might conflict.
+For example: Suppose you can have two timeouts, one configured in a virtual
+service and another in the application. The application sets a
+2 second timeout for an API call to a service. However, you configured a
+3 second timeout with 1 retry in your virtual service. In this case,
+the application's timeout kicks in first, so your Envoy timeout and retry
+attempt has no affect.
malphi commented 4 years ago


mesher-bot commented 4 years ago

Thank you @malphi, this issue had been assigned to you.

malphi commented 4 years ago


rootsongjc commented 4 years ago
