serviceproviderpk / smspk

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shoppingCart #232

Closed sppk closed 4 years ago

sppk commented 4 years ago

1)if phone is not used then delete it Because phone number not saved image

sppk commented 4 years ago

2)when we create a customer profile then we add same information two times image image

sppk commented 4 years ago

3)I add 2 products image image

image image

sppk commented 4 years ago

4)when we add product category and click on save button image image

Muhammadkhalid66 commented 4 years ago

4)when we add product category and click on save button image

i create two category name test, not show error when i click on save btn.


Muhammadkhalid66 commented 4 years ago

1- 1)if phone is not used then delete it Because phone number not saved fix



sppk commented 4 years ago

Mask purchase Qty:2 image image


sppk commented 4 years ago

5)Bank transfer option He want to add their bank account information from admin side.which shows to customer when they choose Bank transfer option.when customer transfer money on our account we send thing using by courier.

sppk commented 4 years ago

6)Apply Encryption on customer profile Basic profile data that used for contact to customer

sppk commented 4 years ago

7) purchase Mask Mask Qty:1 Price $490 Order Email:$17 Admin=>Order:$17 image image

sppk commented 4 years ago

8) After submit Order when you again click on submit Error show\ image image

sppk commented 4 years ago

9)Khalid please verify there are big difference in price whenever we purchase discount able things or without discount and on each qty. can we manage prices in RS. inspect of $?

sppk commented 4 years ago

10)Faq page Change color of message image

sppk commented 4 years ago

11)How coupon Discount is applicable??

Sir asif i can't know about i am not make this app form the scrap please guide us.

@sppk @serviceproviderpk

sppk commented 4 years ago

Why we use it?How it can be manage image

theme contact page: image

in shopping cart


i also set google map address, from database system default settings table.

when we put google address it will show map.

@serviceproviderpk @sppk

sppk commented 4 years ago

13)Please set its Pagination image

check below


NOTE: this pagination is default of the theme.

@serviceproviderpk @sppk

Muhammadkhalid66 commented 4 years ago

10)Faq page Change color of message image


@serviceproviderpk @sppk

Muhammadkhalid66 commented 4 years ago

9)Khalid please verify there are big difference in price fixed whenever we purchase discount able things or without discount and on each qty. can we manage prices in RS. inspect of $? NOTE: yes we're able to change Price in RS. just we increase the amount other charges like shipping e.g.

@sppk @serviceproviderpk

Muhammadkhalid66 commented 4 years ago

purchase Mask Mask Qty:1 Price $490 Order Email:$17 Admin=>Order:$1

@serviceproviderpk @sppk

serviceproviderpk commented 4 years ago

@sppk why you not tested these task????