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Move transform_rect, transform_point, tranform_vector to the corresponding objects #385

Closed pbor closed 4 years ago

pbor commented 4 years ago

Transfrorm2D has transform_rect, transform_point, tranform_vector methods.

This is kind of surprising at least to me, I would have expected to have a transform method on Rect, Point and Vector.

On the other hand, this means that we need separate methods for transform2D and 3D.

For context: I am raising these issues as I look at porting librsvg to euclid and right now I was coverting away from to Rect extension trait which has a tranform method. If you do not think this API bikeshedding is useful, feel free to say so.

nical commented 4 years ago

I'm open to bikeshedding the API, of course. In this particular case it feels more natural to me to have the methods on the transform rather than the rect/point/etc for a usage point of view (but I don't have any particular argument to back that, other than that French and English tend to go in the subject-verb-complement direction rather than the opposite order that you suggest, but that's a matter of where one is from), and (more importantly) I want that the matrix/rotation/scale/etc code to transform the various objects stays near the rest of the matrix/rotation/scale/etc code.

If we wanted have methods on rects points and friends that take the transforms we would have them just be functions that call into Transform2D::transform_point etc.

On the other hand, this means that we need separate methods for transform2D and 3D.

We don't only have Transform2D and Transform3D, we also have 2D and 3D types to represent translations, rotations, scales, and rigid transforms. So that mean either add a function for each of them (that's quite a few combinations and names to add), or we'd need a trait for 2D and 3D transforms, something like:

// Implemented by Transform2D, Transform3D, RigidTransform3D, Rotation2D, Rotation3D, etc.
pub trait Transform<Src, Dst> {
    // Transforming other types of objects can be built on top of these:
    fn transform_point2d(&self, p: Point2D<Src>) -> Point2D<Dst>;
    fn transform_point3d(&self, p: Point3D<Src>) -> Point3D<Dst>;
    fn transform_vector2d(&self, p: Vector2D<Src>) -> Vector2D<Dst>;
    fn transform_vector3d(&self, p: Vector3D<Src>) -> Vector3D<Dst>;
    fn transform_homogeneous_vector(&self, p: HomogeneousVector<Src>) -> HomogeneousVector<Dst>;

// In Point2D:
pub fn transform<Dst, Tx: Transform<U, Dst>>(&self, transform: &Tx) -> Point2D<T, Dst> {

That would add quite a bit of boilerplate for something that we already have. Perhaps a bit much just to have a "rect.transform(&projection)" syntax instead of "projection.transform_rect(&rect)". The reason I'm not actually fully opposed to that (despite what I wrote in the other issue about adding traits), is that I would like to be able to apply simple transforms like rotations to paths and curves in lyon without having to convert to a full matrix beforehand (which is what happens right now, short of having an abstraction over transforms), and without having to implement the same code for all types of transformations.

Now if such a Transform trait were to see the light of day, where would the line be? Should it have methods like is_2d(), invert(), to_transform2D(), etc. ? Maybe at this point.

pbor commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

My expectation is due to the fact that usually methods operate on the object, but yeah, this is mostly due to the linguistic background one comes from.

I can see the benefit of keeping all the code in, on the other hand the benefit of moving to etc is that you do not need for to depend on the other objects. So for instance if one day we need to add a Triangle object, you would be able to implement Triangle::transform() with no changes to Also if one day we need to factor out a trait like

trait Transformable {
   fn transform2D(t: &Transform);
   fn transform3D(t: &Transform);

then we could implement that for all the shapes.

pbor commented 4 years ago

Also, fwiw I already refactored the librsvg code in preparation:

Feel free to close this

nical commented 4 years ago
trait Transformable {
   fn transform2D(t: &Transform);
   fn transform3D(t: &Transform);

then we could implement that for all the shapes.

This trait would maybe serve a different purpose, however:

pbor commented 4 years ago

Note that the trait I wrote there was just for illustrative purposes, if we ever did that maybe the signatures would be different, eg apply_matrx, apply_vector, which would allow to have the right implementation.

The reasons why I thought the trait (or even simply the method on the object) is useful are:

Anyway, I think there are pros and cons for both approaches. I am going to close this for now, thanks!