Open kmoon2437 opened 3 months ago
I'm using this library with raqote for text rendering. I wrote the code below:
use std::fs::File; use font_kit::font::Font; use font_kit::hinting::HintingOptions; use font_kit::outline::OutlineSink; use raqote::{ Path, PathBuilder, Point, Source, SolidSource, StrokeStyle, LineCap, LineJoin, DrawTarget, DrawOptions }; use pathfinder_geometry::vector::Vector2F; use pathfinder_geometry::line_segment::LineSegment2F; pub struct TextPathBuilder { pb: PathBuilder, font_scale: f32, start: Point } impl TextPathBuilder { pub fn new(font_size: f32, start: Point, units_per_em: u32) -> Self { return Self { pb: PathBuilder::new(), font_scale: font_size / units_per_em as f32, start }; } fn calc_point(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return point * self.font_scale; } fn calc_x(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return self.calc_point(point) + self.start.x; } fn calc_y(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return self.calc_point(point) + self.start.y; } pub fn finish(self) -> Path { return self.pb.finish(); } } impl OutlineSink for TextPathBuilder { fn move_to(&mut self, to: Vector2F) { self.pb.move_to(self.calc_x(to.x()), self.calc_y(to.y())); } fn line_to(&mut self, to: Vector2F) { self.pb.line_to(self.calc_x(to.x()), self.calc_y(to.y())); } fn quadratic_curve_to(&mut self, ctrl: Vector2F, to: Vector2F) { self.pb.quad_to(self.calc_x(ctrl.x()), self.calc_y(ctrl.y()), self.calc_x(to.x()), self.calc_y(to.y())); } fn cubic_curve_to(&mut self, ctrl: LineSegment2F, to: Vector2F) { self.pb.cubic_to(self.calc_x(ctrl.from().x()), self.calc_y(ctrl.from().y()), self.calc_x(, self.calc_y(, self.calc_x(to.x()), self.calc_y(to.y())); } fn close(&mut self) { self.pb.close(); } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { let mut file = File::open("tmp/NotoSansCJK-Medium.otf")?; let font = Font::from_file(&mut file, 0)?; let mut tpb = TextPathBuilder::new(70.0, Point::new(10.0, 10.0), font.metrics().units_per_em); font.outline(font.glyph_for_char('9').unwrap(), HintingOptions::None, &mut tpb)?; let path = tpb.finish(); let mut dt = DrawTarget::new(100, 100); let color1 = Source::Solid(SolidSource::from_unpremultiplied_argb(255, 255, 255, 255)); let color2 = Source::Solid(SolidSource::from_unpremultiplied_argb(255, 0x2a, 0xbd, 0x71)); let stroke = StrokeStyle { cap: LineCap::Butt, join: LineJoin::Round, width: 10.0, miter_limit: 10.0, ..Default::default() }; let draw_options = DrawOptions { ..Default::default() }; dt.stroke(&path, &color1, &stroke, &draw_options); dt.fill(&path, &color2, &draw_options); dt.write_png("example.png")?; return Ok(()); }
However, the output is reversed "9".
I fixed TextPathBuilder like this:
pub struct TextPathBuilder { pb: PathBuilder, font_scale: f32, font_size: f32, start: Point } impl TextPathBuilder { pub fn new(font_size: f32, start: Point, units_per_em: u32) -> Self { return Self { pb: PathBuilder::new(), font_scale: font_size / units_per_em as f32, font_size, start }; } fn calc_point(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return point * self.font_scale; } fn calc_x(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return self.calc_point(point) + self.start.x; } fn calc_y(&self, point: f32) -> f32 { return -self.calc_point(point) + self.font_size + self.start.y; } pub fn finish(self) -> Path { return self.pb.finish(); } }
and the image is generated correctly.
Did I fix the problem correctly?
I'm using this library with
for text rendering. I wrote the code below:However, the output is reversed "9".
I fixed TextPathBuilder like this:
and the image is generated correctly.
Did I fix the problem correctly?