Hello, I'm trying to implement my own toy JS runtime like deno on top of mozjs, but I got stuck. I cannot compile a module and extract a function from it:
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let cx = rt.cx();
let h_option = js::OnNewGlobalHookOption::FireOnNewGlobalHook;
let c_option = js::CompartmentOptions::default();
let global = js::JS_NewGlobalObject(
rooted!(in(cx) let global_root = global);
let global = global_root.handle();
let _ac = js::JSAutoCompartment::new(cx, global.get());
assert!(js::JS_InitStandardClasses(cx, global.into()));
let code: Vec<u16> = "export default () => 2".encode_utf16().collect();
rooted!(in(cx) let mut script = ptr::null_mut::<js::JSObject>());
let filename = CString::new("script.js").unwrap();
let options = mozjs::rust::CompileOptionsWrapper::new(cx, filename.as_ptr(), 1);
let mut source = mozjs::jsapi::SourceBufferHolder {
data_: code.as_ptr(),
length_: code.len() as libc::size_t,
ownsChars_: false,
let res =
mozjs::rust::wrappers::CompileModule(cx, options.ptr, &mut source, script.handle_mut());
mozjs::rust::wrappers::ModuleInstantiate(cx, script.handle());
mozjs::rust::wrappers::ModuleEvaluate(cx, script.handle());
let ids = mozjs::rust::IdVector::new(cx);
mozjs::jsapi::JSITER_OWNONLY | mozjs::jsapi::JSITER_HIDDEN | mozjs::jsapi::JSITER_SYMBOLS,
println!("{:?}", ids.len());
After running this code ids len is 0. I expect it to contain at least "default" property. Could you please point to what I do wrong?
Hello, I'm trying to implement my own toy JS runtime like
on top of mozjs, but I got stuck. I cannot compile a module and extract a function from it:After running this code
len is 0. I expect it to contain at least "default" property. Could you please point to what I do wrong?