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HELP WANTED: our dashboards are broken #72

Open asajeffrey opened 5 years ago

asajeffrey commented 5 years ago

We were using Google Data Studio to generate reports on things like servo build times, but we were on a free plan, and Google moved our reports to the trash. They were quite simple graphs built from CSV files, I suspect they wouldn't be too difficult to replicate in something like d3. Anyone willing to give it a shot?

Coder206 commented 5 years ago

@asajeffrey I would be happy to help with this. Honestly a little new to d3 but willing to learn :)

asajeffrey commented 5 years ago

Excellent, hopefully this won't be too too complex. There are three dashboards at, do you want to pick one of them and look at the raw data on s3? They're all pretty straightforward I hope!

Rather annoyingly, means we're missing a lot of performance data, you'll need to go back to July 2018 to see data.

Coder206 commented 5 years ago

@asajeffrey Thank you very much for your patience, I apologize for the delay in progress! I plan to make steady progress on this in the coming weeks.

I am having trouble understanding how to read the raw data from s3. I described my attempt below, I would appreciate some guidance in accessing the raw data.

I navigated to to see the raw data but it's unclear to me how to access it. I tried parsing what is shown at the address to form a link to a CSV (I recall I could produce a CSV from s3 in January/February) but now it returns NoSuchKey for links /servo-perf1000falsebuilds-2016-10.csv2018-12-13T02:44:22.000Z"e6468dd9cd104cf86c9def9ef852bb15"2227319f573799c220ae89a89716cb0d49f3e0319ff06706917404dd5bdef5eb2a90b07mozilla-servo-awsSTANDARDbuilds- (from a line entry), /buildTime (a key I thought might be a valid key), /2019-09-15 (a date I though might be a valid key)

jdm commented 5 years ago

For each <key>, you can append that value to the URL, like