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Automatically create thread in #operation-feedback #46

Closed Uncle-Sagbag closed 1 year ago

Uncle-Sagbag commented 1 year ago could create a new thread in #operation-feedback with the following format:

Title: <operation name> Message: Post feedback for <operation host>. Please give a rating out of 10.

The hard part is timing this action to occur only at the operation's timestamp. Periodically and/or at init, autoSlot should check if the current time is equal to or greater than the given operation time. If it is, the thread would automatically be created in #operation-feedback with the aforementioned feedback.

It is worth doing research into how others do time-sensitive commands in nextcord/ We should not reinvent the wheel if there is a feature or library that can do this for us.

Uncle-Sagbag commented 1 year ago

Works perfectly.