sessions-extension / Sessions

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Is there a plan to make Sessions open source? #1

Open t1merickson opened 8 years ago

t1merickson commented 8 years ago

The future of Sessions seems murky— if we allow the code to be shared openly, many people can contribute to it's future!

sessions-extension commented 8 years ago

I am considering this.

t1merickson commented 8 years ago

I have lots of ideas for improving Sessions— I'd urge you to allow the community to help you in making it better!

sessions-extension commented 8 years ago

You could try emailing me. Several features in Sessions have been the direct result of requests and ideas from users.

Until a decision is reached regarding open-sourcing, I will note that Sessions's code has always shipped unobfuscated, and I have encouraged users to feel free to modify it for their personal use.

ldong commented 8 years ago

Sessions is one of the great safari extensions for boosting productivity. I'd like to see it is being open sourced as well.

RandomDSdevel commented 7 years ago

@sessions-extension, @neutyp, and/or @ldong: Any updates on this?

sessions-extension commented 7 years ago

Sessions 1.5 updated the answer to this FAQ in its in-extension Help page, reproduced below:

Is Sessions open source?

No. I mulled the issue for years and ultimately decided against open-sourcing Sessions, for a number of reasons. Sessions has always been source-available in that its code ships unminified and unobfuscated. I have encouraged technically-minded users who wished to modify Sessions for their personal use to do so, but I do not support the redistribution of these modifications. If there are any new developments after I lose the ability to update Sessions, in this regard or any other, I will post them to the homepage.

The only developments in the time since have not been encouraging for the future of Safari Extensions in general, let alone Sessions.

RandomDSdevel commented 7 years ago

Ah, guess I should have looked at the FAQ page first. Thanks for clarifying, @sessions-extension. Yeah, Apple's been pushing developing new extensions for Safari using their general App Extension framework in Xcode.