sessions-extension / Sessions

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If you still want to develop sessions I'll sign your extensions with my cert #4

Open kingmatusevich opened 6 years ago

kingmatusevich commented 6 years ago

Basically what I said in the subject. I religiously renew my cert so I woudn't mind acting as publisher to your extension, If you still want to develop it, that is.

sessions-extension commented 6 years ago

This suggestion has come up before, but then as now, there were questions about its feasibility. It is unclear what occurs when pointing the update manifest to an extension signed by a different developer (if it in fact works), and given that all extension-related data is prefixed with the developer ID hash it seems very likely that such an update could orphan or delete users' existing saved sessions.

Going this route would also feel like sidestepping the issues I had in the first place, but it is increasingly clear that Apple is not going to relent (or update the Safari Extensions API ever again), so that point may be moot. Thank you for the offer; I will keep it in mind as a backup plan should circumstances warrant it.

kingmatusevich commented 6 years ago

Understood. The offer holds, and I’m sure an export and import process could be figured out to migrate users, although it would require some user intervention. Let me know if you need anything.

Zialus commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this given the release of Safari 12?

sessions-extension commented 5 years ago

The update is that Safari Extensions are now officially dead, and Sessions is deader than most.

Resubmitting Sessions to the Gallery, under my own or another's certificate, and assuming it made it through whatever unresponsive skeleton crew remains of Apple's review team before the December deadline, would merely leave Sessions deprecated walking dead for some unknowable temporary reprieve.

Safari App Extensions are, as ever, a developmental dead end for Sessions, unable to support even its most basic functionality. If you desire session management, do not use Safari.

I was not expecting the release of Safari 12 yesterday, a week before Mojave. I had to rush to put together an exporter for users, and have since been fielding emails from unsuspecting upgraders.

foucist commented 5 years ago

Ugh. Safari upgraded silently on me, and whammo.. no more session extension. What a bummer!

Thanks a ton for making the extension.. It was lovely to use!

And thanks for the quick turnaround on making an exporter!