Closed juancresc closed 6 years ago
There is no need to install anything manually in this fashion. As per the install docs, you can just type:
cpanm --installdeps .
And that will take care of the dependencies. Concerning HTSlib, you don't need to install this manually. When you run "perl Makefile.PL" this should be handled for you.
If you ran those commands, did you find that the installation was broken after you ran make test
I should note that a working C compiler and the program make
are required to build from source, among some other core libraries. This may have been part of the issue.
thank you for the clarification. I missed that command
No worries, thank you for the response. I know there are quite a few dependencies but I've tried to make it as automated as possible.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I've installed tephra manually, maybe I did something wrong or missed something, but i had to install many modules and libs for using it:
sudo apt-get install libmoosex-perl libpath-class-perl libgsl-dev libmoose-perl cpan Parallel::ForkManager cpan Bio::GFF3::LowLevel cpan YAML::Tiny cpan Bio::DB::HTS::Kseq cpan Log::Log4perl cpan App::Cmd cpan Path::Class cpan Log::Any cpan DateTime cpan Lingua::EN::Inflect cpan List::UtilsBy cpan Number::Range cpan Set::IntervalTree cpan Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl
I've also had a hard time installing htslib. This is why I'd suggest to use the docker option (in our case it was not possible at the time)