sestoft / C5

C5 generic collection library for C#/.NET
MIT License
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Where is the documentation for version 2? #7

Closed hickford closed 11 years ago

hickford commented 12 years ago

Hi. This appears to be a fantastic library, but where is the documentation?

The homepage at links to detailed documentation for "Version 1.1.0 of 2008-02-10" . Where is the documentation for the current major version (version 2)?

ondfisk commented 12 years ago

Hi Matt,

The documentation has not been updated for 2.0. My report describing the changes from 1.1 to 2.0 is available here:

Hope that helps.

sestoft commented 12 years ago

Hi Matt,

Hi. Where is the documentation for this library?

The homepage at links to documentation for "Version 1.1.0 of 2008-02-10" , a different MAJOR version

Yes, sadly I did not get around to updating the comprehensive documentation (the technical report) along with the step from 1.1 to 2.0 of C5.

Most of the documentation is still correct. Chiefly, the "old" C5 type families Fun<> and Act<> etc. have been replaced by the (uglier) .NET type families Func<> and Action<>, which .NET acquired in version 3.0.

Similarly, to be CLS-compliant, some method overloading on ret and out had to be removed.

All this is documented in Rasmus Nielsen's report.


hickford commented 12 years ago

Ok, thanks for your answers. I read 'the book' when I started using the library, it's admirably thorough. However I didn't read the changes report and ended up being bitten trying to serialise something.

Documentation can be built using Sandcastle ( and Sandcastle Help File Builder (, and the C5.shfbproj file.

Where can I read this documentation online?

ondfisk commented 12 years ago

Hi Matt,

The Sandcastle documentation is not online either, however, it's pretty straightforward to build it yourself. Also XML comments and source is available through NuGet, so you can F12 into the source when you get the package.

Serialization has been removed to be able to support multiple platforms like Silverlight and Windows Phone. This is somewhat controversial and might be reinstated in a later release, if somebody finds a good cross-platform solution for it. You're most welcome to try and send me a pull request :)