sethcottle / tabcloser

TabCloser automatically closes redirected tabs for Asana, Discord, Figma, Linear, Notion, Slack, Spotify, VS Code Live Share, Webex, and Zoom.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

support for aws vpn client #5

Open jahlbornG opened 5 months ago

jahlbornG commented 5 months ago

i wonder if you would be willing to add support for the aws vpn client? when it is done authenticating, it leaves an authentication successful tab with the url "".

sethcottle commented 5 months ago

@jahlbornG is a loopback address—I'd be a little wary to add in detection to auto close any localhost addresses. For example, my VS Code Live Server runs at

I would need to do more research into possibly just looking for an port 35001, to see if that is unique to the AWS VPN client. If other services a user could have locally that could leverage that port (like looking at a localhost camera feed), I would not feel comfortable adding that to TabCloser. I'll do some legwork on 35001, but it does look like it's registered to ReadyTech (looking at the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) so it could be used a bit more broadly.

jahlbornG commented 5 months ago

well, TabCloser has the ability to turn closing on and off for a given type. you could have it default to off and then users could turn it on if it fits their use case

jahlbornG commented 5 months ago

@sethcottle any chance of adding it as an "opt-in" url?

sethcottle commented 4 months ago

Heads-up, that I'm still looking into this! I'll likely be able to add it in, just haven't had the time since there's a little more changes I need to make to background.js than usual to disabled this one entry by default.