sethcottle / tabcloser

TabCloser automatically closes redirected tabs for Asana, Discord, Figma, Linear, Notion, Slack, Spotify, VS Code Live Share, Webex, and Zoom.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

can't read slack api docs #6

Closed jahlbornG closed 4 months ago

jahlbornG commented 4 months ago

tab closer will close any slack api docs, e.g. "".

sethcottle commented 4 months ago

Thanks so much for for catching this and so sorry you encountered it! I had just done some work on the regex for Slack a few weeks ago to avoid some other issues with it, this was not one of them. I just published a commit to fix this:


With this update to the regex, api\\.slack\\.com is added right after slack\\.com within the negative lookahead assertion (?!(...)). This ensures that any URL that starts with will not be matched by the regular expression, and won't be closed by TabCloser! I'll get this bundled as a manual release here on GitHuib and submit the update to the Chrome Web Store and the Edge Add On store!

In the meantime, if you want to wait for the update, just disabled Slack in the TabCloser menu.


sethcottle commented 4 months ago

Release was published on GitHub for this if you'd like to manually update the extension.

sethcottle commented 4 months ago

v2.7.6 pending on the Chrome Web Store and Edge Add-ons store. Thanks again!
