sethfair / logseq-focus-mode

The Focus Mode plugin for Logseq allows you to quickly switch into a distraction-free "zen" mode by toggling into full-screen and hiding elements like the sidebar or properties section.
MIT License
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Feature request: Automatic focus mode after XX minutes #24

Open JustAnotherTill opened 4 months ago

JustAnotherTill commented 4 months ago

Hello and thank you for the great plugin! 🤗

TL;DR: I would like to have a function that automatically switches to focus mode after I have left it. The function should have the following setting options:

  1. On/Off switch for this feature
  2. configurable time in minutes for the automatic change


I prefer to work exclusively in focus mode, but I open pages in the right sidebar on a regular basis and then often forget to hide the right sidebar again using the "t r" key combination. I think it would be great if the plugin would automatically switch back to focus mode after a freely selectable time. What do you think?