In 733ab44d9470d6d4f11e71c7dd22b41987698838 Poetry's modern installer was disabled. This was to avoid the following error during a poetry install:
• Installing cadquery-ocp (7.7.0a0): Failed
In /home/user/.cache/pypoetry/artifacts/d4/3a/a2/5bab70f270aecbf24be39a87376515eafcb88f717fca7180d804b6543b/cadquery_ocp-7.7.0a0-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_31_x86_64.whl, LICENSES_bundled.txt is
not mentioned in RECORD
at ~/.local/share/pypoetry/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/installer/ in get_contents
154│ if item.filename[-1:] == "/": # looks like a directory
155│ continue
157│ record = record_mapping.pop(item.filename, None)
→ 158│ assert record is not None, "In {}, {} is not mentioned in RECORD".format(
159│ self._zipfile.filename,
160│ item.filename,
161│ ) # should not happen for valid wheels
Once cadquery-ocp has been fixed the modern installer should be enabled.
Modern installation was introduced with Poetry 1.4.0.
In 733ab44d9470d6d4f11e71c7dd22b41987698838 Poetry's modern installer was disabled. This was to avoid the following error during a
poetry install
:Once cadquery-ocp has been fixed the modern installer should be enabled.
Modern installation was introduced with Poetry 1.4.0.