sethforprivacy / simple-monerod-docker

A simple and straightforward Dockerized monerod built from source and exposing standard ports.
MIT License
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Syncing gets stuck, and container reports unhealthy. #82

Closed helloeverything1 closed 1 year ago

helloeverything1 commented 1 year ago

I set the container up for the first time, syncing to hard drives because I don't have a large enough SSD for it. However, it has been syncing for a day or two now, and still hasn't finished. Every 15-20 minutes, the container will fix itself and sync for a few seconds, but then it stops again and waits another 15-20 min. I installed iotop, and the monerod process is using 99.99% of IO most of the time, although it seems to drop down when it starts syncing again. Whats going on here?

kn0wmad commented 1 year ago

The HDD is almost certainly your problem. Is this hooked up via USB? Start9 highly recommends an SSD (and recommends against spinning disks), especially for disk intensive operations such as the IBD of cryptocurrency nodes.

Another consideration is power delivery especially if this is a raspberry pi or similar small board computer.

helloeverything1 commented 1 year ago

ahh, well, its a zfs mirrored drive that is connected to the VM that docker runs on with NFS, so all those steps must be slowing it way down. Will it be ok-ish once the node is synced, or will it always have awful performance?

kn0wmad commented 1 year ago

Just realized what repo this was in. Sorry I thought it was the StartOS Monero package. You might be alright following IBD, but a complex setup can certainly cause issues. I'll default to the repo owner for recommendations here.

sethforprivacy commented 1 year ago

ahh, well, its a zfs mirrored drive that is connected to the VM that docker runs on with NFS, so all those steps must be slowing it way down. Will it be ok-ish once the node is synced, or will it always have awful performance?

It will be fine once it's done with IBD, but definitely not a recommended setup for a performant node. If you can wait a week or so for IBD then you'll be OK, though.