sethtrain / raven-clj

A Clojure interface to Sentry
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Bump cheshire to 5.9.0 #29

Closed kwrooijen closed 4 years ago

kwrooijen commented 4 years ago

When including the latest version of raven-clj (1.6.0-alpha4) I get the following error when starting my application:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.requiresPropertyOrdering()Z

The underlying reason for this seems to be an old version of cheshire. When inspecting with lein deps :tree, raven-clj is including cheshire version 5.0.1.

[raven-clj "1.6.0-alpha4"] -> [cheshire "5.0.1"] -> [com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core "2.1.1"]

When bumping this to the latest version ([cheshire "5.9.0"]) the issue is resolved.

martinklepsch commented 4 years ago

Did this issue not occur for you with releases prior to 1.6.0-alpha4 or is that just the only release you’ve used so far?

kwrooijen commented 4 years ago

This is the only release I've used so far.

Edit: Maybe the reason is because I'm using lein / project.clj instead of boot? The project.clj cheshire seems to be outdated.

Edit2: Nevermind, the boot version is outdated.

martinklepsch commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Released with 1.6.0 🙂