sethvincent / awesome-virtual-dom

Modules & resources related to the virtual-dom module.
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Where is virtual-dom used? #3

Open sethvincent opened 8 years ago

sethvincent commented 8 years ago

What companies / applications use virtual-dom?

It would be interesting to have some kind of "virtual-dom in the wild" section but I'm realizing I don't know of examples beyond the ones I've been working on (editdata / millrun).

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

Do contractors count as companies?

sethvincent commented 8 years ago

Probably? I guess I'm looking for specific websites that are constructed with virtual-dom.

Possibly related: the awesome-peer-to-peer list has a "people" section that perhaps we should adopt for this list.

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

Oh yeah, people would be nice (':