sethvincent / virtual-app

Provides redux-like, unidirectional state management paired with virtual-dom.
MIT License
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web workers #4

Open sethvincent opened 8 years ago

sethvincent commented 8 years ago

I like what's happening in these examples:

Using web workers to diff virtual dom & dom seems like a good way to keep things fast.

Supporting web workers would mean altering virtual-raf or using a different module, though. Because of that I think this is a low priority for now, but still definitely worth exploring at some point.

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

yeah, this is a cool idea. See also (uses virtual-dom)

sethvincent commented 8 years ago

Oh, cool! Added to list.

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

sickest implementation I've seen - actor model in the browser - @orodio had 4 cores ramping up to 100% while keeping the main (UI) thread running smoothly at 60fps. We should adopt the shit out of this

yoshuawuyts commented 8 years ago

cc/ @colingourlay check out James' project - it's so sick

colingourlay commented 8 years ago

@yoshuawuyts ahhhhh, @orodio, one of my favourite JS mad scientists