sethwebster / GoogleMaps.LocationServices

A simple library (including Nuget Package) for Google Maps geolocation and reverse geolocation
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Help Wanted: Build with Multi-Targeting #32

Closed sethwebster closed 4 years ago

sethwebster commented 5 years ago

I no longer use Windows and can't build a version for net461 or other windows-specific targets.

I've build this for net standard 2.1 but need help with getting multi-targeting working.

Anyone available to help?

fluffynuts commented 5 years ago

I can help with this -- have done this for a few of my packages in, eg; the difficulty is that I assume you'd like to multi-target your nuget packages -- which means you'd need a windows machine (or vm) to build them using multi-targeted csproj files. Do you have a windows machine/vm available? Would you be looking for someone to build packages too?

sethwebster commented 5 years ago

I'd need someone to build packages too :\

Thanks for offering to help :)

iliDaedalus commented 4 years ago

1year and 3months later.. Do you guys have any news/update?

fluffynuts commented 4 years ago

Eh, I kinda forgot about this... I can also (probably) build packages -- the fun is going to be in distributing the package.

However, before anyone even goes down that road: I've had quite a reasonable bit of success with a props file which can direct msbuild to find .net framework from a local install of Mono. It works for NExpect, and mostly for PeanutButter, where the outliers in the latter are incredibly windows-specific. I can't take credit for this -- I found it somewhere online (forget where). I don't know what OS you're working on, but the original post mentioned working with OSX, and this definitely works with Gentoo Linux.

You can use by unpacking and adding something like:

<Import Project="MonoForFramework.targets"/>

to the affected project. Don't forget to update your csproj with something like


as well -- of course, selecting the frameworks you'd like to target (:

sethwebster commented 4 years ago

MacOS... I'll see what I can do some time soon.

sethwebster commented 4 years ago

@iliDaedalus - I assume you've moved on but yeah, it's targeted at dotnet standard now so should work everywhere. So sorry for the delay. Wasn't on Windows for a long time.